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FalseoGod's avatar


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FalseoGod's Mobafire Blog

12 Mar
Oh man I've been poking around Dark Souls 2 reviews and they've made me so excited o.o It's so rare nowadays to have (spiritual) sequels to something good (demon and dark souls) and getting as feedback stuff like "retains it's roots but improves upon them and delivers what people desire".

I mean, other spiritual series successors I followed have been a disappointment for some time now, namely Final Corridor XIII and Square-Enix' need to "re-invent" every single aspect of game, from game to game, creating useless systems like the Crystarium, Sphere Grid and Job...
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03 Mar
Day 3 - Leaving the Cradle

Today Poppy and I will leave the house. It's time.

Ever since my father left me and my mother, our lives changed forever. Mother vowed never to leave the front of the tv until she watched the whole series of Grey's Anatomy (rip) and I swore never again I would depend on someone else to survive on this cruel TALL GRASS OF DOOM filled world.

And now with Poppy, my BRAVE bulbasaur, I can finally follow my dream: to bully money out of Pokemon trainers so I can get my own house!

I mean, think about it: most Pokemon trainers are whiny kids who left...
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02 Mar
Day 1 - Who are you?

"Are you a boy or a girl? What's your name?"

As professor Oak asked the questions, I thought his midnight sessions with his Vileplume where finally affecting his brain. I mean, I've lived next door for the last 12 years and I've been secretly circlejerking with Gary, his grandson. When he asked what was his grandson's name, however, I knew he was completely braindead and my chances of finally getting my hands on some Pokemon had been shot down.

Unless I made some drama.

Day 2 - It's dangerous outside, take this!

Today I...
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26 Feb
Yep, I will. As long as it's graphic design/editorial design/identity design/webdesign(eh you'll regret this)/illustration/photography. All I require is a job/paid internship.

Now why would you want to do that? Well, because I'm awesome, you'd have my eternal gratitude, my potential eternal friendship (**** happens) and I'd gift you something. Like a ferret. Or skins. Or a personal assassin. I can also cook, design stuff for ya, make *****y spot-on remarks on people you hate, pacify your mother, and I got a PS3 I can share.

No really, get me a job in my area or close and I'll...
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22 Dec

Views: 849 Runes for Swain

I've been trying some different stuff. On one hand, I wanna focus on what's strong on Swain, on the other I might wanna help him overcome weaknesses. Here's what I've been using, halp me out agreeing with/questioning/dissing what I've been using.

Double flat AD Quints with his hybrid pen marks, been torn between flat AP or Magic Pen for the third quint. Marks/seals are generally resistances, be it flat, scaling, stuff.

Reasoning: I think Hybrid Pen Marks are great on Swain, specially since I generally pick him into champs with less range because he excells at those lanes, not...
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