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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Orianna's Ball

Posted in Champions | Tags: Orianna 3,685

  • Chicken8128

    Orianna's Ball

    Does anyone else think that Orianna's Ball should do a little more? Like have The Ball be her auto attack, or would that be a little OP?
  • Answers (7)

    Joxuu (336) | April 26, 2015 4:09pm
    Orianna is fine the way she is.
    CrazeChimp (6) | April 30, 2015 10:35am
    If she used her ball to attack, wouldn't that be like Azir? And seems to me that was probably the origin of Azir's kit.
    TheSilverDust (45) | April 30, 2015 4:35am
    I think if Orianna used her Ball to autoattack, that would be like Ahri when autoattacking. BUT no, she is just as fine as she is now. I think of it because what Orianna thinks about the Ball tells us that it is a separate "individual" to her.
    Haplo | April 28, 2015 2:18pm
    I think her ball usage is fine, though I would like to see visuals for her just kinda screams "hidden power"
    ThePreserver (2) | April 27, 2015 3:33pm
    So, you want her to fling her balls around more than she already does? [Orianna] is a very annoying harrass to lane with. That being said, nothing about her makes me scream "overpowered". No change necessary.
    MrMad2000 (41) | April 27, 2015 11:45am
    I love Orianna's balls if you get what I mean. *wink wink*

    She's fine as she is. She'd have way too much zone control if what were the case.
    sirell (400) | April 26, 2015 4:12pm
    Orianna has a very steady ~50% winrate. In terms of viability, she's in a perfect spot.

    You are suggesting changes without any solid numbers. If you have a genuine idea, think it out first before suggesting it, rather than changing the way a champion works just because you don't mesh well with her or something.
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