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Darealone's Mobafire Blog

14 Apr

Views: 534 Many Teamwork...Such Wow

Got queued up as Ryze. Going top. I was ready to poop on whoever I was going against in lane. Renekton? Come at me bro. Shyvana. Plz. Suddenly...a wild Yorick appears.

No srs. I went a little psycho when I saw the match-up. I have never had this match-up EVER and didn't know how it should/would go. We get into the laning phase and the stupid graveyard digger keeps spamming ghouls and makes me chug through pots and I lose CS like CRAZY. But...he runs low on mana and I flash kill him. [insert hue face here] He then returns the favor later and we are both 1/1.

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04 Apr
Playing a game in PBE. Yes yes...I's PBE. Bare with me here. We're playing and I duo with a guy I played last game. We don't know each other and we just decided to duo. Was a nice guy. We get into a game and let's just say it wasn't a normal team comp. Our jungler is Zed (guy I was duoing with) and I guess he messed up on some fights. Our Miss Fortune just goes nuts and calls him out. Swearing and saying "You suck. Go play bots. Never play a normal game again." So I just tell him "Shhhh it's okay. It's fine." Next thing Zed, Miss Fortune, and I...
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26 Mar

Views: 519 ARAM Helps Yo

After playing many ARAM games on seems I now know somewhat how where to position myself in a team fight. Since I mainly play tanky bruisers I know when the ideal time to initiate is. As well as when to dive into the back line. I am still working on my peeling however. Sometimes I just look at my ADC die while I am still tanking or getting to thier backline.

Every other Role I am still working on. My ADC mechanics are HORRID and my fingers are to slow to assassinate someone.

So yeah. Many games of ARAM have helped out.

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18 Mar
My Annie support has gone undefeated since last week. She. Is. Still. Stupid. Strong. Even against a Leona in lane (okay...the Leona kinda sucked). I still some how manage to play more aggressive than her and my Lucian and I just bullied our opponents out of lane.

She is now officially my favorite support. She is...just strong. FLASH AND STUN AND KILL EVERYONE. THEN GET MAGIC PEN IN THE LATE GAME AND JUST KILL THEM SQUISHIES. THEN ROAM AND KILL ANYONE!! EVEN THE TANK (okay maybe not the tank).

Seriously though. The nerfs? I ain't even mad. AP ratios...they are...
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