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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Rakan runes???

Posted in Runes | Tags: Rakan 4,180

  • Lori871

    Rakan runes???

    I just bought rakan. And i need help. Please.
  • Answers (2)

    PsiGuard (1495) | January 20, 2019 4:30pm
    I use the following setup:
    You can also go Biscuit Delivery and Cosmic Insight if you prefer. Both options feel fine to me. For the stat slots, Adaptive stats and Armor are always solid. I usually go for something like AP/AP/Armor or AP/Armor/HP.

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    PsiGuard (1495) | January 30, 2020 1:41pm
    The comment you're replying to was posted over a year ago.
    TruMediaMix1 (4) | January 22, 2019 4:05pm
    With all due respect, there are plenty of guides out there that'll tell you what runes work well for Rakan. All it takes is spending some time to read them.
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