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Patch 5.18 Summary

Creator: PsiGuard September 16, 2015 12:47am
<Retired Admin>
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Jun 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 16, 2015 12:47am | Report

Hello and welcome to the MOBAFire Patch Summary - 5.18!

Today, Riot has released the patch notes of the patch which the 2015 World Championship will be played on in October. Though the number of changes in this patch is surprisingly large, the focus lies mostly on fine-tuning, meaning most changes we will be walking you through below will be relatively minor. Of course, this does not mean that we assume you're no longer interested, or else we wouldn't be doing this.

The question is: has Riot managed to perfectly balance the game? Let's find out!

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! = Rework / Gameplay Update* = Mostly bugfix(es) and/or display changes+ = Buff- = Nerf~ = Mixed

Let's take a look at the big contenders from the last few patches that are getting hit with the nerf bat before they're played at World's. Gangplank's Powder Kegs will be hitting for 20 less damage to champions and penetrating 10% less armor, reducing the high impact of his reliable poke, especially in team fights. Killing Garen no longer causes the killer to gain Villainy, opening up more opportunities for top laners to push any advantages they gain in early lane phase without being punished by true damage. Skarner's losing some slow strength on Ixtal's Impact and was apparently gaining a little bit too much early movement and attack speed from his passive. Darius' Decimate costs more mana and heals for less unless you hit 3 champions with one swing. Fiora lost some base armor and health. Finally, Elise's base damage scaling on her spiderlings was cut dramatically from 40 to 25 at rank 4, reducing her consistent DPS, especially with full tank builds.

Moving on to some less common bans picks, Veigar's Baleful Strike passive now grants bonus AP on assists as well as kills, and he also got some tweaks to Dark Matter that should make it more responsive and easier to land. For those of you who are Anivia players, you'll be happy to hear that Frostbite will now apply double damage to Baron and Dragon if you've hit them with another spell recently. Zyra plants also received some education about target prioritization and should deliver much more consistent damage output.

As for some of our under-appreciated Marksmen, Ezreal is getting a nice buff to his Arcane Shift, adding on a 0.5 AD scaling. Caitlyn is also receiving some help by allowing her to place Yordle Snap Traps more often for less mana. Twitch can now stealth while taking damage after 4.5 seconds instead of 6 seconds, increasing his chances of making a getaway when he's caught out of position.

This patch's most interesting set of changes are unsurprisingly for Mordekaiser. His early base armor has dropped, along with the healing from Harvesters of Sorrow. He can now cast this ability even without a nearby ally, but it now costs 25-65 health and the damage no longer doubles when overlapping the zone of an ally. This gives Morde some more reliable power on his own, but his sustain and damage won't be as oppressive when he's with a buddy in laning phase.

Item Changes

As for item changes, we have a small buff to Enchantment: Warrior's AD, a small nerf to Zeke's Harbinger and a minor change to Dead Man's Plate, but the major change hits Enchantment: Devourer this patch. Rather than gaining 1 magic damage on-hit per stack (60 when Sated), Devourer now only gains 0.67 damage per stack (50 when Sated). While Sated Devourer's Phantom Hit will still be valuable for champions like Shyvana or alongside items like Blade of the Ruined King, the raw efficiency of this item has been taken down a notch.

Upcoming Skins

In a patch which revolves so heavily around the 2015 World Championship, it should be no surprise Riot will be releasing a new Championship skin (following Championship Riven , Championship Thresh and Championship Shyvana which were released during previous seasons).

To clarify, this is not the skin which will be rewarded to players for reaching gold elo or higher in ranked before the end of the season; it will be available for 975 RP upon release.

Share Your Thoughts!

We've had our say, so it's time to throw things back over to you guys. We want to know: what are your thoughts on these final set of changes before the World Championship starts? How close has Riot come to perfectly balancing the game, and which champions do you think will be played often because they are still too strong? Finally, are you looking forward to the release of Championship Kalista ?

Make sure to comment below!
Thanks to Hoppermh for the sig!
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Mar 18th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 16, 2015 1:21am | Report
I like galio
potater is good. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Jovy's Forum Avatar
Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 16, 2015 4:01am | Report
hey ur not wayne what is this

thank you jhoijhoi for the signature <3
Luther3000's Forum Avatar
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Jun 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 16, 2015 4:03am | Report
yeah whats going on here

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