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Manga/Anime You Read/Watch

Creator: Jebus McAzn February 20, 2011 6:30pm
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Hatted's Forum Avatar
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Nov 7th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 9, 2015 10:55am | Report
Only one I think I've ever finished has been Attack on Titan.

Evangelion movies made me cream though.
Bioalchemist's Forum Avatar
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Feb 5th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 9, 2015 12:31pm | Report
xIchi wrote:
Another episode of Boring Horizon zzz.
All this anime has done in its 20 episodes till now was bore me and made me hate all those background characters, with their trivial and non-interesting background stories.

Usually, it is only the MC/Antagonist or a very small number of people having a traumatic/problematic past.

But this anime is trying too hard to give everyone a significant reason to go into full Guilty Crown Suffering Mode.

And then LH trys to make characters appear like badass/crazy or whatever, but fails horribly midway... Making those scenes hella cringe. e.g. Nureha walking happily in the destroyed town, while talking **** like before.
Or that NPC btich acting all crazy and bloodthirsty.

Idk how to describe this, but it was all so halfhearted, laughable zzz.

On the other hand, Death Parade manages to entertain me, even without any red string.
I guess it is just the world and the moral question of judgin dead people, which makes it mostly interesting. (Tho, they have only indicated the morals part. Which is fine as the characters do not even know that their judgement could be wrong).

yeah i dropped LH. got boring. will have to check out death parade.

BTW. if you are looking for something funny, random, ridiculous, with some pervy jokes: 'Ben-To'. Not really the best anime for story and stuff but i thought it was pretty funny.

Thanks to Hogopogo for my signature!

Latest Legend
Latest Legend's Forum Avatar
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Dec 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 9, 2015 5:34pm | Report
Searz wrote:
Certainly looks like your kind of terrible.
Wow, the English title: "Saekano: How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend"

I for one won't touch that **** with a 3-meter pole.
Knowing you I wouldn't advise it to you either xD
When I read the English title I only got more motivated to watch. The pure stupidity of series like this is what I enjoy about them.

Searz wrote:
The ecchi moments or what? Why am I not surprised seeing you writing that? >.>

This series isn't really focused on ecchi cliches, more on stereotype (personality) cliches. Ecchi cliches can be funny toot though.

Maybe because I can't remember not saying that about any series lately. ^^ I guess I can be an optimist.

Searz wrote:
I've been reading a whole bunch of Vagabond myself. I decided to re-read it a month (or two) back since I haven't been keeping up with it and I forgot a lot of stuff that I felt was probably important to remember. I first started reading it about 6 years ago.

It's even better than I remember.
There's a surprising amount of philosophy in it. And it's an interesting snapshot of how life was back then, with some slight spice to make things a little more interesting.
It's really, really good. Almost enough to put it in my top 3, but there's some stiff competition (Berserk, SNK, OP-M), so it probably doesn't make the cut. Still, this is one of the rare gems that I think everybody should read.

I'm currently at almost chapter 300, which is slightly above 30volumes, of the total 37. It's a pretty long read and it's still growing. Looking at the book off which the manga is based it's at the start of book 5 at about volume 35, I think. Which means about 20 volumes more before it's finished.
I'm also considering reading the book: Musashi. I'm curious about the differences and whether it's as good as the manga. But considering how hefty of a read it is at 1000 pages I'll be putting that one on the backburner for now.
I just took a look and immediately read until chapter 31. Pretty interesting. I hope they're not going to leave the past as just a prologue. Maybe I'll finish something like this for once.

I'm afraid I'll have to agree about Log Horizon. I haven't been keeping up either. It's not that I don't like the series, it's just that it doesn't seem to progress in any way. The only reason I've been looking forward to the next episode during the last ones I've watched was that I hoped something would happen instead of hoping to see something get resolved.
********'s a pretty good fertilizer
Joxuu's Forum Avatar
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Apr 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 9, 2015 5:58pm | Report
I'm giving Log Horizon the Fairy Tail treatment which means skipping until I see something worthy of watching. Haven't watched a whole minute of Fairy Tail for over a month though.

"A person giving you advice isn't perfect and has their own shortcomings but they may give you the piece that you're missing."
Bioalchemist's Forum Avatar
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Feb 5th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 10, 2015 9:23am | Report
^ yeah i am in the same boat.

<Ancient Member>
Searz's Forum Avatar
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 10, 2015 4:08pm | Report
Knowing you I wouldn't advise it to you either xD
When I read the English title I only got more motivated to watch. The pure stupidity of series like this is what I enjoy about them.

Don't get me wrong, I can certainly enjoy something bad, but to invest in watching a whole season of it? Hell naw (I only watch anime in seasons, cuz lazy).
I just took a look and immediately read until chapter 31. Pretty interesting. I hope they're not going to leave the past as just a prologue. Maybe I'll finish something like this for once.

They don't.
You should.
"If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford

"I contend we are both atheists, I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours." - Stephen F Roberts
XeresAce's Forum Avatar
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Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 10, 2015 4:27pm | Report
guys plz, log horizon s1 was great. s2 sucked balls :D

And I actually stumbled upon an anime called Earth Maiden Arjuna, aired in 2001 I think. The art is surprisingly nice for that time period, and it was sort of entertaining... idk why I felt so intrigued to watch it, though XD
xIchi's Forum Avatar
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Oct 19th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 11, 2015 6:04am | Report
Watched Arjuna when I was younger, was a mind**** for me back then.

Also watched Ben-To, was fun, idd. Fighting over special offer lunchpacks :'D.

Bout the Broing Girlriend thing.
It was originally a novel and there are like 3 different mangas from different perspectives.
What I get from the anime is that they are trying to fit all perspectives and routes into 1 ****ing cluster**** of fanservice.

Tho, the 2 Mangas that I am following from the same series are to a degree quiet enjoyable.

And yes Lates Legend!

Damn ****. I've been reading the novels they are soooo good. You should do so aswell on baka-tsuki.
Really well translated and fun to read and wow 2nd season developement is gna be so gud q_q
HiFromBuddha's Forum Avatar
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Dec 10th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 11, 2015 6:35am | Report
xIchi wrote:

And yes Lates Legend!

Damn ****. I've been reading the novels they are soooo good. You should do so aswell on baka-tsuki.
Really well translated and fun to read and wow 2nd season developement is gna be so gud q_q

Sadly, I feel like SNAFU will be overshadowed by Nisekoi 2, which is a real shame. Nisekoi's pacing is unbearable at times, which just goes to show that anime fans love a **** tease.
Imma 'bout to end this man's whole career
My rather unimpressive and slowly growing anime list!
Currently watching:
    Kiniro Mosaic
Currently Reading:
    Utsuro no Hako to Zero Maria
    Nisekoi: False Love
Imma 'bout to end this man's whole career
My rather unimpressive and slowly growing anime list!
Currently watching:
    Kiniro Mosaic
Currently Reading:
    Utsuro no Hako to Zero Maria
    Nisekoi: False Love
xIchi's Forum Avatar
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Oct 19th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 11, 2015 6:42am | Report

Sadly, I feel like SNAFU will be overshadowed by Nisekoi 2, which is a real shame. Nisekoi's pacing is unbearable at times, which just goes to show that anime fans love a **** tease.

I enjoyed the Oneshot and the first few chapters of Nisekoi.
After that I dropped it when I think the 3rd girl joined the harem (the butler girl who actually hates men).
Unbearable super generic harem trash that actually lost it's plotline with the amulet/key thing...

But yeh, SNAFU S1 wasn't convincing at all (as the novels were also with little developement)
But I love the way the author goes against all the clichees and stereotypes unlike Nisekoi kek

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