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Werepirelord's avatar


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Rep: Memorable (65)
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Werepirelord's Mobafire Blog

25 Feb
Now, some of you might not know, me, or badly, possibly only as the ignorant imcible who writes his own opinion and cares very little about what others think.

Especially to the newer members who have only registered recently, greetings, this won't be of any of your interests, you can very well go on living your lives, you have my thanks.

Now to those of you who actually have been sticking around for a little longer and who have actually interacted with me, I'd like to say, I had a blast of a time, met magnificent chaps and had a plethora of good moments and laughs.

Looking back I...
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04 Sep
Please note that none of the detective work is mine, this is all taken directly from a reddit post, I just wanted to inform any kind of person who isn't on reddit (altough surr@20 will probably post about this pretty soon as well).

Reddit post link:

So recently, there was a post about a new Champion going by the name, Ao Shin. The post made front page, I believe, and had quite a lot of buzz. The post was talking about the possibility of Ao Shin being some sort of "Gypsy...
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19 Apr
And no, I'm not talking about these people who try their best and still fail.
That's completely acceptable. I mean, everyone has a bad game, and I despise people who flame them for that.

I'm normally not a person who does these kind of things, I really don't like hatespeaking about other people, and this is moreover a rant, so please be considerate.

Now, I just had two people in my ranked queue which (premade) trolled after not getting the role they wanted to have. (Consider they were 4th and 5th pick). Our 3rd pick even went support, but ah well. I don't quite understand these...
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