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League of Legends (LoL) Question: How to make my build a guide?

Posted in General | Tags: Pyke 2,789

  • kotlottt

    How to make my build a guide?

    Like my pyke guide isnt in the first search of the guides, its in the second one "builds"
    how to fix that and make my build a guide.
  • Answers (1)

    Fruxo (327) | November 9, 2020 12:03am
    Simple, just continue writing more content and information in your guide. You have to reach 3k characters in your guide (bbcoding counts too) for it to be considered as a Full Guide, rather than a build.
    TheInkKingLoL (43) | November 9, 2020 1:29pm
    You are not allowed to cheese this count though.
    Thats a OOF (1) | March 31, 2021 4:24am
    I didnt cheese the count but the system detected my build as cheesing
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