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VexRoth's Mobafire Blog - Tag: Pressure

04 Oct

Views: 1657 Pressure

One of the elements of choosing your jungle route is future proofing. Future proofing is basically the concept of accounting for what might happen in the future in a way that is most likely to maintain a gold, XP, and/or tempo lead (possibly all the above).

Tempo at it simplest is if it takes me 3 moves to get to a gank and it takes the enemy jungler 4 moves to get to the same gank, then I have the tempo advantage. Meaning I get to act first. (which could be good - leads to clean gank that earns you a kill or a summoner spell or it could be bad - puts you into a losing countergank...
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07 Mar

Views: 4465 Pressure

Some impressions from my foray into E, Spirit Fire, max Nasus.

The point of the build is, IMO, twofold.

1) It lets you lane and possibly have kill pressure in some match-ups that are impossible if you are trying to Q stack.
2) A Q stacking Nasus is stuck wherever he is stacking, which can lead to the "never leaves Top lane Nasus syndrome" that prevents many Nasus players from impacting the rest of the map. E max for wave clear alleviates this problem by giving you a way to quickly clear a wave.

To be clear, you do stack, you just don't prioritize it over lane...
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07 Jun
Slow-pushing is a way to be in two places at once.

If your minion waves are equal, you can start a slow-push by killing off 2-4 minions in the enemy wave. The more you kill the faster the wave pushes.

You can kill off the entire enemy minion wave if your minion wave is already missing some minions.

You generally start a slow-push in the mid to late game when your team wants to go for an objective.

By building up a large concentration of minions in your lane, you don't have to be there to push out enemy minion waves, your minions will do that for you. This gives you the...
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