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VexRoth's avatar


Rank: Veteran
Rep: Memorable (78)
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VexRoth's Mobafire Blog - Tag: Lane

25 Apr

Views: 810 Lane

Spent some time spamming Shen jungle and Top. I haven't really played him since his re-work so I wanted to get a handle on what made him tick and get a feel for how strong he is.


His clear is slow, but healthy if you use your skills properly. Slow means you are vulnerable to bully champions like Graves, Kindred, and Nidalee that can clear faster than you. However, if left unmolested you can easily hit level 3 with Blue and Red Buff and gank a lane.

Ganking - If your target is low and your laner has decent damage you can

Shadow Dash + Flash...
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14 Apr

Views: 1373 Lane

I've been monkeying around with Volibear since Sejuani is pretty close to permaban in Ranked Silver. He is pretty beast. Last night I made a Swain **** two crows when I flash Qed in on him from the river bush. If he hadn't of flashed instantly he would have been a dead bird.

I also solo killed a fairly fed Caitlyn while only having cloth armor and my runes for protection. Thank you The Relentless Storm.

For crowd control Volibear brings a displacement via Thundering Smash and a slow via Sky Splitter.

Rolling Thunder
Rolling Thunder is both...
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