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Creator: Pølsemanden December 8, 2013 1:59pm
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May 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 26, 2014 8:10am | Report

Probably been sleeping but what exactly is Miracle Rogue?

Miracle Rogue in a nutshell.
GrandmasterD's Forum Avatar
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Sep 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 26, 2014 8:20am | Report
YayaFTW wrote:

Miracle Rogue in a nutshell.

Quest accepted!
<Ancient Member>
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 26, 2014 3:06pm | Report
XeresAce wrote:

About the lightspawn thing, it may be unreliable but it's a fun gimmick I like to use :)
I also REALLY like using the auchenai soulpriest (or whatever shes called) + circle of healing \o/

Soulpriest + Circle of Healing is a great combo, so there's no need to feel bad about that one ;)
Injured Blademaster also works great with Circle of Healing. The Blademasters are amazing in general for Priests, you should def run two of them.
YayaFTW wrote:

My attempt at Miracle rogue. Very strong but pretty inconsistent:

Is preparation a must? If so, which cards should I take out for them? Acolytes?

Use a damn deck builder..

Now, as for Miracle Rogue, I'm not even sure you should bother without Preparation. It's the cornerstone of the deck along with Gadgetzan and your win-conditions. That's the sole reason I'm not playing it myself right now, because in all my 400+ card packs I've yet to get a single Preparation. (and I ain't crafting any non-golden cards and there have been other cards I wanted more(like golden Bloodmage, Ysera, Leeroy, Carine, Black Knight, Faceless and Argent Commander), so it's been put on the backburner)

Acolyte of Pain and Coldlight Oracle are cards you'll want to get rid of in favor of Preparation and better card draw, like Bloodmage and Novice Engineer.
This is roughly what I'd run in a Miracle Rogue deck:
""Toshabi took thy **** and strucketh Hotshot in his face 'thou art no god'" Toshabi 3:16" - Toshabi

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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 26, 2014 3:25pm | Report

Here is a Murloc Deck I recently composed. Anyone any tips on that?

Priestess vs Imp; both have pros and cons. Blood Imp has the advantage that he's tough to remove while Young Priestess can be removed easily by spells, even some hero powers. Although Blood Imp doesn't have attack. I think I like Imp better but not 100% on this.

Oracle isn't great and mostly there for draw power. Any draw alternatives that fit the deck? (Suppose Loot Hoarder would fit, or Thalnos).

Didn't think of Sunfury, me gusta. Defender of Argus is also an option but then again, cost 2 more mana.

Probably will re-add the void terror, I like that card a lot as well. Although it has ended up being a dead draw most of the time. I won't toss Jaraxxus, it's a solid card and has saved me countless times already.

Siphon Soul is inefficient but the only hard removal available. I guess I could swap at least one out for BGH against Rag and ... uh whatever 7+ is frequently played (there really isn't much).

I'd say the Imp is more consistent, but the Priestess is more powerful.
The Imp does work against all classes while the Priestess only does work against 6 out of 9, but when she does she does more work.
I'd say run one of each. Or two Imps plus one or two Priestesses. If you manage to get several of them buffing eachother then it's gonna be a real pain in the *** to remove for your enemy.

You know Oracle isn't all that good, so don't run it. You're a Warlock, you need two card-draw cards at most, your hero power should take care of any further needs.

Void Terror isn't very good, don't bother. I'd say go Defender of Argus over Void Terror all day err day. (but neither is necessary)

Siphon Soul is a terrible card in an aggro deck. If you're ever at a point where you need to use it you're doing something wrong..
It's far too big a tempo-loss to even be worth considering. You don't need to remove the minion, you just need to remove his taunt, for that the Owl works wonderfully.

Abomination is bad, ETC is bad, Jaraxxus is decent. None of them are worth running.

I decided to make a Murlock deck myself a while back and it seemed to work very well when Yaya tried it. Give it a look:

I skip out on the low-impact Murlocs like the Raider and the Oracle and instead focus on strong aggro units and tech units that help in certain scenarios.
You'll likely want to try to save your Warleaders for when you get one of your three charging Murlocs(or have several on the field ofc).
The Faerie Dragon is a tech against removal-heavy decks.
Harvest Golem is just really strong in general. A persistent little bastard he is. He also triggers twice from Knife Juggler if you're lucky.
The Owl gets you through taunts.
Soulfire is just too good to give up. You'll want two of them. You can usually get to a point where it costs you nothing to use it or it will help you deal with something you'd never have been able to deal with otherwise, but at a cost.
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Vaan99's Forum Avatar
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Nov 4th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 27, 2014 2:23am | Report
Currently, you can get Fireside Friends- card backs by playing 3 games versus people on nearby network, easiest way to do that is with Evolve, here is guide:
GrandmasterD's Forum Avatar
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Sep 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 27, 2014 10:01am | Report
Searz wrote:

I'd say the Imp is more consistent, but the Priestess is more powerful.
The Imp does work against all classes while the Priestess only does work against 6 out of 9, but when she does she does more work.
I'd say run one of each. Or two Imps plus one or two Priestesses. If you manage to get several of them buffing eachother then it's gonna be a real pain in the *** to remove for your enemy.

You know Oracle isn't all that good, so don't run it. You're a Warlock, you need two card-draw cards at most, your hero power should take care of any further needs.

Void Terror isn't very good, don't bother. I'd say go Defender of Argus over Void Terror all day err day. (but neither is necessary)

Siphon Soul is a terrible card in an aggro deck. If you're ever at a point where you need to use it you're doing something wrong..
It's far too big a tempo-loss to even be worth considering. You don't need to remove the minion, you just need to remove his taunt, for that the Owl works wonderfully.

Abomination is bad, ETC is bad, Jaraxxus is decent. None of them are worth running.

I decided to make a Murlock deck myself a while back and it seemed to work very well when Yaya tried it. Give it a look:

I skip out on the low-impact Murlocs like the Raider and the Oracle and instead focus on strong aggro units and tech units that help in certain scenarios.
You'll likely want to try to save your Warleaders for when you get one of your three charging Murlocs(or have several on the field ofc).
The Faerie Dragon is a tech against removal-heavy decks.
Harvest Golem is just really strong in general. A persistent little bastard he is. He also triggers twice from Knife Juggler if you're lucky.
The Owl gets you through taunts.
Soulfire is just too good to give up. You'll want two of them. You can usually get to a point where it costs you nothing to use it or it will help you deal with something you'd never have been able to deal with otherwise, but at a cost.

Thx for the tips. I don't think I'll get rid of Jaraxxus tho, I like him and he has saved my *** more than once. Also, who doesn't want a reason to shout "you face Jaraxxus!"? :P

I originally had Harvest Golems and I'm not sure why I tossed them, I really don't. Instead of Siphon, would it be a good idea to just run one BGH? For like Rag and similar stuff? Or maybe Knight?

Is Juggler really all that strong? I mean you do summon a lot but then again it's 1 random damage, that seems to never have a huge impact.
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 27, 2014 2:38pm | Report

Thx for the tips. I don't think I'll get rid of Jaraxxus tho, I like him and he has saved my *** more than once. Also, who doesn't want a reason to shout "you face Jaraxxus!"? :P

I originally had Harvest Golems and I'm not sure why I tossed them, I really don't. Instead of Siphon, would it be a good idea to just run one BGH? For like Rag and similar stuff? Or maybe Knight?

Is Juggler really all that strong? I mean you do summon a lot but then again it's 1 random damage, that seems to never have a huge impact.

Eh, Jaraxxus is mostly dead in an aggro deck, but there are worse cards.

No, you don't need BGH or Black Knight. As I wrote: you don't need to remove the minion, you just need to get through his taunt, and for that the Ironbeak Owl works wonderfully.

Yes, the Knife Juggler is amazing in aggro decks. It generally triggers 2-4 times and sometimes kills a minion for you, for free, in addition to having good stats for a 2-drop.
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Meiyjhe's Forum Avatar
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Oct 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 28, 2014 1:30am | Report
Vaan99 wrote:

Currently, you can get Fireside Friends- card backs by playing 3 games versus people on nearby network, easiest way to do that is with Evolve, here is guide:

Im trying to do the whole fireside thing, but everyone in the evolve chat rooms seem to be able to do it except me. I did enable the nearby challenge thingy in the option menu, but the extra tab that should appear in the friendlist isnt appearing. How in the world do I solve this?
Change is gooooood
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Joxuu's Forum Avatar
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Apr 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 28, 2014 3:17am | Report
The best deck euw.

"A person giving you advice isn't perfect and has their own shortcomings but they may give you the piece that you're missing."
Pølsemanden's Forum Avatar
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Jan 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 28, 2014 3:59am | Report
Joxuu wrote:

The best deck euw.

coldlight oracle is **** in murloc decks yo.
Ty MM and Blood for the sigs :3 | Rammus is comming back - heard it here first!

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