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Leona Build Guide by OhHellNoo

Support I Think I Broke a Nail... Good Thing it wasn't Mine ~ A Gene

Support I Think I Broke a Nail... Good Thing it wasn't Mine ~ A Gene

Updated on January 5, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author OhHellNoo Build Guide By OhHellNoo 5,916 Views 7 Comments
5,916 Views 7 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author OhHellNoo Leona Build Guide By OhHellNoo Updated on January 5, 2014
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Creditz to Natuhlee for the awesome banner and chapter dividers and for my stylish signature

Hi! I'm OhHellNoo (yes that's my actual name for League of Legends.) I recently joined MOBAFire and decide to do a guide on one of my favorite champions Leona. Be warned the guide may be a tiny bit REALLY long. Not a lot of words to say for myself and for Leona, (plus most likley you skipped the intro) but I think these pics will get the idea cross:


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Leona's Lore

Actual Lore

“The sun's rays reach all of Runeterra, so too must the image of its champion.”

On the upper slopes of Mount Targon, the warriors of Rakkor live and breathe only for war. However, Targon's peak is reserved for a special group of Rakkor who answer to a "higher" calling. Members of this group, called the Solari, retire their mantles of war, choosing instead to devote their lives to reverence of the sun. According to legend, the Solari were formed by a warrior who could call the raw might of the sun down upon his enemies in combat. He claimed Mount Targon's summit, the point on Valoran closest to the sun, for his solar devotion, a tradition which generations of Solari have preserved to this day. Though they maintain their reverence, no other warrior possessed the gifts of the founder – until Leona.
Leona’s parents were traditional Rakkor, both bred for the heat of battle. To them, Leona was a problem child. She was capable of fighting as fiercely as any other – including her childhood friend, Pantheon – but she did not share their zeal for killing. She believed that the true worth of a soldier lay in her ability to defend and protect. When it came time for her Rite of Kor, a ceremony in which two Rakkor teens battle to the death for the right to bear a relic-weapon, Leona refused to fight. For this, the Rakkor leaders ordered her execution, but when they tried to strike the fatal blow, sunlight burst forth, bathing Mount Targon in light. As it faded, Leona stood unharmed and her executioners lay unconscious around her. The Solari immediately claimed Leona, demanding that her sentence be repealed. She donned the golden armor of the Solari and they bestowed upon her the sword and shield passed down from the ancient sun-warrior of legend. The Solari helped Leona focus her abilities, and when she was ready she left to join the League of Legends.

My re-wording of her lore... you should probably skip this.

There were these sun people, you see, that were all war-like and were devoted to the sun. They were called the Solari, and the Solari believed the founder has magical sun powers that he could use to kill people in battle (for some reason I find this man looking like Taric with Super Saiyan hair.) The Solari couldn't find anyone with similar powers until they found Leona. This is where stuff gets interesting.
Leona's parents are your everyday Rakkor, which is war-like Spartan people. However, they were like " Leona stronk and everything. She fight people a lot, even her childhood friend Pantheon (which sort of explains the Leona x Pantheon fanart), but she don't want to kill people." Then Leona be like "I protect people, not kill people." Then her Rite of Kor came up, which is a combination of a sweet-16 and gladiator showdown, but she refused to participate in it. Rakkor leaders were like "Dis little girl here ain't gonna fight, so we gonna kill her." Starting to think Riot encourages the death of little kids. *coughcough Annie. Then some magical sunlight saved her from the executioners, and Leona was unharmed. Seems legit. The Solari claimed her and repealed her execution... I honestly don't know why her parents didn't stop them from abduction their child. The Solari gave her that shield, armor, and sword she always have and helped her focus her abilites (whatever that means.) Eventually, like every other champion, she joins the League of Legends. Then eventually Diana and Pantheon stalk her there cause why not.
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Pros / Cons

+ Tanky, especially with Eclipse.

+ Tons of CC with her stun Shield of Daybreak and Solar Flare and gap closer + snare with Zenith Blade .

+ Has decent burst with her Eclipse, Zenith Blade, and Shield of Daybreak.

+ Even more burst if her AD Carry can proc her Sunlight passive.

+ Aggressive early game.

+ Great initiation.

+ Can go okay with some AD Carries/extremely well with most AD Carries.

+ Abilities have fairly low CD.

+ Fun and easy to learn.

- Two of her skills, Zenith Blade and Solar Flare are skill shots, so you need to practice her a bit.

- No sustain, so you need to avoid getting poked or else you're going to be too low to engage.

- Low movement speed. Her shield and armor are really heavy. :(

- Missing CC can pretty much screw you over.

- Requires you to play smart. You are going to need to know when and how to engage.

- Her team must be doing well.

- She's a kill focus support.

- Can't do much else if she's forced to play passive.

- Diana hates her.

- Her passive, Sunlight, makes Zyra bigger.
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Recommended Runes


Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

Probably the best Mark Rune to get for a support tank. That extra Armor is going to negate some of the AD Carry's damage early game.

Again, probably the best Seal Rune to get for a tank.

Helps negate some damage from the enemy support.

Due to the support changes of S4, you won't need Greater Quintessence of Gold, so you could grab Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed to help Leona's low base movement speed.

(Somewhat) Alternative Runes

Greater Mark of Hybrid Penetration
All of Leona's ability deal magic damage, expect her auto attacks of course. These babies give you a bit more of a punch during early game engagements. Grab these if you want to have a strong, aggressive early game.

If you feel the enemy support won't deal a lot of magic damage, you can grab these instead of the flat Magic Resist runes.

If you feel like going old school S3 way, or if you want to rush to your core ASAP, you can grab these, but they seem a bit obsolete in comparison to Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed in mid-late game.

The addition health early game gives you a bit of tankiness early game to play aggressive, but 78 health from mid-late game isn't much. Just sayin'.
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Recommended Masteries

Pretty much a tradition 0/9/21 mastery tree. Grab Block negate AA some damage from the enemy AD Carry and support. Recovery is an option if you want more sustain for early game, but Enchanted Armor is more beneficial for mid and late game. Grab Unyielding to negate more AA, and Veteran Scars for some early game tankiness. Last but not least, grab Juggernaut for more max health.

Take Fleet of Foot to help Leona's low movement speed problem. It's a personal preference, but I'd take Phasewalker over Scout . Phasewalker seems more beneficial over all, while Scout isn't really anything too impressive. 15% cast range for trinkets? I don't have too much trouble placing a ward with my Stealth Ward, thank you very much. Summoner's Insight is a MUST because you want to have Flash and Exhaust and often as possible. Alchemist (and Culinary Master ) helps with early game sustain. Greed is also a must because that's going to help you get some gold. Scavenger is pretty much a weaker version of Ancient Coin, but nonetheless you do need it for more gold income. I wouldn't take Expanded Mind because Leona doesn't have mana issues, so instead take Wealth and Inspiration. Intelligence (in-game Intelligence , not IRL Intelligence ) gives you a bit of CDR, which is always nice. Since Leona is a melee champion, I'm not a big fan of Bandit but it's the only way to get to Wanderer , which is going to help you roam.

Still, if I had 5% CDR from IRL Intelligence , I don't have to wait for long to eat freshly bake cookies...

Alternative Masteries

This mastery leans more into tankyness instead of utility. Instead of having a bit more CDR and roaming ability, you get some Armor and Magic Resist for early/mid game. Even though Leona is tanky enough with Eclipse, she still benefits from grabbing Armor and Magic Resist since Eclipse grants addition 20% of your Armor and Magic resist. Reinforced Armor and Evasive aren't bad masteries, but I rather take Reinforced Armor , knowing that taking critical hits can hurt. Consider using these masteries if you're laning against potent enemy champions, but keep in mind, you cannot roam as well as the first set of masteries.

Alternative Masteries...#2

This is the MOST offensive/aggressive mastery you can go (I'm pretty sure you caught on to that since you see the 5 points in offense.) The damage boost from Expose Weakness gives you a bit more of a punch during engagements. Not to mention you already have 10% CDR in the beginning of them game. You can easily reach 40% just by buying Locket of the Iron Solari and talisman of ascension (core items). Consider using this mastery if you partner is some one like Draven who can do a lot of damage with a few kills. Exploit Expose Weakness to do as much damage as possible during engagements while the early game 10% CDR allows you to play aggressive by starting fights as often as possible.
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Summoner Spells

Recommended Summoner Spells

Flash is your "get out of jail" card, and it has some chasing potential. You never know when you need that extra distance just to land your Zenith Blade.

Exhaust is everything a support needs! Exhaust gives you some extra CC to chase down, thus letting your teammates take the kill AND anyone affected by Exhaust deal less damage. Just remember, don't stack Exhaust with your other CC abilities!

Other Summoner Spells

Instead of taking Flash you can probably take Ghost. With Ghost you can chase down enemies and probably make a get away in certain situations. Keep in mind that with Flash, you have more flexibility because you can move over terrain and do a Flash+ Solar Flare/ Zenith Blade combo as apposed to Ghost+ Solar Flare/ Zenith Blade.

You can probably change Exhaust for a more defensive summoner spell, such as Heal. Nothing something I'm a huge fan of, but it might save your teammate's *** every now and then.

You can also get Ignite to "secure a kill" early game. Ignite can also be pretty handy for champions that can heal, such as Soraka, Nidalee, or Sona.

I'm pretty sure wards are suppose to give you vision, but if you somehow don't have any, you can probably waste Clairvoyance to check bushes or dragon.

Garrison is a good Summoner Spell... for Dominion.

Not Really Good Summoner Spells

Leona doesn't have a lot of mana issues, but unless you somehow make an attempt to engage and miss every single Zenith Blade, you shouldn't be out of mana and probably won't even need Clarity.

If you die, you die, so probably don't take Revive. Unless your summoner level isn't high enough to get any other spell, probably avoid this.

Keep in mind your a tank, so CC won't be the worst thing you will experience, so no use for Cleanse. If you feel CC is a really big burden for you, you can probably grab a pair of Mercury's Treads or maybe a Banshee's Veil, but otherwise Exhaust is more viable 9/10 times than Cleanse.

Unless you're planning to make some epic plays like "teleporting to the enemy nexus and then juking people with Zenith Blade", don't take Teleport.

You are a support, so I wouldn't get Smite if I were you. If you are, just call yourself Phreak, go to the jungle, build Trinity Force. Then make an excuse of how Morgana's black shield didn't let you secure the kill.

Being a tank, you can survive loads of damage, so you wouldn't need Barrier.
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Starting Items

Health Potions are going to provide some sustain. You won't need to buy any Mana Potion since Leona barely has mana issues.
An early Stealth Ward is REALLY going to help not get caught by a jungler.
Use this for warding one of the double bushes in the lane or warding dragon, assuming you don't have a Stealth Ward (which I recommend having often.)
Grabbing one of these early as possible is going to help you build into your core, gives some early game gold, and gives some sustain. Later I'll explain when to choose Relic Shield or Ancient Coin.

Alternate Items

Instead of grabbing a Stealth Ward, you can always grab this to counter ward and deny the other team vision.
Again, always have some Stealth Wards so you won't get caught.
Helps gives some sustain, and sort of helps build into a Aegis of the Legion.
Five Health Potions are going to help if you're going against EXTREMELY annoying poke champions. *coughcough Nidaleecoughcough Lucian

First Buy

/targon's brace
The earlier you get this, the more gold you will have over time. Plus, the regen on each items helps you stay in lane.
After grabbing either your Nomad's Medallion or targon's brace, IMMEDIATELY get a Sightstone. If you can't afford this within your first buy, grab some Stealth Wards instead/
Mobility always help. Try to grab these as soon as possible.
Again, Health Potions are alaways nice. No such thing as too much sustain, huh? (Don't actually anwser that. That was retorical.)
If you the river or dragon is warded, PLEASE buy this for your jungler's sake.

Core Items

You really need to grab this ASAP in order to provide your team some vision. If you grabbed a Stealth Ward, consider upgrading it to a Greater Vision Totem or replace it with a Sweeping Lens, thus allowing you can counter ward as well.
Unless you jungler plans to get this, grab a Locket of the Iron Solari. The active going to help your team survive in engagements, plus the 20 Magic Resist Aura is not bad either.
talisman of ascension/face of the mountain
The actives on these are going to be beneficial for engaging/disengaging and teamfights in general. The CDR each of them give is pretty nice as well.


Since Leona has an extremely low base speed, grab these ASAP so you can get back to you team, roam, ward, etc.
If any AA champions such as Tryndamere or Aatrox get out of controll (by out of control, I mean REALLY fed), consider grabing these.
If the enemy AP Carry gets out of control, grab these.

Building Armor

This is my far the BEST Armor item you can get. You get loads of Armor and Health. The active gives some nice CC, which you can activate when engaging in teamfights so you can land your Solar Flare easier or you it to chase down fleeing enemies, and the passive is pretty nice as well since you can buffer enemy damage (if they target you first). 9 out of 10 times you are going to grab this.
Even though you have Eclipse to do some AoE damage, you can grab this if your team needs some more AoE damage.
I'm not the biggest fan of the 400 mana, but the Armor is really nice, and the aura buffers the enemy team's damage. Similar to Ninja Tabi, grab this if AA champions get out of controll.
If someone on the enemy team builds Last Whisper, Black Cleaver, or Void Staff, grab these instead. Of course if they build Liandry's Torment or Blade of the Ruined King, DON'T.

Building Magic Resist

This is the BEST Magic Resist item you can get. 20% CDR? 400 Health? 55 Magic Resist? 20% increased healing? Yes, yes, yes, and maybe. Sadly Leona has no healing spells. If one of your teammates have any healing abilites, that would help, but its better to save it for their carries. Anyway, 9 out of 10 times you are going to grab this.
If the enemy team has some form of CC that can get your carries killed such as Ahri's Charm, grab this (and remember to use it!) The mana regen isn't bad either, so you can spam your abilities just to push a lane.
The passive on Wit's End is AMAZING... if your team can focus. With max stacks you can get 50 Magic Resist while decreasing your target's Magic Resist. Pretty nice! If one of the enemy carries build some Magic Resist, grab this and auto attack him/her during teamfights.
If multiple people on the other team build Magic Resist, grab this instead of Wit's End. The Magic Resist on it is not bad, and all of Leona's abilities do scale from AP.


- On Summoner's Rift, assuming Ancient Coin's user is within range of all minion deaths in a lane, it provides 4.2 gold per 10 seconds before the 35-minute mark. After 35 minutes, Ancient Coin provides 4.4 gold per 10.

- On Summoner's Rift, assuming Nomad's Medallion's user is within range of all minion deaths in a lane, it provides 10.4 gold per 10 seconds before the 35-minute mark. After 35 minutes, it provides 10.9 gold per 10.
-League of Legends Wikia.

- The speed boost on talisman of ascension will be beneficial for the whole team when initiating or disengaging.

- On Summoner's Rift, assuming Relic Shield's user kills the most valuable minions available, it provides 4.4 gold per 10 seconds to the user and 5.3 gold per 10 to the lane partner before the 35-minute mark. After 35 minutes, it provides 5.5 gold per 10 to the user and 6.4 gold per 10 to the lane partner.

- On Summoner's Rift, assuming Targon's Brace's user kills the most valuable minions available, it provides 8.9 gold per 10 seconds to the user and 12.2 gold per 10 to the lane partner before the 35-minute mark. After 35 minutes, it provides 11.1 gold per 10 to the user and 14.4 gold per 10 to the lane partner.
-League of Legends Wikia... again.

- You don't get as much gold, but your AD Carry gets some gold and sustain... IF and ONLY IF you and your AD Carry can stay in lane forever. If your against some heavy poke champions such as Nidalee, you won't get your core items as fast as going talisman of ascension.

- The active on face of the mountain should be use when your below 50% your health to make the shield useful.
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Sunlight-Leona's damaging spells affect the target with Sunlight for 3.5 seconds. When allied champions deal damage to those targets they consume the Sunlight debuff to deal 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 / 95 / 110 / 125 / 140 additional magic damage. The amount is increased every 2 levels. Leona is unable to activate the additional damage herself.

This is pretty much like Sheen or Lich Bane but someone else has to proc it for you. Sunlight allows Leona and her ADC to burst down anyone. The only difficult part is to utilize it to the best of its ability. Some Leona players may use Shield of Daybreak immediately after Zenith Blade without letting her AD Carry proc Sunlight, which waste an addition x amount of damage. You can also activate Sunlight on minions with either Eclipse or a well aimed Zenith Blade to help your ADC last hit and push.

Shield of Daybreak-Leona's next basic attack will deal 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 (+30% of ability power) additional magic damage and stun the target for 1.25 seconds.

Shield of Daybreak is the bread of Leona's bread and butter.

This is Leona's easiest skill to land, so you can easily disengage with it or try to catch someone out of position. Either way, this skill is pretty amazing and easy to use, but use it wisely! At times it's best to save it for champions with channel abilities such as Katarina 's Death Lotus or Miss Fortune's Bullet Time. Activating Shield of Daybreak resets your attack animation, so try to use this after landing an AA.

Eclipse-Leona raises her shield to gain 25 / 35 / 45 / 55 / 65 (+ 20 % of bonus Armor and Magic Resistance) bonus Armor and Magic Resistance for 3 seconds. When the effect ends she deals 60 / 110 / 160 / 210 / 260 (+40% of ability power) magic damage to nearby enemies and prolongs the effect for a bonus 3 seconds if any enemies are struck.

Eclipse is the butter of Leona's bread and butter.

Eclipse gives Leona a lot of armor and MR, and gives more armor and MR when she keeps builing armor and MR. It's the gift that keeps on giving! With the base damage from Eclipse and the damage your AD Carry can proc thanks to your Sunlight passive, Leona can probably take a small piece of hp off anyone early game. Keep in mind that you have to wait 3 seconds to actually deal the damage, so activate this before you grab someone with Zenith Blade.

Zenith Blade-Leona projects a solar image of her sword, which deals 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 (+40% of ability power) magic damage to all enemies in a line. When the image fades, the last enemy champion struck will be immobilized for 0.5 seconds and Leona will dash to them.

Zenith Blade is the knife of Leona's bread and butter. You need to use something to spread butter on bread, right?

Keep in mind, this is a skill shot, so if you're not good at them, you might be out of luck. Other than that, this skill is amazing for initiation as it is both a gap closer and a momentary snare. With this and Shield of Daybreak you have 1.75 seconds of someone not moving. It's not exactly like Thresh's Death Sentence, but Zenith Blade can probably make you slippery if you can manage to hook onto an enemy champion, stun him with Shield of Daybreak, and run. The best part is, IT CAN GO THROUGH MINIONS!

Solar Flare-After a brief delay, Leona calls down a beam of solar energy dealing 150 / 250 / 350 (+80% of ability power) magic damage and slowing enemies by 80% for 1.5 seconds. Enemies in the center of the beam are stunned instead of slowed.

This is probably Leona's most difficult skill to learn because of 2 things: 1) Due to the brief delay, you have to know where your enemies are going. 2) The ideal goal with this ult is to stun as many champions as possible. The circle is fairly large, so it's easy to slow someone with it. However, stunning someone is the main challenge since the center is pretty small in comparison with the whole circle. Keep in mind that champions such as Vladimir with his Sanguine Pool, Vayne with her Tumble, Ezreal with her Arcane Shift, and Kassadin with his Riftwalk can probably avoid the center of the circle and maybe the whole circle. Even though the CD for this isn't too long, it's vital to NOT waste this before engagements. The range and damage is pretty decent as well, so you can probably secure a kill AFTER engagements and on low-health enemies.

Ability Sequence and Why

Recommended Ability Sequence

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Take Shield of Daybreak at level 1 for an early, reliable stun.

Next take Zenith Blade at level 2, which allows you to make an engagement if necessary.

Take Eclipse at level 3 and max it. Increasing Eclipse gives you more MR and Armor and increases its base damage.

After you max Eclipse at level 9, focus on Zenith Blade.

After maxing out Zenith Blade, finish maxing out Shield of Daybreak.

And as with all ults, take Solar Flare at levels 6, 11, and 16 for more damage and reduced CD.

Alternative Ability Sequence

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Instead of maxing Zenith Blade first, you can max Shield of Daybreak.

Maxing Zenith Blade vs Maxing Shield of Daybreak (Skipping this section is optional)

By increasing Shield of Daybreak, its damage is increased and the CD on it is lowered, BUT leveling it increases its mana cost. By increasing Zenith Blade, its damage is increased and the CD is lowered as well, BUT no matter what level Zenith Blade is, using it will always cost 60 mana. Unfortunately, you don't get any more CC from maxing either of them.

You may be thinking "Hey, at max level Shield of Daybreak only cost 65 mana. Not too bad, right?"

Well, it's not terrible but let's look at some more features of each skill...

Shield of Daybreak

CD: 11/10/9/8/7
Damage: 40/70/100/130/160
Stun Time: 1.25
Cost: 45/50/55/60/65

Zenith Blade

CD: 13/12/11/10/9
Damage: 60/100/140/180/220
Snare Time: 0.5
Cost: 60

As you can see, the damage of Zenith Blade will always be greater than the damage of Shield of Daybreak. With Zenith Blade at max level (9 second CD) and Shield of Daybreak at level 1 (11 second CD), you have a 2 second difference between the 2 skills and therefore engage more often early/mid game, do a bit more damage, and not OOM as much. This sequence is better for mid game aggressiveness (if you're still laning against someone of course.)

You can max out Shield of Daybreak for some damage and more importantly for less CD, thus stunning more people in engagements, but you still cannot engage as often because of the time gap between Zenith Blade and Shield of Daybreak. If you are forced to play passive or can't manage to get a good engage (while laning against someone of course), this ability sequence is probably better. The lowered CD on Shield of Daybreak will help you stun more people once you get a gank (or maybe get ganked.) If you and your AD Carry want to start roaming or if the two of you are needed for skirmishes over dragon and turrets, go with this ability sequence as well.
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Early Game

"Supports make plays by enabling their allies through buffs and heals, or by disrupting enemy lines through crowd control. From laning to late game teamfights, supports create advantages and opportunities for their teammates to capitalize on. A skilled support gives their team the edge it needs to claim victory, and can turn the tide of battle with just one well-timed play.

Supports will generally go bottom lane with an AD Carry and sit in the brush , aiding their laning partner when necessary, else-wise harassing the enemy lane."
-MOBAFire Wiki

"Tanks are durable, front-line champions that help lock down enemies and start fights. They're usually found leading the charge, choosing the right times and situations to initiate aggression. Many tanks can also protect their more fragile teammates by stunning or pushing around dangerous foes and limiting their damage potential."
-MOBAFire Wiki

So keep in mind what was stated up there throughout the whole game. Failing to do any of these things could cost you the game.

During the early game, set up a tent and camp the brush as much as possible to have some lane pressure. Unlike Thresh's Death Sentence or Blitzcrank's Rocket Grab, Zenith Blade can go through minions, so you're not restricted to engage because of minions. If you do camp bush, keep in mind that:
1. You're a sitting duck. You can probably get hit by Nidalee's spears and get whittled down or Blitzcrank can probably land his Rocket Grab (which may or may not work out.)
2. Most likely the enemy duo will know where you are in the brush, and would ward that brush. You can probably get rid of the ward with AA, Shield of Daybreak, AA or if you have a Sweeping Lens, kill the ward.
3. Unless they know you can't win any engagements/trade off, the enemy duo will try to avoid you. Not a bad thing, but your jungler can't gank if the minion wave ends up being pushed to their turret. Also if the lane is pushed too hard, that leaves you vulnerable to be ganked (then again you shoulda warded dragon so you wouldn't get caught. Just sayin'.)

Once you're level 3, you can play aggressive by engaging if there is an opportunity. Play aggressive, but DO NOT PLAY RECKLESS! You want to capitalize from advantages and opportunities, not feed because disadvantages. Because you want Eclipse to explode right after your AD Carry procs Sunlight from Zenith Blade, activate Eclipse about a second before you engage with Zenith Blade. Since Zenith Blade teleports Leona to the last hit champion, make sure you don't hook on to the support when you wanted to target the AD Carry. It's least likely to happen, but if you do make that mistake, it gives the AD Carry a bit of time to escape. Afterwards, land an AA, another AA with Shield of Daybreak, and keep engaging until they: 1) finally disengage, 2) manage to escape, 3) the enemy jungler shows up (unless you're confident that you can get a triple kill), or 4) if you and/or your AD Carry gets low (i.e. don't over commit.) If either the enemy AD Carry or Support dies, goes lower than you and your AD Carry, or goes so low they have to farm near turret or have to recall, it's pretty much a successful engagement. HOWEVER, if you or your AD Carry dies or goes low, you might want to rethink things through and wait for a better opportunity. Once you get Solar Flare, you can stun lock someone during an engagement, force an engagement by stunning both the AD Carry and support with Solar Flare, or secure a kill as either a low health support or AD Carry scurries to his/her turret.
Long story short, play aggressive and start engaging at level 3. If your AD Carry gets a few kills while the other AD Carry has little to none, you can probably engage more often and more importantly win your lane. Try not to let your AD Carry die or low enough they have to recall so you won't lose your turret. You become an extremely potent initiator and threat with Solar Flare as long as you can land on the right targets at the right time.

Few important things to keep in mind if you plan to engage:
1. LET YOUR AD CARRY AND JUNGLE KNOW! Number one thing about support: communication with the whole team can either make or break this game. Tell your jungler and AD Carry that when you ping, that's the go-to signal to engage.
2. IS THE ENEMY JUNGLER IN THE VICINITY? You should probably have vision of any possibly entrances to your lane 24/7. I can't remember how many times people get I got caught because of lack of vision. If you know you can't win this engagement due to the enemy jungler, back off and ping the **** out of your AD Carry until he backs off.
3. ANALYZE WHAT COULD HAPPEN AND WHAT TO DO IF YOU DO ENGAGE! This is where that "playing smart" prerequisite comes into play. If you're dumber than a brick and failing school, you probably shouldn't even be playing League. Go study or something. If you have all B's or something, you should know when to engage. If you're some crazy yet awesome combination of Albert Einstein, Sherlock Holmes, Phoenix Wright, and Professor Layton, you're a pretty smart cookie and probably have better things to do besides play League. If you don't know any of these people, Google them. Back to the point, if you know you can win an engage, you should probably engage and get your AD Carry as much gold as possible. As the thingy said, "supports create advantages and opportunities for their teammates to capitalize on." If you know you can't engage, then don't engage and wait for the right moment. You might be thinking, "But wait, when do I know I can engage?" Very good question. Think things through and analyze the current situation, know what to do during the engagement, and predict what happens after the engagement. Both you and your AD Carry should try to keep these things in mind:
1) How much damage can we do vs. how much damage can they do?
2) Any CC/Abilities should we be wary of?
3) How much health/mana do we have vs. how much health/mana do they have?
4) What Summoner Spells do we have up vs. What Summoner Spells do they have up.
5) If an engagement goes wrong, can we get back to our turret safe and sound?
6) Can we turret dive? Would it be even worth?
7) What do we do, and who do we focus/engage on?
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Mid Game

What your team should do

If your team is behind, then all of you should (in most important to least):

1. Farm. If one of your lanes is really behind in CS or has no kills, now is his time to catch up. Keep in mind if one of your teammates freezes lane, he's still open to a gank and his laning opponent is free to take objectives, roam, etc.

2. Ward. Due to the changes of S4, everyone has to contribute to warding. If your team is behind, they cannot afford getting caught and losing more objectives.

3. Defend turrets. If you are losing, one of the worse things you can do is lose another turret. Losing one turret gives the other team some global gold and more control over the map.

4. Take objectives if possible. If you or your team knows you can grab at least one turret or maybe dragon, then take it, therefore allowing the enemy team to not have a stronger upper hand.

You would pretty much do the same things if you were winning, but in this order of significance:

1. Take objectives if possible. Again, taking one turret can increase your control over the map, while taking dragon can increase your team's lead.

2. Farm. More CS, the better.

3. Ward. You still don't want to get caught, and you especially don't want the other team sneak dragon right under your nose. As your team continues to push and grab turrets, start warding the enemy jungle, take buffs... basically capitalize as much as possible from taking a turret and have as much control over the map as you can.

4. Defend turrets. You don't want to throw now do you?

What you should do

If your AD Carry is farming/pushing, stay with him and protect him (and maybe get some gold with your Ancient Coin.) Only leave his side if you have to buy wards and core items. You can help him push by applying Sunlight with your Eclipse. But whatever you do, don't leave his side! If you do, he's going to be more vulnerable to getting picked off, and if he dies, chances are your team is going to lose some objectives. As a support, you should at least ward the lane your AD Carry is pushing and dragon as well. The rest of your team should ward their lane so they won't get caught. If your AD Carry has pushed his lane so hard that someone is forced to defend it, consider doing dragon or at least help your other lanes take down turrets as well. Remember to say when you took dragon and have your time ticks on. It's vital to know when the next dragon spawn will appear. Now and then you and your team may need to group (preferably mid) to defend or push. If you know you can win that skirmish, it's worth engaging and making a push. If not, DON'T. Keep in mind of your team or the enemy team's split pusher. If they have a split pusher, try not to waste too much time when trying to push/defend mid. BUT if your team has a split pusher, try to stall as long as you can (i.e. don't engage unless you can kill most of the enemy team. The split pusher should make a big enough of a punch while the enemy team respawns.) If anyone is M.I.A, ping so your split pusher can make a getaway.
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Late Game

Dem late game objectives

During the late game, laning isn't as important anymore. A huge number of turrets should be destroyed (unless it's a one-sided affair.) Everybody should have their core items (and most likely Homeguard) and be ready to get into some team fights.
Try not to get caught while warding and clearing wards. If you get caught and die, you may have cost the game for your team or make things much more difficult. Because of the temporary 4v5 situation, the enemy team has a chance to grab objectives such as baron nashor, inhibitors, turrets, or even Nexus. Have your team escort you to ward baron nashor and/or dragon.


Do I really need to make a sub-section about inhibitors? Just kill it and you can siege better with supper minions. Probably better getting inhibitor than baron nashor.

Once in the late game, it's vital to not lose baron nashor because of it's extremely powerful buff, exalted with baron nashor (now that I think about it, I don't see how someone finds you exalted after you killed them.) Always have a Stealth Ward in the baron nashor pit. If some of the enemy team's main champions are M.I.A, chances are they are going to do baron nashor. If you know you can win that engagement, then engage. It might be a good idea to wait for baron nashor to rough them up while your team pokes someone down, but if you're too late and they manage to take baron nashor, they're going to have an advantage over you.
If your team decides to go for baron nashor, you should make sure the pit isn't warded. Place some wards over the wall and in any near brushes. Last but not least, ask yourself these questions:
1) Is everyone on our team alive?
2) Is everyone on the other team alive?
3) Should we just push one lane or something instead of grabbing baron nashor?
4) Is this warded?
5) If the enemy team decides to invade us, do we stand a chance against them?
6) Does our jungler have Smite?


Before team fights, try to stay near your carries to peel for them if they get focused but at the same time prepare to take any possible body shots. It's better for your carries to stay healthy than yourself. Try not to clump together so you won't get hit by any skill shots with a large diameter such as Zyra's Stranglethorns or Sona's Crescendo.

Basically, you want something like this...
It's supposed to be everyone grouping mid lane. Yeah... my art skills aren't the best.

Once your team decides they want to engage, open up with your talisman of ascension for an extra speed boost so your teammates can follow you up. If you got face of the mountain instead, use it first for some extra damage since it's passive acts like a 2nd Eclipse if you want to dive in with Zenith Blade or use it as a Barrier for your squishy carries. Once both team fully commits to engage, activate Locket of the Iron Solari to soak up that initial burst damage. Try to save your Shield of Daybreak to stop dangerous threats from killing your carries or to stop champions with annoying channeling abilities such as Miss Fortune or Malzahar. Because you have Zenith Blade and Solar Flare and your various actives, there are a few ways to initiate:

talisman of ascension --> Solar Flare --> Locket of the Iron Solari.

The best way to engage if you need to protect your carries from dangerous threats. Save your Shield of Daybreak if the dangerous threats manage to break through the front lines (i.e. too close to your carries) and use Zenith Blade as a gap closer+snare if they have any built-in- Flash or gap closer of their own.

talisman of ascension --> ( Solar Flare if enemy team is clustered up or if you want to catch them off guard) --> Eclipse --> Zenith Blade --> ( Randuin's Omen followed by Solar Flare if you still have it) --> Exhaust on the enemy with the most damage output --> Shield of Daybreak to stop any dangerous funny business (i.e. channeling abilities, running away, dealing more damage) etc.

This is pretty much the best way to initiate IF your team can peel for your carriers and you want to:

You get it?
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Support Matchups

Alistar, the Minotaur Big Talking Cow

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Annie, the Dark Child Extremely Scary Girl

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Blitzcrank, the Steam Golem Definately not Blitzcrank

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Fiddlesticks, the Harbringer of Doom Aww ****... 3 year 2.25 year fear

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Janna, the Storm's Fury Flying Wind Lady.

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Karma, the Enlightened One Magic Hands Lady.

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Leona, the Radiant Dawn the Exact Same Champion you're Playing.

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Lulu, the Fae Sorceress One of the Few Purple Champions.

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Lux, the Lady of Luminosity the Dumb Blonde

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Morgana, the Fallen the Worst Baker

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Nami, the Tidecaller Another Champion with One Other Skin.

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Nunu, the Yeti Rider Why is a 12-year-old-riding a yeti? Seriously is no one concerned?

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Nidalee, the Bestial Hunter Crazy Cat Lady with Sharp Spears.

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Sona, the Maven of Strings qweqweqwer.

Spoiler: Click to view

Soraka, the Starchild the Managiver

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Taric, the Gem Knightis Truely Outrageous

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Thresh, the Chain Warden the Wife Stealer

Spoiler: Click to view

Zilean, the Chronokeeper the Magical Time Man

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Zyra, the Rise of the Thorns Big Moving Cactus

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Playing with and against AD Carries

Ashe, the Frost Archer the first champion you played
Playing with Ashe
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Playing against Ashe
Spoiler: Click to view

Caitlyn, the Sheriff of Piltover the only champion with a British accent.
Playing with Caitlyn
Spoiler: Click to view

Playing against Caitlyn
Spoiler: Click to view

Corki, the Daring Bombardier the only champion with an airplane.
Playing with Corki
Spoiler: Click to view

Playing against Corki
Spoiler: Click to view

Draven, the Glorious Executioner DRAAAAAVEN
Playing with Draven

Spoiler: Click to view

Playing against Draven

Spoiler: Click to view

Ezreal, the Prodigal Explorer Justin Bieber
Playing with Ezreal

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Playing against Ezreal

Spoiler: Click to view

Graves, the Outlaw Couldn't think of anything for you, Graves. Sowwie :3
Playing with Graves

Spoiler: Click to view

Playing against Graves

Spoiler: Click to view

Jinx, the Loose Cannon Crazy *** b*tch
Playing with Jinx
Spoiler: Click to view

Playing against Jinx

Spoiler: Click to view

Kog'maw, the Mouth of the Abyss Adorable creature thing with 4 eyes... I think
Playing with Kog'Maw

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Playing against Kog'Maw
Spoiler: Click to view

Lucian, the Purifier that Guy who Hates Thresh (if you thought I was going to say First Black Champion, you're wrong. Go sit in the corner and take a time-out.)
Playing with Lucian

Spoiler: Click to view

Playing against Lucian

Spoiler: Click to view

Maokai, the Twisted Treant Big Talking Tree that's now your ADC
Playing with Maokai

Spoiler: Click to view

Playing against Maokai

Spoiler: Click to view

Miss Fortune, the Bounty Hunter dat booty erm treasure...
Playing with Miss Fortune

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Playing against Miss Fortune

Spoiler: Click to view

Quinn and Valor, Demacia's Wings Lonely Bird Lady
Playing with Quinn

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Playing against Quinn

Spoiler: Click to view

Sivir, the Battle Mistress Lady with Messed up Teeth
Playing with Sivir

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Playing against Sivir

Spoiler: Click to view

Tristana, the Megling Gunner Some Champion you can get for Free
Playing with Tristana

Spoiler: Click to view

Playing against Tristana

Spoiler: Click to view

Thresh, the Chain Warden the Wife Stealer
Playing with Thresh

Spoiler: Click to view

Playing against Thresh

Spoiler: Click to view

Twitch, the Plague Rat Magical Talking Green Rat with a Crossbow
Playing with Twitch

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Playing against Twitch

Spoiler: Click to view

Varus, the Arrow of Restribution the Only Champion with no pants
Playing with Varus

Spoiler: Click to view

Playing against Varus

Spoiler: Click to view

Vayne, the Night Hunter Hyper-Carry
Playing with Vayne

Spoiler: Click to view

Playing against Vayne

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If you feel liked/enjoyed this guide, consider upvoting! If you don't agree with something or want to ask any questions, leave them in the "discussion" thingy; don't be afraid! If you want to me to make a "Hall of Fame", PM me some pics of your Leona games. Special thanks to Natuhlee for my banner and chapter dividers and jholjhol for a guide about coding and what not! Without it, this guide would look pretty ugly. Have fun playing League!
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01/05/2014- Guide posted
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