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Official hearthstone thread

Creator: Pølsemanden December 8, 2013 1:59pm
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Apr 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 7, 2014 4:51am | Report
Any predictions for the top legendaries in the GvG patch?

Class legendaries were kinda boring and I only find Priest & Warlock ones to be any good.

"A person giving you advice isn't perfect and has their own shortcomings but they may give you the piece that you're missing."
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Oct 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 7, 2014 6:39am | Report
Joxuu wrote:
Any predictions for the top legendaries in the GvG patch?

Class legendaries were kinda boring and I only find Priest & Warlock ones to be any good.
I call the following:
All legendaries: Blingtron, Hemet Nesingwary, Mimiron's Head (V07TRON), Gazlowe, Mogor the Ogre, Toshley, Dr Boom, Troggzor the Earthinator, Foe Reaper 4000, Sneed's Old Shredder, Meknigeer Thermaplugg, Malorne (Druid), Gahzrilla (Hunter), Flame Leviathan (Mage), Bolvar Fordragon (Paladin), Voljin (Priest), Trade Prince Gallywix (Rogue), Neptulon (Shaman), Malganis (Warlock) and Iron Juggernaut (Warrior).

My prediction on how awesome the legendaries will be in ranking:
1. Foe Reaper 4000
2. Gahzrilla
3. Troggzor the Earthinator
4. Toshley
5. Sneeds Old Shredder
6. Malorne
7. Voljin
8. Trade Prince Gallywix
9. Mogor the Ogre
10. Bolvar Fordragon
11. Iron Juggernaut
12. Neptulon
13. Dr. Boom
14. Gazlowe
15. Meknigeer Thermaplugg
16. Flame Leviathan
17. Hemet Nesingwary
18. Blingtron

Specific musthave:
Mech -> Mimirons head
Demon -> Malganis

Change is gooooood
Picture by: Hogopogo
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Nov 4th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 7, 2014 9:23am | Report
I think troggzor and sneed's old shredder will become new staples, with cairne, sylvannas and loatheb.

After reading your post Searz I decided to expand my opinion a bit.

Your list is okay, but I don't agree with some placements.

Gahz'rilla isn't nowhere near tier 1, maybe if it was warrior card, but since it's hunter card without charge, it's too slow and unreliable. By turn 9 game should be almost over and you should be pushing last few hero powers for finish and waiting for kill command topdeck, or in this case you can play gahrzilla and waste whole turn on nothing; don't forget the fact that hunter has poor board control later in game, so if you manage to get gahrzilla to survive 1 turn to attack, there is no guarantee that enemy won't have multiple taunts. I rate Gahrzilla in tier 3, in arena is definitely better.

Mogor deseves to be placed higher, you actually explained it nicelly, I'd place it in tier 2.
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 7, 2014 9:40am | Report
You're waaay off :P

1. Voljin - Hit anything with 5 and you essentially played a 6/8 (6/5 stats, reduced enemy HP by 3), which alone is good enough, but when considering the trades it makes possible it's just really good.
2. Trade Prince Gallywix - amazing stat-line and a good effect.
3. Troggzor The Earthinator - subpar stats, but amazing effect.
4. Sneed's Old Shredder - AMAZING value. The only problem is that it is very slow and only tends to win the game by out-valuing your opponent.
5. Gahz'rilla - a potential game-ender with a great stat-line.
6. Iron Juggernaut - 10 damage for pretty much 1 mana (you'd pay 5mana for a 6/5, so the effect costs you roughly 1mana) is ****ing insane in a control deck.
7. Dr.Boom - Boomb Bots are just fantastic.
8. Foe Reaper 4000 - The difference between 7 and 8 mana is big. This also poses less of a threat of ending the game than Gahz'rilla.

This is where the great cards stop:
9. Mal'Ganis - bad stat-line, but very strong effect. It's not hard to negate the effect though.
10. Toshley - pretty weak effect, but good stat-line. Killing Loethebs and Sludge Belchers is the only reason this card will shine.

This is where the good cards stop:
11. Neptulon - Decent stat-line, decent effect. It's probably too expensive to run in a Murloc deck because of how bad it could clog up your hand. It might see play in control though.
12. Malorne - The effect only really becomes relevant if you're going into fatigue, but the stats are good enough for it to be decent. Very good in arena tho.
13. Mogor the Ogre - the only reason he's even decent is the fact that the effect is in your control, meaning that you can attack normally, then drop this guy and the opponent can't do what he wants.
14. Hemet Nesingwary - horrible stats, but potentially very strong effect. Could be a good pick if Hunters ever start dominating(even more than they already are).
15. Bolvar Fordragon - good in control, but very unreliable and pretty underwhelming in general. If you need to keep a card in your hand for like 5+ turns for it to be good then it's not exactly great, and if you draw this toward the end of your deck then you're gonna kill yourself.
16. Mimiron's Head - good stat-line. It's an underbudgeted Yeti. The effect is very win-more, but in the rare case that it goes off it's an incredible effect.

And this is where the decent cards stop:
17. Gazlowe - Really bad stats and very lackluster effect. When you compare this to cards like Sylvanas you think "why the **** wasn't this 5mana?". Even at 5 it wouldn't be that good.
18. Flame Leviathan - pretty bad. The stats are unimpressive and the effect being out of your control makes it an extremely lackluster card.
19. Blingtron 3000 - you gain the initiative with the weapon and you also have the ability to run weapon-removal to benefit extra from the card. That said, it's still not a good card.
20. Mekgineer Thermaplug - really freaking bad. Bad stats and an extremely lackluster effect for a card that essentially makes you skip an entire turn to play. Hell no.
"I saw [Twilight: Eclipse] in theaters with a girl I was dating at the time. I spent more time staring at my toes and wiggling them than I did watching this abomination. When Edward proposed to Blank Face, I finally looked up with a revelation.
I blurted out loud, in a dead silent theater full of teenage girls on opening night "Wait a minute, Edward has no blood flow. How does he get an erection?" I heard several men laughing, and had several girls turn and stare at me.

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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 9, 2014 6:26am | Report
Made a Hobgoblin deck :D

Actually seems kind of semi-viable. The biggest problem is easily the reliance on the Hobgoblins themselves. If you don't draw them you're pretty much ****ed. It's a pretty inconsistent deck in other words. But it could be extremely powerful.
Google has a job title called "Head of Black Community Engagement"..
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Joxuu's Forum Avatar
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Apr 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 9, 2014 6:35pm | Report
Bought 10 packs, 1 legendary and 1 epic.

"A person giving you advice isn't perfect and has their own shortcomings but they may give you the piece that you're missing."
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 9, 2014 8:28pm | Report
I think I may have overvalued Iron Juggernaut previously. He's definitely good, but the unreliable nature of the mines are definitely a problem.
Joxuu wrote:
Bought 10 packs, 1 legendary and 1 epic.

Ouch, seems like we both got one of the bad legendaries. I got Mimiron's Head. Tried him in a mech deck 3 times and I'm now ready to give up on him forever.
I opened 20 packs (saved up in preparation) and I got 1 legendary, 8 epics, one of which were golden and a golden Mech Warper.
The golden epic was Steamwheedle Sniper. I got two of those. I also got a Coghammer and a Piloted Skygolem :D
Pretty happy.

The other 4 epics were useless tho. (Wee Spellstopper, Tree of Life, Shadowbomber and Lightbomb)
""Toshabi took thy **** and strucketh Hotshot in his face 'thou art no god'" Toshabi 3:16" - Toshabi

"And then, TheJohn said something so Brazilian that it made all the Brazilians in Brazil turn to look at him" - Toshabi

"abloobloo ur triggering me" - Toshabi
Joxuu's Forum Avatar
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Apr 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 9, 2014 9:01pm | Report
My current priest deck;

EDIT: I posted outdated one accidently.

-1 holy smite, -1 thoughtsteal
+2 dark cultist

Any improvements? I've thought about adding big game hunter at the very least.
Possibly removing 1 chow, thoughtsteal completly and power of word shield.

"A person giving you advice isn't perfect and has their own shortcomings but they may give you the piece that you're missing."
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Dec 10th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 9, 2014 9:31pm | Report
So, I don't play much Hearthstone. It isn't my cup of tea. I just have one question from when I was playing it though.

What are the advantages to going first and going second? Are there any instances where going first is preferable? From when I was playing, it seemed that it always was better to go second considering how you get the coin and an extra card if memory serves.
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Joxuu's Forum Avatar
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Apr 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 9, 2014 9:34pm | Report
I think the one going second has slight advantage due receiving the coin which can be used to combo with minions.
Not a huge difference though. The one going first usually gains board dominance unless your opponent wants to play
coin on turn 1.

"A person giving you advice isn't perfect and has their own shortcomings but they may give you the piece that you're missing."

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