Spent some time monkeying around with Quinn in normals yesterday.

Masteries: 21-9-0
Runes: Atk Dmg, Armor, 6MR + 3 Mana Regen, 3 Atk Spd Quints

Lane Opponent Analysis

10-0-8 Quinn and Bard vs Kalista and Blitzcrank

This lane wasn't too bad. You can just use Blinding Assault on Kalista and then she can't stack spears. And you can dash to her with Vault when Valor is on the field. I need to verify this, but I'm not even sure she can autokite (hop) when she is blinded, so Quinn may be a flat out hard counter to Kalista as you can even use Tag Team or possibly Vault to dodge Fate's Call if you time either right.

Blitz isn't very annoying early since you can simply Vault away from him and auto him to proc Harrier resulting in some good damage to him. He annoyance level does ratchet up if you aren't quick with Vault allowing him to can get Power Fist and Static Field off on you, so don't let that happen and you are golden.

7-4-5 Quinn and Leona vs Varus and Lux

This lane was more difficult than the Kalista and Blitzcrank lane, however we did not lose lane and we might even have been able to win it if my Leona support wasn't a charge in first and worry about what happens next sort of Leona. Two of my deaths came late in the match when the game was basically already lost due to play in other lanes.

Due to his range and poke, I think a good Varus would be hard opponent for Quinn, but it wouldn't be an impossible lane.

12-4-13 Quinn and Karma vs Lucian and Sion

Lucian can be annoying since he can poke you through minions with Piercing Light. Also if you are in a confined space you can have trouble dodging The Culling with Tag Team. On the brightside, if you are worried about him getting multiple autottacks on you via Lightslinger you can simply shoot him in the face with Blinding Assault.

With Sion you just need to dodge Roar of the Slayer and be mindful that you have to walk out of the AoE of Decimating Smash because Vault doesn't kick you back far enough to be entirely out of the AoE when Decimating Smash is fully charged.


Play with Quinn revolves around her passive Harrier.

If the Valor marks one of the enemy laners, they are highly inclined to back off, which gives you some free zoning. However if you don't shoot a marked target Valor won't mark another target for 10 seconds after the mark fades, which is a fairly substantial window. According to some guides I've read, Valor prioritizes marking your last target followed by low health targets, with champions prioritized over minions. So something to keep in mind if you are hoping for a particular target to be marked.

Blinding Assault is really what makes Quinn viable an even a potential bully despite her otherwise short attack range. Is someone autoattacking you or your support? Just whack them with this ability and that comes to a stop. Between this ability and Harrier you win autottack trades against almost anyone.

Heightened Senses

A nice ability if you are worried about what might be lurking in your surroundings. Good for splitpushing. Passively gives you attack speed and movement speed if you proc a Harrier mark. And gives you a pretty crazy boost to your attack speed when your are in bird form.


Also good for trading and getting some distance between you and someone that gets in your personal space. Can be used to go over some walls if you have something to bounce off of. Applies Harrier to anyone you bounce off.

Tag Team / Skystrike

Interesting ability on an ADC as it requires you to get into melee range to use effectively.

This can be used to get to a fight in a hurry if you are off farming or splitpushing, but I wouldn't use it to enter a fight unless the targets are low health.

It can also be used to get away if the ***** hits the fan.

Typical usage would be to Vault on to a low or relatively low health target, use Blinding Assault for the AoE blind, autoattack the target as many times as you think you need to/can get away with, and then pop Skystrike for the execute damage.

Normal Trading in Human Form

When they are marked with Harrier, autoattack them to proc the mark and the auto them again before backing off.

If the situation looks okay for it. Follow it up with Vault and then auto them to proc the mark and then continue autottacking with attack move if they remain in range.

Between the two you will chunk just about anyone.

You can also throw in a Blinding Assault if they look like they are wanting to trade back.

Preventing trades or retaliation trades with her blind is a big reason why Quinn can be a big lane bully even in lanes where she is outmatched in basic autottack range. That said there are limits. I expect a good Caitlyn would be able to put the hurt on you, so if you are going to ban anyone to make your life easier, ban Caitlyn and possibly Annie as you just don't have the range to deal with either very well.