So I've started playing League of Legends early last year i think halfway near the end of Season 2. Of course, there has been a lot of changes, small or big.

So far, I think Season 3 is a bit complex at the moment. I do not understand the reasoning behind people buying specific items for a champ while it's not even viable for them. So I guess they haven't full understood what each item can be capable of, but I think it complicates the game a bit. Also with the jungle changes, it is indeed pretty hard. Well I am talking about any junglers (with added tier 3 runes) and how well they do without a leash - so clear time, how many health pots they used etc. So far most champs need to use almost all, sometimes left with one. With junglers however, I think it's a whole lot different without Heart of Gold . Grants you massive amount of health and gp5 passive. I mean these items are so good for Amumu and Maokai no doubt. Also adding to this, you can't start with Regrowth Pendant anymore. The Amount of HP regen per 5 the philosopher's stone gives now is quite a big nerf.

With top lanes, I think it's still pretty similar, you still need to know to outsmart your opponents and all, and of course ward is again very important in laning phase. Again I do understand the huge impact Season 3 did, because I am sure it would have been different without Heart of Gold and also philosopher's stone , these items were removed/ and were nerfed not much, but of course changes the gameplay overall.

Going to bottom lane, Season 3 I think is the season for supports. With a whole lot new items for supports, I noticed they are indeed helpful for them and at the same time, the person who masters support as role will indeed provide big impact. As for the ADCs, I still prefer the old build. Infinity Edge , Bloodthirster , Phantom Dancer , Guardian Angel
However, I see a couple of odd builds now. Not because Mercurial Scimitar is bad, because I see some people building long swords first, and they're wanting to rush a black cleaver. I mean... it is indeed over powered, but Double Doran would be a lot better than a Brutalizer. Instead of people getting Guardian Angel they prefer getting Black Cleaver or the Attack Speed Ranged only item.

With AP Mid laners or AP in general, There isn't a massive change, probably just Liandry's Torment because it is indeed a very strong item. I mean again Rabadon's Deathcap got slightly nerfed because it gave you a bit too much AP. Adding to this, when Athene's Unholy Grail first came out, it was buffed giving an extra 10 ap and 10 mr. However now, they nerfed it to 60 AP and a lower magic resist. However, they also buffed Deathfire Grasp.

Also Force of Nature is the biggest problem for me. When an AP mid is extremely fed easily to say Diana , Katarina , Akali, Mordekaiser and many more. I mean what can you do to stop them from dealing too much damage. The item that gives the most MR in the game now is Runic Bulwark and it costs even more than a Force of Nature. So now, not only that it's hard to counter extremly strong AP, it will get annoying. What I am talking about though is in general, for AP mids like Katarina they usually get an Abyssal Mask because obviously it is the only viable MR item for them . But in general, what about champs like the AD bruisers. If they did want MR, they would have to buy Runic Bulwark , Mercurial Scimitar or Spirit Visage. Now talking about Spirit Visage , again this item isn't viable to all champs. I mean would you buy Spirit Visage for Fiora or Darius ? No. So yes that's right you're stuck on having to buy Mercury Treads and Negatron Cloak the only thing that can save you early and then the rest... are just expensive Maw of Malmortius , Mercurial Scimitar , Runic Bulwark. They are all above 3K. However, I think Negatron Cloak and Mercury treads alone can't save you from a fed AP mid especially those really strong ones.

Just my personal opinions and thoughts on Season 3.