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VexRoth's avatar


Rank: Veteran
Rep: Memorable (78)
Status: Offline
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VexRoth's Mobafire Blog - Tag: Guides

13 Feb

Views: 1510 Guides

That one turned epic. We went down two inhibitors but managed to come back. Everyone was patient and stuck with it. Not much chatter in chat other than me doing some traffic direction around objectives. Even I kind of lost sight of what to do after we couldn't finish with our second Baron Nashor and an Elder Dragon. My Guardian Angel got popped and I died to a flipping Jhin grenade that was still bouncing around when I revived as it apparently doesn't go away when he dies. It was either that or...
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11 Sep

Views: 2016 Guides

When you are stuck in a rut as jungler there are some actions you can take to help get yourself squared away again.

Champion Guides

-Go find a guide on your favorite champion, read it, and if you have any questions ask the guide author.

I obviously prefer Mobafire and you may too since you are here. :-)

-Make sure your itemization, runes, and ability/lvl choices are up to date.

-If the guide doesn't have it or you just want to make sure you have the most current info possible, go update your knowledge of jungle pathing by finding a high level player clearing on youtube...
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League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide