Yo. I am quite angry at a bunch of things and I feel the need to tell everyone about it because I'm an attention ***** like that. ;D.

1. Master Yi getting reworked and Offbuilds slowly all getting killed

Enough said.

But seriously. I think you all saw that one coming from at LEAST ten hundred miles away. They literally specifically stated that AP Yi would't really be a thing anymore... at least for now. Is this real life? Is Riot spying on me, taking notes of which champions I main and reworking them/nerfing them one by one?

Some of you may not believe me, but every freaking time I start maining a champion (which I usually have a really hard time doing because I dislike playing the same champion over and over), Riot reworks of Nerfs that champion in the next months. For example, my first Main was Vladimir. I got Gold in season 1 with him right before Riot punched him in the face, took away his vampire teeth from him and nerfed every single part of his kit. EVERY SINGLE PART OF THE KIT. Then I played Eve alot ---> she got nerfed/reworked ten thousand times. I main Xin? Morello quick let's rework then nerf him. Etc. It goes on.

So since Riot likes to just **** every champ I start maining I just decided to play the most unpopular/******ed champions with weird builds just for teh lulz. I started playing a lot of AP Rengar, AP Master Yi, AP Tristana, Sejuani. Guess what happened to ALL of these champions except Tristana? Yep. ALL reworked and/or nerfed hard.

As you might know already, I really love ''off builds'', AKA ''troll builds'' like AP Tristana, AD Mordekaiser, AD Kat, etc. It's what I love the most in this game. You can do what you freaking want and PWN people with it and they're like '' DID THAT JUST REALLY HAPPEN?!?''.

I'm always happy when I hear Rioters write on forums or talk in videos about how they want champions and builds to be versatile and free for new ideas. It's however even more sad how Riot actually does the exact opposite of what they say they are doing.

Here's a lovely list of the ''troll'' builds that I have used that have been cruelly MURDERED by Riot. I will also include what part of them has been killed and what Riot was thinking when they did the change.


    AP Yi

  • AP Rammus. His Defensive Ball Curl used to have a hidden powerful 20% AP ratio on each hit. Riot removed it for no specific reason. AP Rammus has never ever been a popular build and it was never overpowered. They simply said ''No.''
  • AP Irelia. They changed the damage type from Magic to Physical on her ult and then directly nerfed her Equilibrium Strike's AP ratio from 100% to 50% even though AP Irelia was never an overpowered or popular build. I remember making a thread about this completely unnecessary and stupid change and one of the replies was:

    ''AP irelia was fun. The AP ratio was nerfed just so that Riot could say "calm down, look, here's an Irelia nerf", even though it didn't affect her "overpoweredness".''

    Which I find to be incredibly accurate and funny at the same time.

  • AP Alistar. ALL of his AP ratios were hurt A LOT. And they didn't simply get nerfed once. They got nerfed over and over and over to the point where AP Alistar simply became completely unplayable. Thanks Riot.

  • AD Kassadin. Because Yes it did work incredibly well. His W used to give 55 Armor Penetration (!!!) but Riot made it disappear and never gave Kassadin anything in return to make AD Kass possible. They also increased the Cooldown on his Gap closer (ult).

  • AD Katarina. Riot has always wanted Katarina to be playable as both AD or AP... there is no doubt on that. However, SOMEHOW... they managed to think it was a good idea to remove the AD ratio on her Q and to make her ult significantly weaker (both main sources of damage of old AD Kat). The old AD Katarina was just as viable (maybe a little less) than AP Kat and it was really fun and felt different to play than from AP Kat. It simply got killed and never looked at ever again by Riot.

  • AP Rengar cruelly nerfed nearly 5 times in a row with very little explanations from Riot even though there were hundreds of threads with fans telling them to stop. The only AP ratio he has was reduced from 100% to 60%, then they reduced the base damage on W, nerfed his base damages on spells all around, nerfed his cooldowns (making it much harder for AP rengar to charge his ferocity for a powered W), and a bunch of other nerfs making AP Rengar nearly unplayable.

  • AP Ezreal. Base damages reduced all around and increased cooldowns. There have been at least a million threads with 500 pages of discussion each about AP Ezreal. I think Rioters have spent 20 million hours reading and replying to the suggestions of the fans to improve AP Ezreal.. yet it keeps getting nerfed indirectly because of AD Ezreal's power and it never got any buffs in return to compensate in 3 years. Riot. Wake the hell up.
  • AP Urgot. AP ratio completely REMOVED from his E for absolutely NO reason. Some people actually enjoyed that build a lot because of the synergy with Hextech Gunblade but I guess Riot just didn't want AP Urgot to exist so they REMOVED the AP ratio. Okay thanks.
    And many others that I can't think of right now.

Riot are NOT doing what they say they are doing. This whole ''we want new build options to be possible'' thing that they keep saying is a big fuc**ng lie and I kinda hate them for that.

Oh, and if you aren't confused yet: They kill offbuilds because ''it wasn't the design intended'' or because ''the build is toxic'' BUT they create new ones. For example, when they reworked Xin Zhao, they gave him an AP ratio that wasn't there before and that AP Ratio makes him insanely toxic (infinite powerful sustain). Also, they buff things like Varus' AP ratio. They want him to be an AD carry but they increase his AP ratios so he can have more burst and fall more under the category of a mage. Isn't this ''not the design intended''? Riot do not know what they are doing at all.

I am so confused by all this, even still today. I even asked Morello IN REAL LIFE if they actually cared enough to balance out offbuilds and he said No we don't look at that unless it's stupidly broken or Toxic. THAT MAKES NO SENSE BECAUSE THEY ADDED A TOXIC AP RATIO ON XIN ZHAO THAT WASN'T EVEN THERE BEFORE LOL.


Ranked Games and competitive level of play

Alright. Here we go. First off, this won't even be about how I lost my loved/hated Diamond III. Even though that really pissed me off, there is even more.

One may believe that at some point soloQ ranked games become ''elo heaven''. A place where no one goes AFK, no one rages, everyone tries their best and avoids as much as possible to be heavy for the team to carry.

I actually kinda believed in that. After getting into Diamond III, I thought I finally had reached this whole ''omg pro'' level where you see the pro streamers play. This place where everyone is cool and plays well and keeps making plays.

No. Simply No to all of the above. Diamond sucks. It really does suck. Just as much as it sucks to be in Bronze, Silver, Gold AND Platinum. It's just normal solo Queue. You will get trolls, afker's, ragers, stupid people, feeders, toxic people, annoying people, ETC.


It also really angers me how Diamond II and Diamond I players can be so bad that I do ten times better than them and still can't carry them. I honestly have lost many promotion matches because of heavy stupid Diamond I players... I really feel like I should be higher rating than these guys. Some people really deserve Diamond I/challenger and impress me a lot. But some others just like... have no reason to exist there.

Believe it or not, even pro players like Teddyro or Best Riven NA can be really hard to carry in soloQ. That is so, so frustrating. You see them in your team and you're all happy and glad you got a free win... then they make you.. lose? >_<''

Sorry for the walls of text. I didn't take the time to make them look nice.. I just wanted to let it out somewhere. Thanks for reading if you did. Tell me what you think!

Do you think there nerfs to offbuilds are justified and make sense?