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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 11, 2015 10:07am | Report

Runes: Hyd Pen, Health, AP, 2 Arm + 1 AP Quint
Masteries: 21-9-0


I wasn’t sure exactly who to pick into their line-up. Someone tanky would have been nice, but I didn’t think Braum would have been able to block enough of their poke to make a huge impact. Also thought it was an Annie support until they last picked Leona. But i decided to stick with Lulu so I could create or be a pseudo-tank.

They had more kills, we had better objective control. In the end we had Dragon and Baron coming up on the same timer and they still had some inhibitors down so they were delayed in getting to Baron and we caught out Ezreal and killed him before starting Baron. They showed up and we finished Baron and turned on them and won the fight since Ezreal was down.

AP Ezreal still hurts like hell even after the change to Enchantment: Runeglaive.

I felt super squishy as Lulu despite all the MR. It smoothed out a bit when I sold my Mobility Boots for Mercury's Treads and got a Frozen Heart. She also feels really slow even with Mobis. But that is a lot of gear to feel like you can actually stay alive long enough to do something useful in a team fight.

Things I did well:

We won. That was my only criterion for this game after reaching 10 deaths. XD

Things I could do better:

Item Usage: I used my actives, but sometimes it as just button mashing.

Spell Targeting: I missed Jinx at least once with my Wild Growth when it would have saved her and likely allowed her to pick up some kills.

Warding: Evelynn was going on me hard every time she caught me warding, so I was scared to get too far afield to get wards in place except when we were running around in packs.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 11, 2015 3:16pm | Report

Runes: Mpen, Armor, MR, AP
Masteries: 21-9-0


Somehow got roped into playing Mid vs a LeBlanc. I picked after, so I went the Pawn vs Faker route and chose Morgana. I managed to solo kill her once in lane when my Ignite was up. I kept her busy for quite a while and pinged her out when she was missing or one of my wards spotted her trying to gank a lane, so she actually didn’t pick up many kills that way.

Our Master Yi did things. Many of which resulted in his demise. But he managed to get some picks here and there which gave us an advantage in team fights.

Our Jinx managed to pick up a Pentakill and a Quadrakill in that game.

Things I did well:

I kept both LeBlanc and Fizz busy by pushing Leblanc into her turret, which encouraged Fizz to come by and see if he could make a play. Black Shield OP for that sort of shenanigans, so I was able to get away generally unscathed and sometime ahead in terms of health, mana, and lane pressure.

Item Usage: I used the active on Zhonya's Hourglass deliberately. No early outs. I waited until my health bar started falling before I popped it to be able to keep moving and casting spells.

Things I could do better:

Figure out how to nail down Leblanc. She got away from me twice after I nuked her down far enough that her passive popped.

Last hitting: I only did okay with this. Improvement needed. Though compared to attempts at it when I play Morg as support, this went pretty well. Go 21-9-0!
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 11, 2015 9:38pm | Report

Runes: Arm, sHealth, MR, Armor
Masteries: 0-21-9


Opted for Braum to try and deal with Nautilus. The CC I could provide in a fight did not prove to be enough to deal with Master Yi.

We couldn’t win team fights so I told Shaco to just go split push, but after taking their outer Top Tower he came back and joined the team and kept trying and failing to take out Ashe, which would initiate a team fight that we couldn’t win.

Going to have to re-evaulate either Braum or my Braum play. Just don’t feel like I can proactively carry with him in the support position. He does a lot of stuff. It just isn’t enough. Also going 0-21-9, I feel starved for gold even when I’m religiously using my Targon's Brace stacks on only the melee and cannon minions. I think I might have to rely on getting a portion of my tankiness from items rather than masteries.

As I was talking with a friend about the game, when I mentioned Master Yi, he told me I most likely lost the game to Enchantment: Devourer, if we were others winning before that. Rito pls.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 12, 2015 7:46am | Report

Runes: Mpen, Arm, MR, AP
Masteries: 0-9-21


This was annoying. In champ select, when they first picked three supports, my other teammates laughed at their composition. Comments like “is this ranked?” and such. I knew we were getting a Thresh + Blitzcrank Bot lane, which is why I picked Morgana. I believe Wukong died three times in the first 10 minutes. Ryze went down a couple of times and so did Viktor we were doing fine in Bot lane, even zoning Thresh off XP. So as a team, we were behind after laning phase, despite Soraka repeatedly suiciding. Yes suiciding.

However, we were winning team fights. Then Ryze DCd for ?15 mins? and sans Ryze we couldn’t manage enough ?damage/CC/synergy? to continue winning.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 12, 2015 2:17pm | Report

Runes: Apen, Arm, MR, MS
Masteries: 21-9-0


Oy! I am not sure how we won this one. Opted for Hecarim because we needed some tank and some primary engage, but didn’t want to go Amumu because that would bring us in together and a Brand ultimate would have been devastating. And it was devestating if you look at his score line.

It started off terrible for me as I got cornered while on post watching my blue buff when Nunu & Willump came from one side and then Blitzcrank and Sivir came in from the other side. Blew Ghost and still died. Then they hung out in my jungle and when I came back on got a Gromp they ambushed me again. Argh!!!

Aside from one gank Top to give Gnar some breathing space, I just power farmed until I was almost 6th level and then saw Nunu waiting in ambush at Bot lane so I came over to countergank. We killed Nunu and Blitzcrank and almost got Sivir. There was a wave approaching her tower so I had this suspicion that she might stay for the farm and I was right. I flanked her and ulted her under her tower and killed her.

That got Tristana and Nami rolling and they soon had all the towers down in Bot. However, they also decided to keep pushing that lane over and over despite only the outer base tower being left and they died several times trying this.

Gnar was doing a split push Gnar and would not help us team fight, except to come in and clean up, which he actually did a pretty good job at, however the rest of us were already dead so….not quite sure what his actual plan was, but it just about cost us the game.

Kassadin was pretty much useless. I noticed after the game that he went Tear of the Goddess which might explain his lack of presence throughout the majority of the game. He didn’t even build Zhonya's Hourglass, which I consider essential on him.

Anyway at the end of the game, we somehow managed to take out two of their inhibitors. We had 1 Nexus tower left at about 75 HP. We took Baron while they were fighting off super minions, then pushed into their base. Gnar was off taking Dragon, which I thought Nunu had gotten since he spent a long time down there. IIRC we all died, though we got their Nexus down pretty low. Gnar Teleported into their base and managed to solo kill Brand and then finish off the Nexus.

Things I did well:

I recovered from a poor start and had a solid impact on the game.

Managed to get/relieve pressure in two of the lanes despite being behind and not having my ultimate at the time.

Things I could do better:

Have my escape route better planned if I am going to watch for invades from the river. That was just not smart. I was more worried about Blitzcrank pulling my Blue or something like that then pulling me which is what ended up happenening and with Nunu there to provide a substantial slow it turned out to be a trap that was hard to get out of once in it.

Consider that if you have a buff up after dying to an “invade” that you might just want to start on the other side of the map to avoid a repeat encounter with your killers in case they decide they want to stick around.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 14, 2015 5:14pm | Report

Runes: Mpen, Arm, MR, AP
Masteries: 21-9-0 (AA based ADC page)


So should have dodged this one. Called support. Was 2nd to last pick, however our Leona who was picking after me was showing Leona, so I said ok, I’ll ADC and was going to go Ashe, however with only a few seconds on the clock, Leona switched to ADC. I panic picked Sona and our last pick switched back to Leona. Fffffff**k.

The rest of the team was like, well go full AP, since we don’t have an AP midlaner. Ok.

Go to lane and then Leona started last hitting minions, which I was fine with in order to get the lane pushing, and for her to proc her Targon's Brace, however it turns out she had bought a Doran's Shield. She kept on hitting minions costing me a heap of CS, which was driving me crazier beyond the difficulty of last hitting with a champion that has a rather slow AA animation. I had to tell her to knock it off three different times during laning phase such as it was.

Then Renekton was feeding Darius Top lane and apparently one of the times he died Rengar was there for a gank or countersink and Renekton died anyway, so those two were sniping away at each other.

What a cluster and 21 LP down the tubes. Argh!!!!!
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 31, 2015 8:13am | Report

Our Jinx was having connection issues and DCd twice and she also couldn't dodge a Blitz grab to save her life. Darius also disconnected once. I thought we SOL at the point that Darius and Jinx were both DCd, but the rest of the team kept working as if we were going to have to win it without them so when they came back we were still in a decent position to win the game.

I did Morgana things, which largely involved stunning people and making them regret diving onto your team. Opted for Banner of Command over Locket of the Iron Solari because I felt like we were doing more skirmishing than 5v5 team fighting and I felt that if we could create pressure in another lane we could get off center and make some progress at cracking their base. Jinx followed a wave with an enhanced minion to their top turret while the rest of us were skirmishing with their team in Bot Lane and she was able to take the outer turret out.

Though I know as a team we made this one more difficult to win then it should have been, even discounting the DCs, I still felt like I helped carry this game with a judicious use of overlapping CC to keep Nasus from doing anything useful and BoC to help create pressure while we did other things.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 24, 2015 12:13pm | Report

Xin Zhao - Our Annie got destroyed by Yasuo. Yep you read that correctly. It was so bad that I had to give up ganking Top and Bot lanes to try and keep Yasuo from taking our Mid inner turret. After I stymied him a time or two he went to other lanes and got them snowballing.

Hecarim - I really tried to carry this one, but our Yorick was bad and our Bot lane was getting demolished, which resulted in a fed Vayne that I couldn't deal with by myself. I blew Rumble's Flash early so I camped him and we killed him a couple of times or sent him packing. Also got Diana ahead with a couple of kills which she did try to capitalize on by roaming, but kept coming up goose eggs.

Sivir - My Leona was rather timid in the beginning and then tried to go ham at the most awkward times. Jinx would just drop her flame chompers down and snare Leona, so she would get chunked for half her health bar every time she would go in and Sona would just heal up any damage I was able to do to Jinx in retaliation. My duo partner did not play this one well, losing lane, and then getting caught out of position several times.

Janna - Ended up duoing with the Shyvana from my previous game. IIRC everyone won lane so the other team simply ended up surrendering at 20. I went Frozen Heart in this game because the last time I was up a against a Warwick as Janna the he would ult me and kill me until I bought an FH.

Morgana - A dumpster due to good rotations and ganks by the team. Wombo combo of Malphite ult and Yasuo ult was too much for the enemy team.

Thresh - Aatrox got stomped in lane by Riven. Morgana got stomped by Orianna. With Ori ults to group us up and chunk us and Riven to dive in and finish us off it was GG.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 24, 2015 12:31pm | Report

Irelia - Let's see. Volibear ganked and I killed Kennen. Viktor ganked and I killed Kennen. Viktor and Leona ganked and Viktor killed Kennen. Kennen got a little salty.

Kennen in all chat.

Why don't you fight me 1v1 Irelia?

[Me] Why would I do that? This is a team game.

Due to good rotations by our team this was a pub stomp. My one death game when I zoned two of their champs off of their mid inner tower while the rest of my team took it.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2015 11:39am | Report

Runes: Mpen, Arm, MR, AP
Masteries: 0-9-21


Fairly balanced game. They had some nasty AoE that made team fighting hard. We eventually worked out a strategy of kiting back until we could string them out and take out some of them or at least make sure the AoE didn’t hit all at once. Between that and superior Baron control we were able to close out the game.

Things I did well:

I can’t say I had a standout moment. Did support things like keeping my laners topped up on health and trying to CC whoever went on Graves.

Things I could do better:

Felt like I would have been better off if I had gotten Locket of the Iron Solari before Frozen Heart. One of those things were I was taking a lot of physical damaged then it suddenly started being magic damage as we grouped for team fights. Could have perhaps judged that better based on their team comp,

Last hitting: Struggled a little with this when I had opportunities.

Item Usage: Okay. Used the active on Mikael's Blessing early once and in an extremely timely manner at the last Baron on Yasuo which kept him alive.

Spell Targeting: Could have been better with my targeting on Aqua Prison.

Warding: Felt like I did well with this, though I did get caught by their team once when two or three of them were in the crescent bush leading into the river North of the dragon bit by their blue. Though in my defense the rest of my team was also with me so it wasn’t like I was wondering around alone.

Trading in lane: This went pretty even, with us getting somewhat of an upper hand allowing us some freedom to rotate to other lanes.

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