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Extra LoL Wiki icon data for Chapters

Creator: Lulu Mushroom Teas December 13, 2022 5:58am
Lulu Mushroom Teas's Forum Avatar
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Nov 16th, 2021
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 13, 2022 5:58am | Report

I love this writing system on MOBAFire that can bring icons like Tanks

But as I keep writing Chapters, I occasionally discover that certain LoL concepts which are very basal don't benefit from icons reference.

So for example, I took the following concepts from:
where there are 'Sub-Classes' of the Champion Classes (like the Assassins from the Slayers). Although on that Wiki page, they don't seem to benefit from specialized icons on their own, their concept is quite interesting; also, sometimes we can see that MOBAFire makes use of different icons which I guess are from a previous reference —although maybe still valuable.

- Enchanter
- Catcher
- Juggernaut
- Diver
- Burst
- Battlemage
- Artillery
Marksman (btw, plural Marksmen or Marksmans?)
- Assassin
- Skirmisher
- Vanguard
- Warden

Another thing that I feel like is missing and that would be quite useful on a Guide would be some Stats concepts, from recognizable icons that we are all more or less familiar with; such as:
Magic Resistance
Movement Speed
Attack Speed
Ability Haste
Critical Strike Chance
and etc. or their abbreviation (such as AH)

That I visualize in here (although I'm more familiar with the in-game colored icons for those):

It's certainly not anything essential and probably few Guides would know how to make good use of those sort of more in-depth iconic references. Personally, I like to give lot a of attention to those tiny details; I never lose the chance to recall an icon if it is available —it makes the reading content so much richer and attractive in my opinion.

Do you think some update could be made at some point in the future, in relation to these iconic data?

Best Regards.
Fruxo's Forum Avatar
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Oct 19th, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 13, 2022 6:36am | Report
Hey @ Lulu Mushroom Teas!

While some of these might not be entirely needed to add, I can definitely look to add some of them, if not most soon. :)

As for the stat concepts, it's difficult to find an icon that fits each one you mentioned, but I'm also not entirely opposed to the idea, so we'll see.
Thanks to Jovy for the sig!
Lulu Mushroom Teas's Forum Avatar
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Nov 16th, 2021
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 14, 2022 6:10am | Report
Fruxo wrote:
Hey @ Lulu Mushroom Teas!
While some of these might not be entirely needed to add, I can definitely look to add some of them, if not most soon. :)
As for the stat concepts, it's difficult to find an icon that fits each one you mentioned, but I'm also not entirely opposed to the idea, so we'll see.

¡Yay! Thanks, Fruxo.

I'm already excited about some plausible updates on that field.


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