Evening all ^^ So here I am again, writing another "How To" for my How To blog series. This one is for those of you who aren't too sure on how to create a specialised build for a champion when you don't have the time to read a guide on MobaFire.

There are a few easy steps that I assume everyone makes when pimping out their champion, and I'll outline them here. Hopefully they'll help you out ^^

Step One: Go to the masteries tab and create five mastery pages. One for a caster, one for a jungler, one for a tank, one for a support and one for a DPS carry. Masteries are debatable, but my pages are:

Caster: 22/3/5 (please view my Morgana guide for details)
Jungler: 10/10/10 (please view my Warwick guide for details)
Tank/Solo Top: 9/21/0 (please view my Nasus guide for details)
Support: 0/9/21 (please view my Soraka guide for details)
DPS Carry: 21/8/1 (please view my Vayne guide for details)

Step Two: Go to the runes tab and create five rune pages for these roles. The runes that you will want to buy above all others once you hit level 20 are:

Step Three: Start a match and discuss with your team which roles everyone is going to play. Choose your champion to suit the team. If someone has already chosen Ashe, do not lock in Caitlyn. If someone has chosen jungle Tryndamere, don't lock in jungle Shaco. If your team consists of Janna, Karma, Taric and Alistar you know you have to play Soraka, Zilean or Nidalee.

Step Four: Play on the strengths your character has in-game before the game even starts. If you've chosen someone like Annie, you should realise that she is traditionally an AP caster, so you will want to grab that 22/3/5 mastery page (or some other combination that specs to take advantage of AP damage boosts), and choose your caster or support rune page. Additionally, choose summoner spells that suit your champion. Don't grab Ignite and Exhaust if you are Sona, when Clairvoyance and Flash would suit you better. However! If your team lacks an Ignite or an Exhaust, consider grabbing it to fill that slot.

Step Five: Know the very basics of your character. Continuing on with the Annie analogy, you know these things:

1) She's primarily AP
2) She is squishy
3) She has two potential AoE stuns

With those ideas in mind, make sure you build to boost those strengths AND diminish those weaknesses.

1) Build AP items ( Rabadon's Deathcap, Abyssal Mask)
2) Build Health items ( Rod of Ages, Rylai's Crystal Scepter)
3) Possibly build for CDR ( Morello's Evil Tome, Deathfire Grasp), or make sure you grab Elixir of Brilliance or Blue Buff as much as possible.

Step Six: After you've taken care of your inherent weaknesses/strengths, build to counter the enemy. If there is a lot of AD against you as Annie, build a Zhonya's Hourglass. If there is way too much AP, build a Banshee's Veil etc etc. The secret to being a good player is to know your opponents. The more you know about the champions you face, the better you will do in-game.

And I hoped that helped you somewhat, or at least it shows you the process I go through, each game ^^ Sorry if that was boring =.= Any suggestions for my next blog? I'm starting to run out of ideas D:

<3 jhoijhoi