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The forums need some reorganization!

Creator: MrCuddowls July 22, 2013 4:53pm
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MrCuddowls's Forum Avatar
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May 31st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 22, 2013 4:53pm | Report
Please read this with an open mind. I'm not trying to insult, berate or offend anyone.

I think it would be much better to separate the off topic board from the "Mobafire" section and make it into it's own section. The off topic is unorganized and should really be given just as much attention as the rest of the forum. The Create and Share section is just unrelated. The boards have no relevance to each other, it seems like an extra section (an extra useless feature) if anything.

Instead of the three sections:

League of legends
Create and Share

We have these 3 sections:

League of Legends
Off Topic

In each section There is the following:

League of Legends
- News
- Theory Crafting
- Competitive Scene
- Beginners and Mentoring (People can ask questions and others can announce that they are willing to mentor)
- Gameplay and Champion discussion (People can talk about champions, jungle routes, laning, teamfights, etc.)
- League of Legends Art and Videos (People can post their artwork, make LoL specific signatures, or show off their videos. Everything must be related to League of Legends)
- Champion and Item Ideas

The General Discussion board doesn't make sense. The description is vague and people are more often then not confused on whether they should post something there or in a different board or even section. It makes more sense to make more specific boards so that people don't get confused about where to post and to make browsing easier so that you know exactly what to expect when you enter a certain board. When you enter the General Discussion section you have literally no idea what is going to show up, whether it be art or a talk about how the game play. New Player Help and Mentoring boards should be combined. They are both at educating people on aspects of the game play. Champions and Items are an aspect of league of legends. Having them in a section completely separate from League of Legends makes no sense.

- Introductions (People can introduce themselves)
- Inhouses and Matchmaking (People can try to find a party or join a scheduled in house)
- MobafireTV
- Database and Support
- Signature Shops
- Build and Guide Discussion
- Livestreams

I didn't want to change much here, especially since you guys worked on hard on MobafireTV and I actually like it. The only thing is that it makes no sense to have matchmaking in the same board as introductions. Inhouses and Matchmaking should be made into a single board because they are both aimed at getting people into game with others to play with through the Mobafire forums. Build and Guide discussion should be moved here because it is about making guides on Mobafire.

Off Topic
- Music, TV, Videos, Books, Anime and Manga (or just simply "Entertainment")
- Politics, Recent events and Debate
- Graphics and Art
- Interactive Media and Gaming
- Technology and Science
- Real life and Homework Help

This seems pretty self explanatory. The forums all in all will look like this:

League of Legends
- News
- Theory Crafting
- Competitive Scene
- Beginners and Mentoring
- Gameplay and Champion discussion
- League of Legends Art and Videos
- Champion and Item Ideas

- Introductions
- Inhouses and Matchmaking
- MobafireTV
- Signature Shops
- Database and Support
- Build and Guide Discussion
- Livestreams

Off Topic
- Music, TV, Videos, Books, Anime and Manga (or just simply "Entertainment")
- Politics, Recent events and Debate
- Graphics and Art
- Interactive Media and Gaming
- Technology and Science
- Real life and Homework Help
<MOBAFire Mother>
jhoijhoi's Forum Avatar
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 22, 2013 5:27pm | Report
I like the majority of your ideas (especially adding sections for things like "technology and science" etc and combining some forums like matchmaking), but there are some I don't like. Mainly the signatures aspect. Most sig makers would not like to have to maintain two separate signature stores.

But I do agree, a forum reorganisation would be great. In particular I'd like a forum for "Homework Help" for Off Topic. I know it's not related to MobaFire, but we have had some people asking for help with assessment.
guide writing tips 'n tricksashes to ashesfancy a sig?

♡ sig by Jovy ♡
<Retired Admin>
PsiGuard's Forum Avatar
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Jun 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 22, 2013 7:03pm | Report
Sigs, graphics and art should probably be in the Mobafire section since sig shops are generally used by mobafire users for their guides or signatures.

Anime and Manga seems way too specific for a subforum. Should be absorbed by the entertainment subforum.

The rest of your ideas seem pretty good, though I don't really look forward to the monitoring the "debates". :P
Thanks to Lugignaf for the sig!
IceCreamy's Forum Avatar
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Aug 14th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 22, 2013 7:04pm | Report
Seems like a good idea, I think that you can put all art and vids together though.

a Homework Central seems great too :)

Also support and database can go together.

DuffTime wrote:
ok ok plz carry me omg
i was only waiting for you to ask

Temzilla wrote:
Too hot to be icecream.

Luther3000 wrote:
He looks like a hair gel advert on legs

Toshabi wrote:
Icecreamy, with hair as slick and smooth as the ocean waves of Cocobana
<Retired Admin>
PsiGuard's Forum Avatar
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Jun 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 22, 2013 7:09pm | Report
Maybe just a subforum in offtopic for IRL stuff including homework. Currently there's no place to make random threads about things in your life that other people might want to discuss.
Thanks to Fatelblade for the sig!
MrCuddowls's Forum Avatar
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May 31st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 22, 2013 7:35pm | Report
jhoijhoi wrote:

Mainly the signatures aspect. Most sig makers would not like to have to maintain two separate signature stores.

PsiGuard wrote:

Sigs, graphics and art should probably be in the Mobafire section since sig shops are generally used by mobafire users for their guides or signatures.

How do you feel about having a "Signature shops" board in the Mobafire section to accommodate all this nicely. There is no easy way because there has to be a place for people to post their random non League art so there has to be an art section in off topic.


Anime and Manga seems way too specific for a subforum. Should be absorbed by the entertainment subforum.

Well there is another way of doing this. We can have it merged into the Entertainment board but the board will have to be open freely to constant new threads about anime and manga should people feel like making a new thread (Discussion threads for every new episode of Shingeki no Kyojin for example). It really isn't fun having to limit all our anime discussion to a single thread so being able to make threads openly needs to be allowed.

IceCreamy wrote:

A Homework Central seems great too :)

jhoijhoi wrote:

In particular I'd like a forum for "Homework Help" for Off Topic.

Well Psi suggested an IRL area that also covers homework, so how do you feel about something like "Real life and Homework Help"


The rest of your ideas seem pretty good, though I don't really look forward to the monitoring the "debates"

Dont't worry, Canoes is banned.
MrCuddowls's Forum Avatar
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May 31st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 26, 2013 4:42pm | Report
Bump The forum neeeeeeeeds this.
<Retired Admin>
Mowen's Forum Avatar
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Nov 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 27, 2013 10:40am | Report
My main concern with adding so many Off Topic forums is that the forum list is already quite long, and all the private forums appear at the bottom of the entire list. People already have to scroll to check the private forums.

I do like some of the ones you merged. I wanted to merge them myself last time I organized the forum but you need to run a script to move all of one forum's contents into another which we didn't have at the time (I think we have it now).

I wonder if we should just get rid of the Introductions forum entirely? Not that many people use it for that and not many people check it to welcome people.

Also, should there not be a catchall forum for offtopic? Since you never know what will come up. I also think we don't need quite so many. So my suggested changes would be:

League of Legends
- News
- Gameplay Discussion
- Theory Crafting
- Competitive Scene
- New Player Help and Mentoring
- Art, Videos, and Streams
- Champion and Item Ideas

- Inhouses and Matchmaking
- MobafireTV
- Signatures and Art
- Database and Support

Off Topic
- Other Games
- Media and Entertainment
- Politics and Recent Events
- Technology and Science
- Other

So, I would consider art in off topic as part of media and entertainment (remember we can put little descriptions below each forum to make it clear). I combined or got rid of some of the other forums. I took out IRL and Homework mostly because it's pretty much asking for trouble / trolling to encourage people to ask for help with IRL stuff, but if they really want to they can still do it in Other. Homework help can be asked in whatever the most relevant Off Topic forum is for the subject.
Thanks to GrandMasterD for my sig!
mastrer1000's Forum Avatar
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Jan 3rd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 27, 2013 10:53am | Report
today i learned where to join inhouses :D


also check out my Ryze guide
<Exceptional Editor>
BarbJ's Forum Avatar
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Sep 13th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 27, 2013 11:07am | Report
Need to keep inhouses separate from matchmaking I think. Since the inhouses are organized, I'd prefer not to have the official inhouse threads mixed in with 'general matchmaking' and 'LF xyz player' threads.
"You sound just like Pythagoras."
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