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My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
utopus wrote:
Not bad. What I came up with was to use the example of a idealized sphere rolling down an idealized inclined plane (like a ramp if you will).
If we let go of the ball in the same exact way an infinite number of times, it would land in the same exact place in the exact same time every time we release it in a universe governed by determinism. However, it is possible that the ball simply chooses to exactly model the behavior of a ball under the laws of determinism 100% of the time it's released if this ball exists in a universe governed by free will. As such, it is impossible to disprove that free will doesn't exist without assuming that that environment is already governed by deterministic outcomes. Also, we cannot prove that free will exists without aiming that free will exists.
Basically how do we know the ball is taking the route it is based on free will or determinism? And neither can exist without the other?
I could be an arsehole and let someone else answer it, but the question was just out of curiousity :p
If you would have a pair of identical twins, what amazing name combination would you give them?
If you would have a pair of identical twins, what amazing name combination would you give them?

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Sent to me by my brother who is a decade older than me. He then said "top kek" and I cried.
Stupidest thing you did in school? (primary, secondary, university, etc.)
Edit: Second place https://fat.gfycat.com/IndolentEthicalGermanspaniel.webm
Sent to me by my brother who is a decade older than me. He then said "top kek" and I cried.
Stupidest thing you did in school? (primary, secondary, university, etc.)
Edit: Second place https://fat.gfycat.com/IndolentEthicalGermanspaniel.webm

Primary: In year 5 I didn't know my times tables so used to count them on my fingers - resulted in a lot of my 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 and 12 times tables being wrong. But as there were commonly a lot of <5 times tables on tests and exams, always passed math. Got all the way to year 8 not knowing them, fractions or decimals.
Secondary: Tell a friend a secret, having it blow up to epic proportions resulting in her becoming my worst enemy and being denied attendance to Prom (police were nearly involved too). 7 years later and it was probably the best thing that happened to me, as Patch, Warlemming and myself have been happy ever since.
University: Not changing units before academic penalty. My GPA suffered due to this mistake, twice. No one really tells you that you can just swap units or quit units.
What's your home remedy for easing or curing a cold?
Lots of strong ginger tea, as in brewing fresh ginger in boiling water, with honey (it takes some getting used to because it can honestly be spicy, but I love drinking it just for the heck of it now), peppermint tea, and hot soup. Any hot tea with honey (NOT sugar, that doesn't do much of anything to help that just the straight hot tea doesn't already do) will do a pretty good job of helping to relieve a sore throat though and adding lemon juice will help cut the gunk in your throat, as well. Ginger and peppermint teas are also great for upset stomachs (peppermint tea will make you burp though, fair warning).
If you could recommend a single book series that you think everyone should read at least once in its entirety what would it be?
If you could recommend a single book series that you think everyone should read at least once in its entirety what would it be?
Kingkiller series, by Patrick Rothfuss, very entertaining and humorous, not necessary a must, but you have to hand it to the author for be able to portrait a rather overtly entitled main character in a very humane and likable way.
Biggest hungover?
P/s:Try to steam the ginger or tea leaves before brewing, this will help the bring out the taste and nutrition.
Biggest hungover?
P/s:Try to steam the ginger or tea leaves before brewing, this will help the bring out the taste and nutrition.
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Not bad. What I came up with was to use the example of a idealized sphere rolling down an idealized inclined plane (like a ramp if you will).
If we let go of the ball in the same exact way an infinite number of times, it would land in the same exact place in the exact same time every time we release it in a universe governed by determinism. However, it is possible that the ball simply chooses to exactly model the behavior of a ball under the laws of determinism 100% of the time it's released if this ball exists in a universe governed by free will. As such, it is impossible to disprove that free will doesn't exist without assuming that that environment is already governed by deterministic outcomes. Also, we cannot prove that free will exists without aiming that free will exists.