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AP mid, counters and stuff

Creator: grizzfang February 25, 2012 8:57am
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Lugignaf's Forum Avatar
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 26, 2012 12:05pm | Report
I just remembered, I take Long Sword and a single Mana Potion on Ezreal. I usually end up winning the lane.

Just because it's weird, doesn't mean it doesn't work.
Luther3000's Forum Avatar
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Jun 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 26, 2012 12:10pm | Report
You are a crazy man.
Lugignaf's Forum Avatar
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 26, 2012 12:12pm | Report
Insanity is just genius not being recognized properly.
Luther3000's Forum Avatar
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Jun 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 26, 2012 12:14pm | Report
That's just what crazy people tell themselves to convince themselves they aren't crazy. :P
<Retired Admin>
PsiGuard's Forum Avatar
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Jun 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 26, 2012 12:28pm | Report
Counters to Lux (from my own experience):

Ahri is really hard to pin down and you won't be able to proc Illuminate without taking a combo to the face. If you don't land your snare, she can just zip around you with her ultimate, making her almost impossible to hit with your skillshots.

Talon is a dreaded anti-caster. He can blink past your skills, silence you and unload really high burst that can one-shot you if he starts to snowball. His ult makes him difficult to track and he's hard to kite with his blink which is a silence and an instant gap-closer. Rake is also a strong harass tool in lane.

LeBlanc can be a problem simply because she has so much burst and mobility. She can dodge and juke your abilities quite easily if she's quick, she has her own silence and gap closer and if she's even a little bit fed she'll be able to nuke you down really quickly. Early game is also her strong suit, while Lux shines (ha ha) more around mid-late game.

Kassadin is a pain for obvious reasons, but he's pretty much permabanned in the games I play.

Easy lanes as Lux:

Malzahar has no way to dodge skillshots, you completely outrange him, his silence is fairly easy to dodge, you can shield his Malefic Visions and a Quicksilver Sash makes short work of his ultimate.

Gragas has pretty long cooldowns on his harass abilities, you can match his harass in lane and your snare disables his dash. If you can snare him after he misses his barrel you can deal some serious damage with 2 procs of Illumination. His ult can be a problem in team fights, but usually you'll be tough to pick off since your range is so high.

Ryze isn't really an easy lane, but Lux is one of the best champions against him that I've seen. She's one of the few champions that doesn't get dominated by his mid-range DPS and you can shield both his W and Q if you time it right. Late game you'll be able to pick him off without ever stepping into range of his snare. He's not a weak opponent, but he's a lot less powerful than he is against most mid-range mages.

Swain's abilities are outranged by yours and rather easy to dodge in lane. If you play smart and avoid his CC, he doesn't deal much damage. His health sustain is rather annoying, but he's even more blue dependent than you and takes longer to deal his damage in fights. Late game you should be able to burst him before he can regen his lost health (with some help from your team of course). Your CC also hinders the effectiveness of his ultimate since he has to stick close to his target in order to keep up his damage.

Ziggs is an annoying opponent, but he has trouble making good use of his harass if he's not fairly close to his target. His laning phase is also fairly weak and mana hungry, so your fragile early game won't be in much danger. He usually won't have time to satchel himself away before you land your combo, so you should have no problem killing him when he's low enough. Late game he's pretty strong, especially with blue, but Lux is one of the few casters that can actually nail him while he's behind the safety of his team. These two champions are actually fairly similar, so he won't be able to capitalize on your weaknesses as well as more aggressive early game champions.

Zilean is probably a decent lane, though to be honest I haven't laned against one in ages. You can shield his bombs and he doesn't have much followup, allowing you to deal your own harass without much difficulty. You have 2 CCs to prevent his escape and pin him after he ults himself. Winning your lane probably depends on whether you can cope with his harass or not. Late game Lux is a pretty good counter since her abilities are all multi-target or AoE, while Zilean's ult counters more single-target bursty casters.

I hope that answers your question (sorry it got kinda convoluded). I'd give you my opinion on Malzahar, but I've played so little of him that all I can say is he's countered by Lux pretty decently.
Thanks to Jovy for the sig!
abzilla's Forum Avatar
Sep 30th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 26, 2012 7:58pm | Report
Lux and Malzahar can counter short range mages, and mages that have no sustain (life back/pots). you can do this easily by poking them with spells. If you really want to hurt their cs keep taking all your minions and push their lanes to the tower. be wary that you can get ganked this way. make sure you can poke them at their towers or else they'll be able to farm with safety.

as for counters against these champs, anything is possible if you let the enemy mage keep up their cs. a Ryze that has items can dish out so much damage, and a Veigar... yeesh.

as for champs that give you difficulty, like ones with their own long rnage spells like Brand, i would use champs that can keep sustain going; vladamir, Fiddlesticks, Swain.

good luck!!

Click +Rep if you thought I was helpful please! Also check out my Ryze build!
I will Ryze to the occasion... hur hur
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