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Posted a Comment: Jun 6th, 2013
"Whew! Hopefully the next articles should be useful as well. Probably a lot shorter as well because a lot of information here is relevant to my planned future articles."
Posted a Comment: Jun 6th, 2013
Unfortunately for me it's usually too late, the damage is already done :/ Heck, even positive comments sometimes undermine my confidence. Then again, sometimes flaming just makes me play better. Huh.
I have to admit a guilty pleasure of mine."
Posted a Comment: Jun 4th, 2013
"By a new game, I do not believe it is referring to a different product. It is referring to an individual League of Legends match. It's informing you that your previous match has ended and you can now enter a new one. Perhaps I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure."
Posted a Comment: Jun 4th, 2013
Just in case you aren't familiar with the decay itself. I dunno, perhaps you are. You can be inactive for 28 days, near enough a month, before decay kicks in. If you were to be unable to access LoL for 6 weeks and were in dia"