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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Is Galefore that good on Xayah?

Posted in Champions | Tags: Galeforce Xayah 3,234

  • Cyc1ePath

    Is Galefore that good on Xayah?

    I just feel like I play better with Immortal Shieldbow instead of Galeforce. Is it mandatory to build now for the E Galeforce combo?
  • Answers (1)

    Fruxo (327) | November 26, 2020 1:56am
    As a Xayah main myself I feel like Immortal Shieldbow is just better in all ways possible. The stats are exactly what she needs, the mythic passive is nice and the shield is a dealbreaker between winning a teamfight or losing a teamfight just because of how valuable the shield is to have.

    Sure, Galeforce can give for a nice E combo because of the dash, but that's all the item has that's good. I don't think it's worth buying a mythic item just for the dash, if you have a good support on your side or at the very least 1 person that can peel for you, you should be able to root the enemies easier anyways if you go Shieldbow as your mythic.

    Shieldbow just gives you more sustain (cuz of life steal) and gives you a much lesser chance of getting absolutely annihilated by an assassin, a fed jungler, a mage etc. because of the lifeline passive. Whilst galeforce only gives you a dash and nothing else that protects you so if you don't have your ultimate available, you'll be in for a quick death.

    Even with that said, Galeforce can be considered as an item during specific situations. I would recommend to go the item when you don't need something to defend yourself or if you know that there's no one on the enemy team that can just walk up and kill you. Otherwise shieldbow is better for sure.

    Even during situations where galeforce would be an optional pick, Kraken Slayer might just be better overall.
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