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League of Legends (LoL) Question: What are some champs that could do top that normally don't?

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  • Fr0ntButt88

    What are some champs that could do top that normally don't?

    I'm curious as to what other champions than what would normally be picked for top that are in the meta. I have been trying out differ champs in top lane lately, but only some aren't as strong anymore. Kayle, Dr.Mundo, and Teemo can still go top. Skarner and Alistar are champs I have tried that usual don't go top anymore, but is there anymore to suggest? Not breaking the meta type, but ones that could work.
  • Answers (8)

    RottedApples (57) | June 5, 2015 2:21pm
    i've played Sejuani top before. was meh early but later i was pretty strong. of course that can just be sej.

    I've played Diana top but like other assassins in top lane you need to farm because you may not be able to roam effectively. Thankfully Diana can be kinda fighterish.

    Quinn and Vayne are adcs that you see top sometimes.

    you can try tanky or fighter junglers top (like the a fore mentioned sej) or Rammus or Amumu or Xin Zhao.

    also certain mages can work like Swain or Lissandra.

    I may not personally agree with all of these but if asked to come up with a list of all possible top laners I would consider them.
    DJMurphster (4) | July 1, 2015 7:12pm
    I've found Rammus top is really good. Your tp with homeguards are really good and you are really good at setting up ganks. Plus most tanks go top anyways so i would say it's perfect for him. Zac top is pretty cool too, although his tp plays are a bit on the way side. I've seen Zac top players beat a Tryndamere 1v1 by just building tank.
    emoriam (287) | June 6, 2015 1:47am
    Rek'Sai, usually being played as a jungler, and Morgana, usually being played as a support or less often as a mid laner, are also champions coming to my mind
    TheSilverDust (45) | June 5, 2015 8:39pm
    Maybe you can add Karma there.
    RottedApples (57) | June 5, 2015 6:06pm
    oh and a personal favorite semi-troll top laner for me is Leona
    Fr0ntButt88 (5) | June 5, 2015 5:48pm
    Alright I can some of those in the future.
    Vapora Dark (624) | June 7, 2015 9:43am
    I know Wayne sometimes plays Nautilus top, and it seems to work reasonably well. There's also Vayne, Talon, Triforce bruiser Katarina, illuminati Shaco, Morgana. Just off the top of my head.
    RottedApples (57) | June 8, 2015 8:07am
    you would say talon :^)
    James T Karkat | June 30, 2015 8:03pm
    Cassiopeia could probably top as a counter to Nasus because of how insanely strong her poke damage could be while still being able to keep up with farm. I have yet to test it but I will see if I can try it soon.
    Mandalore1077 | June 24, 2015 1:22pm
    as a general rule most (but not all) champs that jungle can top lane and most (but not all) top laners can jungle
    Re4XN (59) | June 16, 2015 5:30am
    Believe it or not, Taric is a strong pick against AD champions. This allows him to max his Shatter which gives him ridiculous amounts of armour while dealing ridiculous amounts of damage. There are 2-3 ways you can build Taric Top: you either rush a Ravenous Hydra or you rush an Iceborn Gauntlet (or you can build super tanky and go for even more armour, but it usualy not necessary this early). Both are very viable on him and Sheen has great synergy with his passive, which is why most people opt to get an Iceborn Gauntlet. One of these is the only offense item you should build, you fill the other 5 slots with tank items.

    If you really hate Riven GG AFK or x FioraMaster18 I'd suggest you to try out Taric Top Lane.
    Epicmaneuvers | June 11, 2015 12:58pm
    Hey Fr0ntButt88!

    Twisted Fate is a great top laner if you are matched against a melee without a dash. He is a perfect counter for singed for instance. His global ult allows him to gank mid easily and help the jungler with scan's

    Brand is another excellent top champ, he outranges most of the ranged top champs and he has a stun to keep him winning trades. If he gets ganked he can use his ultimate and generally cause enough havoc to discourage ganks. Build him hybrid or tanky with cdr and you can add an aoe ap champ to your teams roster.

    Taric is a strong top laner when faced up against an ad champ, you can max his shatter to do a lot of damage and stack armor to win trades. he works especially well against riven's and fiora's. If the entire team is ad, i would go for taric top every time. 400 armor on taric gives his passive massive damage, and his shatter will be giving you 50 + armor pen every few seconds.

    Ap Shaco is another strong top if you know how to play him. against champions like lee sin or rengar, he can do very well because they rely on performing a combo to kill you and his ult and fear can interupt that combo very easily. Dropping jack in the boxes right behind yourself while you farm prevents any melee champs from engaging you without losing, and you don't have to worry about ever getting ganked.

    those are a few champs i play top in ranked that work for me since i know them.

    hope this helps.
    VincentAuron | June 6, 2015 12:11pm
    I really enjoy playing Taric in the top lane. He's going to need a little more love before it's really viable, as right now he is a very niche comp pick, but he can be effective against the right opponents if they are auto-attack / AD based.

    Taric has decent sustain, lots of innate armor and a built-in Iceborn Gauntlet as passive. Once you get a Sheen to IBG, huge midgame power spike. Annoying tank when fed, can play as support if behind.

    However, main problem is that he is very very difficult to CS with, even with AD runes or quints.
    Embracing (353) | June 5, 2015 8:48pm
    What types of champs do you want to play? Mages? Assassins? Tanks? ADCs?
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