Champion Overview:

Mordekaiser es Numero uno. Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue Hue. Mordekaiser is an AP Tanky-Dps champion. Mordekaiser is probably the best farmer in the game and has the ability to carry his team very hard even if they are behind. Mordekaiser is one of the only champions in the game, who has the ability to turn a fed enemy carry into his ultimate weapon. Mordekaiser has very good matchups but his nature causes him to push and he has no escapes to get away from ganks. This can be played to your advantage however if you have your jungler counter-gank.
Mordekaiser does not have a mana gauge and instead his spells run on health, and give him a shield for the damage he does.

Skills Overview:

Passive: Iron Man- 30% of the damage dealt from abilities is converted into a temporary shield, absorbing incoming damage. Shield regeneration is half effective versus minions. Minimum shield strength is 120 health, and the maximum is 630 health. The shield decays by 3% per second.
My favorite passive in the game, this skill makes Mordekaiser deceptively tanky, and dangerous no matter what his hp is. I have seen mores 1v5 with under 100 hp and win because of the shield.

Q: Mace of Spades- On next hit, Mordekaiser swings his mace with such force that it echoes out, striking up to 3 additional nearby targets, dealing his attack damage plus 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 bonus damage (+40% of ability power). If the target is alone, the bonus damage is increased by 65%. Cost 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50 health.
This skill is amazing in 1v1s. The amount of damage this skill will do is insane, getting to the levels of this skill+ultimate= Enemy AD carry dead.

W: Creeping Death- Unleashes a protective cloud of metal shards to surround an ally, increasing their armor and magic resistance by 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 and dealing 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 (+15% of ability power) damage per second to enemies in the cloud for 6 seconds. Cost 26 / 32 / 38 / 44 / 50 health. Range 750.
This skill is VERY nice. It allows you to gain shield from far away, AND gives the target Armor and MR. Using this on yourself and running into the enemy minion wave makes you very hard to kill.

E: Siphon of Destruction- Mordekaiser damages enemies in a cone in front of him, dealing 65 / 110 / 155 / 200 / 245 (+40% of ability power) magic damage. Cost 24 / 36 / 48 / 60 / 72 health.Range 700.
Mordekaisers main harass,Nuke and Farming tool. Get used to aiming it.

R: Children of the Grave- Curses an enemy champion for 8 seconds, stealing 3 / 3.5 / 4% life per second, plus an additional 0.1% per 50 AP. If the target dies while under the effect of the curse, their soul is enslaved and will follow Mordekaiser for 30 seconds. During this time, Mordekaiser gains 25% of their ability power, and attack damage. The spirit gains 65 / 75 / 85% + (+100% of ability power) of Mordekaiser's adjusted damage, ability power, and 50% + (+100% of ability power) of Mordekaiser's health. Pets can be controlled by holding the alt key and using the right mouse button. Range 850.
BEST SKILL IN THE GAME. This move is INSANELY game changing. I have been in a ranked game where the enemy had a 23-0 tristana, I landed this ultimate on her and we managed to kill her. I got a quad with the ghost and we pushed in to win the game. The skill forces the enemy carry to buy a QSS delaying them about the gold of a BF sword (about 300 less) and when they do that you can just pick a new target to ult, or wait until they use it to take away enemy CC and throw it on.


Skill Order:
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18


E-W-Q-E-(R for kill)



Shen (Ignore him and farm, you can kill him if he trys to stop you), Vladimir (You can trade when he comes to sustain, and if you had shield before hand you win out.), Fizz (You can trade harder then him, and you have ranged poke), Pantheon (When he tries to spear, trade back back harder), Darius (He can't out damage shield to kill you in lane, Your ult trumps his in late game) Olaf (Poke from a distance, if he comes in kill him), and Udyr (Same as Olaf).

Yorick (Pokes through your shield, your ult gets nullified by his), Skarner (you will die in the time you are suppressed.), Garen (Can burst through your shield and kill you), and Riven (A good riven can shield your harass and out burst your shield.)

Playing AS/VS:

  • If the enemy AD carry has a QSS save your ultimate for the killing blow.
  • W a minion if the enemy is zoning you from getting shield.
  • If you aim your cone so that the diagonal corner hits the enemy, you get more range.
  • Stay to the side of morde making him chose between harassing and farming.
  • Call for ganks often, morde is always pushed and has no escapes.
  • Get a QSS if you are mordekiaser's ultimates target.

Big Item Choices::

Rylai's Crystal Scepter- Makes you tanky and allows you to stick to a target

Will of the Ancients- Allows you to negate the health costs of your skills

Rabadon's Deathcap- Gives you massive burst

Lich Bane- Makes your Q instakill

Zhonya's Hourglass- Gives you time to get your CDs back, and the invul can save you from CC spells or casting time spells

Void Staff - If they stack MR

Abyssal Mask- Use if the enemy has multiple sources of magic damage.

Deathfire Grasp- All the stats work for you, and it increases your DPS.



Mordekaiser is a pub stomp, and can hard carry games. If you win your lane hard enough to kill the enemy AD carry, you win.
Ranked 5s:

Mordekaiser works well in organized teams that have CC. Mordekiaser is a good pick if the enemy takes something like a Tristana or a Vayne Who get really strong late game.


Well this was my top facts morde. Mordekaiser is an amazing champion that is not used as much as he used to be even though he is still really good. Mordekaiser has one of the best cary potentials in the game if he is able to farm as well as being very fun to play. As always summoners I hope you have a good day and good luck on the fields of justice.

I plan on releasing these every day/other day until I get all of the top lane picks in the league ( about 50-60 of them) if there are any requests leave in the comments below and ill work on them. I want to make this series for others to better understand the champions of top lane. Once I am done (Or once I have a few top facts out) I will release some Facts about top lane mechanics, eventually I will probably put everything into one generic top lane guide, however until I do that I will continue to watch and update my blogs as needed. Tips and tricks I missed under my Top Facts would be helpful if you put anything I don't have in the comments I will be sure to add it. I will be forming a guide called The complete guide to Top lane or something in that nature. The intention of this series is not as a "Build guide" or a "play guide", these are more like facts you should know about the champion. These are to inspire people to think of new champion possibilities they might not have thought of or to help a new player with the champion. I do not list runes masteries or a set build ( I give a kind of recommended items) in here due to the fact I want people to think of that for themselves and try new things. This series is an attempt for the LOL community to try new things and have fun in a fun game. Thank you for reading and have a nice day :P