League of Legends (LoL) Question: Varus vs Jayce; Which is better?
Posted in Champions | Tags: Jayce Varus 7,117
Varus vs Jayce; Which is better?
Hello Mobafire. So lately I only play 2 mid lanerrs, obviously the ones in the title. I suck at mages so why bother, right? Stick to my strengths which is AD champs. My question stems from the feeling that they both preform very similar roles and I was wondering if they are in fact too similar to warrant using them both, or they both have their own "thing" to use one over the other in certain situations despite them building the same items and being used for arguably the same main thing.
Varus is very safe in the regard that he can waveclear and farm from a very long distance and he has his ultimate to lock someone down for quite some time. Jayce doesn't waveclear and disengage as well as Varus does.
Anyway I agree with Vapora, Varus is a much stronger poke champion but Jayce can be used in very different compositions as well (he's a much stronger duelist and pushes towers more quickly)
I would just pick whichever you personally feel stronger with. If you want to take it safe and just poke, Varus is the better option, while Jayce is better at balls to the walls 1v5 carrying.
Also Varus is probably safer in lane so I'd pick him if you're not comfortable with your lane matchup on either champion.
Jayce has a lot more burst, and has decent team utility. Varus has a lot more range, poke and a bit more DPS at the sacrifice of burst. Jayce can take down towers quicker. Varus is better at sieging and waveclearing both offensively and defensively. Jayce is stronger than Varus when you're against a melee opponent since he can all-in more often.
Don't quote me on this, but I think Jayce poke does more damage than Varus poke. And it's faster. He can go melee, which means certain matchup that would dumpster on Varus because they get too close are easier to deal with for Jayce. He also has the ability to poke, and then go for the kill, without only having to rely on poke for his damage.
I think it's more about what you need or what's stronger. Varus offers stronger waveclear, and similar poke. He has hp% dmg and some way of engaging/disengaging. Jayce has the stronger poke vs champs and has the ability to deal with certain matchups easier than Varus most likely could. He also has the ability to burst someone by going into melee.