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VexRoth's avatar


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VexRoth's Mobafire Blog - Tag: Shen

28 Sep

Views: 2352 Shen

The enemy comp was kinda gross.

Shen camped Top lane and got Mordekaiser more ahead as Morde was thumping Yasuo from the get go, which is apparently as it does go (55% in favor of Mordekaiser in Top lane per LoLalytics, assuming I'm reading that right).

A fed Mordekaiser + Shen ulitmate + Karma shielding was just gross. Felt like Yuumi of old on something like Garen. And with Mordekaiser taking up all our attention Jhin was pretty much free to dump damage into us from relative...
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25 Apr

Views: 810 Shen

Spent some time spamming Shen jungle and Top. I haven't really played him since his re-work so I wanted to get a handle on what made him tick and get a feel for how strong he is.


His clear is slow, but healthy if you use your skills properly. Slow means you are vulnerable to bully champions like Graves, Kindred, and Nidalee that can clear faster than you. However, if left unmolested you can easily hit level 3 with Blue and Red Buff and gank a lane.

Ganking - If your target is low and your laner has decent damage you can

Shadow Dash + Flash...
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23 Jan

Views: 1450 Shen

More rabble rousin'. This time vs. Shen and Nasus

Both are melee, get tanky, and have some innate sustain, so fairly similar enemies.

Both times I maxed Barrel Roll and the lane went fairly even with both.

Vs. Nasus, A pink ward in the tri-bush and a green ward in the river bush likely saved my life as together they stymied a two man gank by Jarvan IV and Gnar. I was even able to waste quite a bit of Jarvan's time by acting like I didn't know he was there. Gnar showed up shortly after Jarvan and then they decided to go in on me, but I simply used Body Slam...
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