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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 20, 2018 7:56pm | Report

Team kept going in way too deep against superior numbers. Not much I could have done to change the outcome of this one without some more sense on their part.

Kayn camped the **** out of me, which resulted in one of my deaths, but I outplayed them at one point and ended up with a double kill.

Need to get better at popping barrels in team fights.

Accidentally fired off my ult and that would have probably saved my butt when they all-ined me under my turret.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 20, 2018 9:58pm | Report

And now I know first hand why Vladimir into Gangplank is a hard matchup. He can simply poke you and then heal up any minion aggro and you can't really burst him as long as he has his pool and isn't dumb enough to unpool when you have him in a barrel chain.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 20, 2018 10:03pm | Report

Bot lane was crushing it. Then Vayne got a Blade of the Ruined King and starting stomping on our Bot lane with some help from Master Yi. Diana couldn't managed to kill Teemo because so much of her burst is tied up into her auto attacks. I helped her kill him a couple of times, but it wasn't sufficient to let her roam and effect the rest to the map.

Late game I had to keep Gnar off our backline. That meant I didn't have my stun for Vayne or Master Yi at least until it came back off of cool down, which was generally too late especially if I was blinded by Teemo for time when I could have been doing damage.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 20, 2018 10:08pm | Report

And my team wanted to be all AD. I don't think I've played with a Zed who has had a meaningful impact on a game in quite some time. They seem to just get dumped on in lane and never do enough damage to actually kill anyone.

Rammus though he was a Kha'Zix and kept trying to inavde Kayle except their laners had more wave clear than our laners so he just got collapsed on when we couldn't help him. I guess that tilted him so he was pretty much rolling it down a lane every chance he could get to kill some lone straggler that wasn't alone or had some way to pretty much nullify his efforts.

Their Xayah was disgustingly fed. I held my own in Top lane and used my Teleport to help my team get a kill on Thresh.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 21, 2018 9:27pm | Report

....I guess we got outscaled. Mordekaiser was in control in Top lane. Bot lane was fairly even and Mid was fairly even. I helped Kassadin kill Kayle once. Helped Mordekaiser kill Fiora once. And hit Mid game and Varus with Guinsoo's Rageblade and Runaan's Hurricane just started ****ting on my team. Between Kayle and Tahm Kench and the damn shield from Relic Shield we couldn't touch him. Between that turn and Kassadin and Mordekaiser deciding to be heroes and either splitpush by themselves or get a pick which actually wasn't a pick we blew whatever lead we had.

I was actually happy with snagging the first drake which was an Infernal Drake before Nunu & Willump managed to get it.

I did make a mistake engaging on Varus while he was by himself trying to take our Mid turret. Had a damage Jarvan IV moment when I was running tank Jarvan due to our team lacking a true tank. He kicked my butt and then with his Rageblade stacked proceeded to slaughter the rest of my team after they showed up.

I'm not sure what to take from these games. Other than my first one they are feeling impossible to win or are on the knife's edge of being a throw even when by most of my experience the game has gone well up until the mistake or series of them that leads to disaster.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 21, 2018 10:39pm | Report

And I watched another Xayah use her ult and then flash in or make some other aggressive play just to try and get one more kill that is just right over there!!! 19 deaths on an ADC with get out of jail free card.

We had chances to win the game, but we managed to bungle it.

I guess we'll see if I can hack it down in Silver IV soon.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 22, 2018 12:06am | Report

I can't seem to buy a win whether it be in ranked or normals. I didn't realize we had a Mid lane Vayne until we actually got into game and she fed her *** off to the Jax and Ekko. No wards even the third time that it happened. But it was justified because "look at their score." Yes, you killed some people. Yes, you took some towers. But that was at the expense of the rest of the team. Literally tilted our entire team. But it was my fault we were losing because I missed an EQ combo on a kill we picked up anyway. :/

This one was not winnable with our Mid laner playing a different game than the rest of our team.
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Jan 5th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 22, 2018 1:24pm | Report
If she tilted the entire team, then that falls on the team. You can't control what the Vayne will do or say, but you can control how you react to it.

I'm not saying this game was winnable or your fault, because realistically it's probably her fault. The deeper issue here is that there seems to be very little self reflection here. Your scoreline is 2/7/8. Your KDA is under 1. I understand that your team in general had many deaths, and J4 can be an all or nothing champion, but I'm sure that if you go through the replay of the game, you will be able to find many issues to improve upon in the first ten minutes of the game.
Thank you Jovy for this bomb *** sig!
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 23, 2018 8:58am | Report
FatelBlade wrote:
If she tilted the entire team, then that falls on the team. You can't control what the Vayne will do or say, but you can control how you react to it.

I'm not saying this game was winnable or your fault, because realistically it's probably her fault. The deeper issue here is that there seems to be very little self reflection here. Your scoreline is 2/7/8. Your KDA is under 1. I understand that your team in general had many deaths, and J4 can be an all or nothing champion, but I'm sure that if you go through the replay of the game, you will be able to find many issues to improve upon in the first ten minutes of the game.

Yep, I can mute the entire team, which is what I did.

I started this game off 2-0. I screwed up when I engaged on the Varus by myself. I should have checked where he was at item wise and realized that he had his rageblade stacked from attacking the tower. He had two completed items I had one and some components and I wasn't going for a high damage build due to my teams composition. The rest of the deaths came after the game turned into a **** show with no coordination.

I'm still trying to figure it out, but it seems like what happens after my first couple of ganks is something I need to improve on. I'm commonly going 2-0 and then not being able to convert that into enough additional pressure to be a deciding factor in the game. The early jungle pathing is generally pretty easy. 3 camp clear and ganked the pushed lane by walking around any wards they put down, preferably getting behind your target. It is what should happen after that that seems to be amiss. From watching some higher level streams it is looking like they make sure to invade (assuming healthy enough) and steal Krugs (assuming a Bot to Top clean and gank/countergank pattern).*

Yes. I do have a lot to work on. Yes that involves some self reflection. If you'll note I pretty much do try to line out obvious mistakes that I make.

One question I have in my head is if should I try and help every lane? Or try to help get lanes that are already ahead even further ahead? While managing to path somewhat efficiently through the jungle.

On the other side the game feels a bit like whoever has the better ADC at the moment is going to be a major deciding factor in the game, which suggests simply focusing Bot lane. That way even if you don't have the better ADC at least you might have the more fed ADC.

But those sorts of decisions are among the things that makes jungle interesting. Choose wisely.

*I dearly wish that Valkirn would start doing educational streaming again. I've tried watching Pants Are Dragon, but don't get much out of his highlight videos. So if someone knows a high level jungler that talks about what they are doing and streams regularly that would be lovely.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 23, 2018 9:12pm | Report

The early game was abyssmal. They were so uncoordinated that we managed to fight ourselves back in this game despite the Yasuo and the Kled sniping at each over chat, which got them muted. And I let the team down by failing the Smite on Baron. Those 50-50s have not been going my way of late. Sad day. I'll definitely take the blame for this one. We might not have won even with the Baron steal as Fiora was FAF, but we could have made some progress on their side of the map with it.

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