The quote "I'm here. You're welcome" reminded me of this song:
So I'm down with that, yo.
Q: What's a food you love but don't eat too often so that it stays special?
So I'm down with that, yo.
Q: What's a food you love but don't eat too often so that it stays special?
Kimchi. Damn that taste so good.
In your own opinion, which champion is underrated mostly by the League community?
In your own opinion, which champion is underrated mostly by the League community?
Thanks to MissMaw for the sig!

Sticks and stones may break my bones, b*tch you can't phase me.
Ranked Misadventures
Ranked Misadventures
Chicken and waffles. Seems strange to me, but is a thing in America? Never tried it.
Q: Are you planning on buying your own house?
Q: Are you planning on buying your own house?
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My favourite game is Dragon Age Origins, perhaps just above or tied with Mass Effect, I'm not sure.
Who is your favourite champion in terms of they way they look?