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Daughter Water [Gender Pay Inequality]

Creator: jhoijhoi October 1, 2014 10:43pm
Jimmydoggga 2.0
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Sep 5th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 3, 2014 8:03am | Report
Hiring an older woman instead of a younger woman because the older one is less likely to be pregnant is perfectly fine. And hiring a man over a woman who may want to become pregnant is perfectly fine, as is asking the woman in the job interview if she wants to become pregnant and asking the man if he intends to be a father in the next few years. But it cannot be assumed men make the choices on who to hire based entirely on pregnancy, as Koksei summed up perfectly a few posts back.
Which is why the mentioned fundraiser exists.

Basically MOBAFire.
<MOBAFire Mother>
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 3, 2014 8:06am | Report
Mej: I was intending all along to use the discussion as a basis for one of my classes. I stated in the original post that one of my business classes is learning about employment obligations/rights. My post earlier was my way of asking permission, lol :P If anyone doesn't want their views shared with my class of year 11s, simply say. Otherwise this is a public forum and standard forum rules apply (not to mention this is hosted on the Internet, so available to anyone who wants to read it anyway...).

I'm teaching information privacy/protection to my other class, so I might start a thread related to that sooner or later (though we've already had a lot of deep conversation regarding The Fappening and Heartbleed, so I've planned more theory stuff).

Thanks for contributing :)

Searz: Something I didn't get a chance to mention before is the difference between equality and equity. Some people seem to think that I'm all for "equality". I'm not. I'm for equity.

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sirell's Forum Avatar
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Apr 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 3, 2014 8:07am | Report
Knowing Jhoi, she'll misrepresent everything anyway. She literally misread everything I wrote and/or understood it in a way which she deemed appropriate (or inappropriate, in this case).

YOU were feeling the heat? You were the one who was shooting flameballs from the start (and a fair few of them in one go!). If you're thanking Maw for telling people to tone the insults down, please pause and take a good look at yourself before shutting up. If you're going to use the comments from this 'discussion' to teach your class, then I hope you include the posts where you said my viewpoints were 'old-fashioned, misogynistic, whatever, whatever'. I'm sure the kids will learn greatly about equality from a wonderful role model like you, kappa.

But I would almost be willing to place money that she'd do a lot of editing on her own behalf.

Incidentally, this is an extremely poor way to teach children on employment rights/obligations.
<MOBAFire Mother>
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 3, 2014 8:08am | Report
? This is the document I'm printing (I have yet to colour code it). I'd appreciate it if you calm down Sirell, you're going above and beyond antagonistic now. Edit: Apparently there's so much text you can't read the entire thing (character limit). But rest assured, my students will read everything ^^

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Apr 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 3, 2014 8:10am | Report
And I'd appreciate it if you'd shut up, but we don't all get what we want in life. #inequality.

jhoijhoi wrote:
Please keep this discussion going

You can't pick and choose, dear.
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 3, 2014 8:10am | Report
jhoijhoi wrote:
I know this is a public forum, but before I print off every response to bring with me to class (even the off-topic posts) for my students to discuss, just thought I'd give everyone the opportunity to delete their posts or contact me to omit their quotes from my own posts. I feel that my students will learn a lot about discrimination in the workplace from reading this thread.

(If you participated in this thread, it'd be great - but not necessary - if you could state what country you spent the majority of your life in, so as a class we can discuss any socio-cultural implications of opinions)

As Meiyjhe wrote, please wait for people to give their approval before showing their comments to your class or others.
Just to avoid controversy if nothing else.

You may display my comments freely (even this one) under one condition: that you show the comments in their entirety. I do not want anything I've written taken out of context. Many of the things I write rely on the things I'm quoting to understand.

I even went back and rearranged my previous response to you to make it more structured and easier to read. I'm very satisfied with the things I've written in this thread. (I also changed any all-caps things to bolded text, all-caps is my lazy way of doing bold text)

I grew up in Sweden, a country where equality holds high value. Here's a snippet from Wikipedia:
"Sweden maintains a Nordic social welfare system that provides universal health care and tertiary education for its citizens. It has the world's eighth-highest per capita income and ranks highly in numerous comparisons of national performance, including quality of life, health, education, protection of civil liberties, economic competitiveness, equality, prosperity and human development."
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Janitsu's Forum Avatar
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Jul 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 3, 2014 8:14am | Report
Well if you want to include my comment I live in Finland. I don't see why though as my comment is poorly presented (as I speak rather bad English) and I failed to deliver the main point I was supposed to make.

Thanks to OwenTheAwesomer for the signature =)
<MOBAFire Mother>
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 3, 2014 8:14am | Report
Searz: Unfortunately quotes didn't look right when I copied the text, so I removed quotes - I do think some meaning is lost, but the general gist of everything is there. It'll depend on whether MobaFire is blocked for the students, but it's possible they'll just be able to read the thread themselves at home (they can do some homework and then read some LoL guides :P).
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Jimmydoggga 2.0
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Sep 5th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 3, 2014 8:17am | Report
You wanted a discussion on gender equity and you chose this forum?
I'm not sure whether to be grateful or to be concerned about research in your country.

Basically MOBAFire.
<MOBAFire Mother>
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 3, 2014 8:25am | Report
Jimmy: haha, yeah. I'm actually part of another forum that would have been much more balanced in terms of replies, but I honestly wanted to see what all of you guys thought. Like I said, it was an interesting conversation. I think my students will love it.

What I'm planning to do is watch the video in the OP and then get them to read the Daughter Water article. Following that, the students will discuss their thoughts of the campaign and the intended result. We'll probably end up in a heated discussion as they are pretty intelligent. Once everyone's had their turn to discuss their views, I'll hand out a page each of this thread. Each student will have to summarise the points made in the comments and pick out the main forms of discimination touched upon. These points will then be written on the board under positives/negatives of said disciminations and why they exist.

I'm thinking it'll take a whole lesson. I couldn't have done it without you guys ^^
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