If by perchance you've been following my ranked thread you'll notice it looks like I'm on the wrong end of a blood bath.

The only time I manage to eek out a win is pretty much when my entire team does well or at a minimum two people on our team pub stomp.

Feels bad.

I'm not sure what all the dynamics are here. I haven't taken a break. I was climbing steadily in pre-season. Then ranked resets and WTF. I go 2-8 in placements on my main and 3-7 on my alt account. IIRC correctly only 1 of the games was competitive . My team either stomped or lost. From the record you can see it was mostly lost.

Post placements it has been pretty nasty in the trenches as well.

My thoughts on this.

1) You need to win lane hard now and quickly and start rotating because you can't count on your other lanes being able to be effective if they get even marginally behind. Stalling the game out to let them catch up rarely works now. I've picked up 2-3 kills in lanes and it doesn't matter if you don't translate that into a tower and other objectives before you get 3-5 man dove under you own tower.

2) People are queuing up in groups with voice com. If your 3-4 man pre-made is better than their 3-4 man pre-made, you win. If not you lose. I've had supports flat leave me alone from the start of laning phase so they can help out their buddies in other lanes. I'm okay supports roaming, but jeebus, put your ADC in a spot where they can farm reasonably well before ditching them.

3) I seem to get my secondary role (Bot/ADC) more than my primary role (jungle). I've heard others express similar outcomes. Riot needs to change that to something like 75% / 25%. I'll wait a little longer to get my primary role thanks. I prefer jungle because I feel like 1) I can have an easier time impacting the early game and 2) I can more easily match my team's needs as far as damage type and character archetype (tank, bruiser, etc.,.) than I can as ADC which basically revolves around the choice of Corki (for when your team goes all AD) or all the other ADCs.

4) I find champion intent to be an annoying feature of the Dynamic Queue system. Initially it worked. People showed who they wanted to play. Now I more often get people showing no one, 5 Blitzcranks, or some "troll" picks that make me want to consider dodging.

The idea of knowing who your team is going to pick is actually useful, but the way it is implemented and being gamed by the players makes it anti-useful. Not sure how Riot could fix it other than maybe an IP boost if you stick with your intended champion, but even that may not help as if you are in the neighborhood of 1000 games played, you may not want or need any more IP.

Okay, so that was a bit of a meandering complaint/rant.

What I'm going to do about it. I may actually back out of ranked until they implement a true solo queue. Alternatively I could look for a team to play with, but I'm considering changing my schedule around so that may not be feasible.

In the interim, I plan to pick a few key champions that have good snowball potential and get good with them in normals so that I take them into ranked and win my lane/position hard so that we can get the rotations going.