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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Why does no one play Twisted fate anymore?

Posted in Champions | Tags: Lich Bane Twisted Fate 18,871

  • aDaptor

    Why does no one play Twisted fate anymore?

    Today I decided to try some champs I haven't played in a while and i ended up playing Twisted Fate. I was vs a katarina and it was a very peaceful lane phase and we did mostly farm (in the fact i barely managed using cards). Mid game I picked up a few kills because of Lich Bane. When I had around 500 AP (?) a teamfight started and my first target was Lucian. I had my E proc up and I used yellow card. The proc from Lich Bane and my E instakilled him and we ended up winning the game because of that. Then I thought; why the hell does no one play Twisted Fate anymore?!

    My build:
  • Answers (4)

    Vynertje (386) | February 13, 2014 2:41pm
    He got nerfed all over the place. His laning phase has always been quite weak and they nerfed some core aspects in his gameplay which caused him to lose popularity. Put him against any of the mainstream mids right now and he gets obliterated. (also, the changes to tanks probably made his life harder as well)

    Kata is a good matchup for TF really, which might have helped you a lot.

    Also, people tend to forget any champion that is not being played in the LCS even though they might still be viable. If you're a good TF you'll still be able to make a huge impact in the game, if you manage to stay even.
    FalseoGod (316) | February 14, 2014 6:33pm
    I like to believe that if you trully invest time in a champ and master him (and, specially, if you play against what people see as his main counters) then you can go places with that champ. It's not as easy as picking whatever's the most powerful during a certain period, but it might be more rewarding in the long run.
    Vynertje (386) | February 14, 2014 12:42pm
    Not in the current state of the meta (if he remains unchanged).
    RottedApples (57) | February 14, 2014 7:07am
    i'd like to think that any champion can become popular but i don't think we will ever see Poppy have a high pick/ban rate
    aDaptor (24) | February 14, 2014 5:48am
    But you think he have the potential to come back to popularity?
    FalseoGod (316) | February 13, 2014 4:57pm
    Complimenting the "story" of Twisted Fate popularity: Ahri started rising a lot last season due to LCS + popularized Deathfire Grasp rush, and most mids started forgetting about TF since she handles him pretty well.

    With Ahri nerfs and preseason changes she was replaced mostly by Ziggs (with Gragas also showing up a lot), both stronger laners and with a great waveclear and pretty nice tower destruction power. Also, most popular junglers at the moment have really aggressive ganks (Elise, Kha, Vi, Eve, Wu), making it hard to defend yourself.

    (I have not mentioned Kassadin or Yasuo because both became pretty common bans)
    LoLisG4YswagYolo | February 23, 2014 10:31am
    We have to hope that one LCS player chooses TF or other unpoular champs.
    Like kog'maw one player took him and I've met him in almost every day after the LCS-Match.
    But ppl stopped pick him very fast.

    But i still play TF sometimes, because i think he's still okay tho :)
    GrandmasterD (531) | February 14, 2014 1:12pm
    TF lost popularity due to the assassin meta in which he just got destroyed. Like his laning is already weak but assassins just crush him. At the moment, considering the assassin nerfs, I think he's a viable champion. I've played him succesfully and I will continue to play him because I'm convinced he's still really strong.

    TF's late-game is still one of the strongest amongst the ap carries which is why I like him a lot. I'd say just keep playing him and you'll do fine.
    RottedApples (57) | February 13, 2014 3:46pm
    Really it's just like the other guy pointed out, if pros aren't playing it than people forget about it
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