1. Level 1 you're not abusing the damage of your Sweeping Blade stacks, if even using it in the first place, people really underestimate the power of a fully stacked e + auto, early game and I don't understand why, it chunks a hefty amount due to the lack of MR most mid laners run. You also took Wind Wall at level 3 and ranked it up at 4 a second time, you fixed this at level 5 and put a point into Steel Tempest, but for future reference be wary of what you're ranking up, that's decent damage lost.
My point order unless against something I absolutely need wind wall pronto for is something like this
-> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> ->
2. After level 3 Yasuo pre Statikk Shiv can't really out right duel a Katarina in most cases so you should try to let them shove you under tower, keep the rule of thumb to last hitting under tower in the back of your mind.
Melee, two tower shots, one auto for last hit
Caster, one auto before tower shot, tower shot, one auto for last hit(Before you start your Blade of the Ruined King/ Bloodthirster)
Cannons, Seven tower shots
3. After your enemy's mid tower is down, you should try roaming to other lanes and either forcing objectives, or farming enemy side jungle, don't farm your own side jungle if you can help it due to respawn timers, early game this is a good way to get your jungler behind.
4. Keep an eye on enemy carries, try to stack Steel Tempest off the front line and use your Sweeping Blade+ Steel Tempest into Last Breath combo on them whenever a moment presents itself where you can likely survive, if you can't survive the dive, try to think out if you'll at least take the carry with you, and if so, how worth would it be to do so?
(Not asked for, but felt I'd include it)
5. I would recommend building a life steal item before getting your Infinity Edge unless you're deleting enemies so quickly that the life steal wouldn't benefit you immediately. Blade of the Ruined King is usually the 'goto' that I see as it provides attack speed, and the active which makes dueling easier for you. Bloodthirster offers more raw damage but makes dueling a bit more difficult if you don't already have the shield built up. Also you didn't appear to reach it in this game specifically, but try to upgrade your boots into Mercury's Treads or Ninja Tabi despite popular belief you do NOT need Berserker's Greaves on Yasuo. After your Statikk Edge of the Ruined King-core items, I generally see people opt for Randuin's Omen and either Banshee's Veil or Guardian Angel for last item, but you could opt for more damage as well. Such as Maw of Malmortius, and/or Mercurial Scimitar.
My point order unless against something I absolutely need wind wall pronto for is something like this
-> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> ->
2. After level 3 Yasuo pre Statikk Shiv can't really out right duel a Katarina in most cases so you should try to let them shove you under tower, keep the rule of thumb to last hitting under tower in the back of your mind.
Melee, two tower shots, one auto for last hit
Caster, one auto before tower shot, tower shot, one auto for last hit(Before you start your Blade of the Ruined King/ Bloodthirster)
Cannons, Seven tower shots
3. After your enemy's mid tower is down, you should try roaming to other lanes and either forcing objectives, or farming enemy side jungle, don't farm your own side jungle if you can help it due to respawn timers, early game this is a good way to get your jungler behind.
4. Keep an eye on enemy carries, try to stack Steel Tempest off the front line and use your Sweeping Blade+ Steel Tempest into Last Breath combo on them whenever a moment presents itself where you can likely survive, if you can't survive the dive, try to think out if you'll at least take the carry with you, and if so, how worth would it be to do so?
(Not asked for, but felt I'd include it)
5. I would recommend building a life steal item before getting your Infinity Edge unless you're deleting enemies so quickly that the life steal wouldn't benefit you immediately. Blade of the Ruined King is usually the 'goto' that I see as it provides attack speed, and the active which makes dueling easier for you. Bloodthirster offers more raw damage but makes dueling a bit more difficult if you don't already have the shield built up. Also you didn't appear to reach it in this game specifically, but try to upgrade your boots into Mercury's Treads or Ninja Tabi despite popular belief you do NOT need Berserker's Greaves on Yasuo. After your Statikk Edge of the Ruined King-core items, I generally see people opt for Randuin's Omen and either Banshee's Veil or Guardian Angel for last item, but you could opt for more damage as well. Such as Maw of Malmortius, and/or Mercurial Scimitar.
Sig by TheNameless ^ Check out my Nasus guide ^
Thank you for the reply, rep given :) Some further questions;
1) With regards to my full stacked E, I usually try not to dash through many minions blindly to build my stacks as I feel like I might push myself into the middle of the enemy wave and take too much damage from them + the champ, making it an uneven trade? Or am I seeing this the complete wrong way? If I dash through too many minions I risk marking one at the front line that I might need to E back through for an escape, no?
2) I messed up my skill order in this video by mistake haha, still getting used to Ctrl + QWER to level abilities (accidentally taking an extra E at 6 has happened to me quite a few times now xD), but thanks for the tip on how to level Yasuo's abilities :)
3) I never know when to get tier 2 boots, any ideas? Also, further, my main goal is to rush IE after stattik, it's true that I do skip lifesteal, but isn't the insane crit boost much more worth than getting a BORK? That will leave my IE very delayed, or would a simple cutlass/scepter do the job to hold me over while I get my IE?
1) With regards to my full stacked E, I usually try not to dash through many minions blindly to build my stacks as I feel like I might push myself into the middle of the enemy wave and take too much damage from them + the champ, making it an uneven trade? Or am I seeing this the complete wrong way? If I dash through too many minions I risk marking one at the front line that I might need to E back through for an escape, no?
2) I messed up my skill order in this video by mistake haha, still getting used to Ctrl + QWER to level abilities (accidentally taking an extra E at 6 has happened to me quite a few times now xD), but thanks for the tip on how to level Yasuo's abilities :)
3) I never know when to get tier 2 boots, any ideas? Also, further, my main goal is to rush IE after stattik, it's true that I do skip lifesteal, but isn't the insane crit boost much more worth than getting a BORK? That will leave my IE very delayed, or would a simple cutlass/scepter do the job to hold me over while I get my IE?
1.Some mid lane players, especially lower levels like to auto minions unnecessarily so I'd imagine you should be fine to use it at your leisure until level 20-ish without shoving in too hard. Minions do not target you if you just Sweeping Blade, if you auto afterwards which I generally do they will however. Generally I only harass with Sweeping Blade/auto and-or Steel Tempest when my shield is up to proc, or procced already and hasn't worn off yet. The only times you can't really abuse Sweeping Blade harass levels 1-2 is against any notable early game ranged assassin. Such as Syndra, Ahri and LeBlanc.
3.It depends really, Bilgewater Cutlass makes dueling pre IE complete safer, but dueling with B. F. Sword/any other IE pre-requisites is possible. I guess ultimately it's sort of preferential. I personally always rush blade before IE unless I'm deleting the opposing mid laner every time I 1v1 them.
As for boots, try to finish them while you're building pre requisites for second item until you can afford to complete the finished item.
3.It depends really, Bilgewater Cutlass makes dueling pre IE complete safer, but dueling with B. F. Sword/any other IE pre-requisites is possible. I guess ultimately it's sort of preferential. I personally always rush blade before IE unless I'm deleting the opposing mid laner every time I 1v1 them.
As for boots, try to finish them while you're building pre requisites for second item until you can afford to complete the finished item.
Sig by TheNameless ^ Check out my Nasus guide ^
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Here is a video of me laning vs Kat (full match but only want critique on my early laning).
She is one champ I hate to be matched up against; I feel like she can push the lane hard and really deny me CS. I try my best to dodge her bouncing blade as much as possible when I thought she was going to use it on my creeps, and I tried to harass when possible, but I feel like she is one of the hardest champs to harass as Yasuo. Maybe it's just me. Basically my questions are;
1) What mistakes do people notice me making in this video? What things could I have done better and what things did I do correctly?
2) As Yasuo (or anyone mid lane in general), if I see my opponent is AAing minions and seeking to push the lane up, how can I counter this? At times I did not mind being pushed close to my turret, but it seems like in this matchup I have no choice but to let her push lane up; it feels like I can't harass her back or get in range to AA minions (she can Q me then mark me and then do sinister steel if I try, doesn't seem worth it :/). Basically, what can I do to counter the lane being pushed on me, if it's hard to push back? Is it possible to push back without giving up too much damage and possibly a kill?
3) After taking out my opponents turret in mid, what should I do? At times in the video (or when I play in general), I get lost as to what to do. Sometimes I go dragon with teammates, or go farm jungle monsters if we have no jungler. Sometimes I roam to top and bot lanes if it looks like I can support or pick up easy kills. Most of the time however I get lost as to what to do, I end up roaming alone and getting killed by stray enemy champ(s). Any ideas?
4) What's my role as Yasuo in a teamfight? Most of the time I stay back, or in the middle, as I know I am quite squishy. I try to block stuff for my team with wind wall, and wait for a knockup. I feel useless in a teamfight when my teammates don't have a knock up, as I have no targets to build my Q up on. Sometimes I can do it on minions and then E into the middle of enemy champs, knock em up and Ult 'em, but then I find myself stuck in the middle of enemies and I die in one second. What can I do to not feed and maximise my utility for my team?
Thanks to everyone for reading and taking the time to help me :)