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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 11, 2019 7:35am | Report
Okay, if I am understanding the new system correctly you play eight placements games for every role that you queue up for. So if you queue as Jungle you play eight placement games. The minimum rank you can earn is assigned after your first game. Within the remaining 7 games you can only go up in rank if you win them.

Since I am 4-1 as ADC I started in Silver IV as my minimum and moved up to Silver 3.

As jungle I am 1-4. I was assigned Silver IV as my minimum, but since I'm not winning I'm not going up in rank on that role.

Right now I'm queueing for Bot and Top as I only ever seem to get Bot that way. In normal draft queue I will quite often get jungle if I queue as Bot and Jungle, hence the Bot and Top strategy. I'm okay with playing Top lane.

Having good success with Lucian so far. I mean as long as I stay alive and get my farm in lane it doesn't seem to matter how bad my support is, it just means the game takes longer because we can't steam roll Bot and then take our advantage to other lanes as quickly.

Going to focus on Lucian. If he is picked or banned, the other ADCs I feel reasonably comfortable playing are Sivir, Ezreal, Jinx, Tristana, and Jhin, Kai'Sa, Corki, and maybe Varus.

I don't really get Xayah or Ashe or Miss Fortune.*
I'm not alpha or coordinated enough to play Draven.
I did not go to the Outer Mongolian Temple to learn how to play Twitch.
Caitlyn is a no simply because of the odds of you getting a support that know how to play with her are low.
Kog'Maw is sitting duck without proper support from your team.
Vayne not until I remember not to Tumble right before I ult.

*when I mean that I don't get them it means I don't seem to get as much value out of them as other players do. Except Xayah, I'm not 100% sure what direction to point that champion.

E.g. some Miss Fortune's hammer their lane and then are always in the perfect position to hit a 5 main ult and always get a couple of kills with it. While my ults seem to tickle the enemy team even if I did well in lane.

;tldr Lucian

Top - Whoever I figure out I can win with. Have had past success with Nasus, Malphite, and I like Kled. Maybe Sylas if the Conqueror changes go through.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 11, 2019 7:16pm | Report

Now if only had that system where if you individually played well you could have a reprieve from losing LP even if your team did not play well.

I accidentally let the queue timer go 1 sec over and I got Top. Will try not to do that again.

Shen jungle is just bad. Probably should have dodged based on that and getting Top. The Shen flipping ulted me after I killed Sion. I was just going to walk out and Q him, but the Shen ult threw me for a second, like why would Shen ult me? That was enough time for Sion to get to me and get one last zombie form true damage auto on me. I also expected the Shen to dash onto the Sion, but he did not.

Mmm, blew my Flash on an Elise gank. No one got paid, so that worked out okay. Solo killed the Sion twice.

Took too much turret damage from ****ty pathing at one point which was awkward because I Teleported to a team fight on rather low health. IIRC that did net us an Infernal Drake, but cost us a tower in Top lane since Sivir was over there when I Teleported. Turns out we probably needed to keep the gold off of them more than get the Infernal.

Miss Fortune didn't die a lot, but was basically an ult Bot. There were a couple of times we could have picked up kills if she had followed me.

Elise with Liandry's Torment could kill me if I was low. Think I might have tanked a turret shot or two. That was my bad for overextending. Should have just pushed the wave and left.

Oh the hitbox on Decimating Smash, Sion's Q, is still very deceptive relative to the outline. Rito fix please.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 11, 2019 8:21pm | Report

Oy! We could have ended this game at least 10 minutes earlier but the Azir wanted to be an *** about it and dance around the Nexus rather than autoing it to finish. I hate that ****. We were starting to lose team fights at that point and the Trynadmere could not deal with the Ekko in the splitpush any longer.

Like I'll give props to the Azir he certainly helped set me up for success by ganking my lane, I think I was 8-0 at the time of my first death and that death was only because their team was behind us for some reason rather than defending the Mid base turret.

Our comp was wonky as hell for team fighting. I only had self peel and it wasn't working that well late game.

I think I was on my fourth item while the Vayne was on two. We should have ended the game much sooner.

I find I have to shot call the games at this level (mostly Bronze players). They understand towers and maybe Dragon a little (I still f up those calls from time to time), but making a Baron call is not in their lexicon yet for the most part.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 11, 2019 9:05pm | Report

Their Blitzcrank was running it down. Since all our other lanes where winning that was the final nail in the coffin.

Need to work on my farm.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 11, 2019 10:02pm | Report

Rough lane. The Sona wasn't very useful vs the Thresh. She poked a little, but everyone seemed to have enough sustain that it didn't matter. With Thresh free to set the tone for the lane it was hard to poke the Vayne. Got Vayne low at one point, and tried to take the all-in but they proved to have more damage than us, maybe with a little help from minions so I ened up dying. The Sona died to a gank. And since were weren't really winning anywhere else on the map it was a rough go.

I think I focused the Thresh a bit too much. He proved to be farily tanky. Got tower dove by the Master Yi and somehow walked away with around 10 health. He walked away with about the same amount.

I was first pick so no chance to counterpick. With the Sona I might have gone for Vayne. Or really I guess I should have never taken the all-in since our lane was more of a poke lane vs their catch and all-in lane.

Still need to improve at watching the mini-map.

Honestly the thing that is really annoying about both Yasuo and Irelia is that they can use your minion wave to engage. It makes them hypermobile and you have to account for a factor that you don't have to deal with from most other champions.

Damn didn't think of having the Tryndamere and the Anivia lane swap. That was an oversight on my part since they each can deal pretty well with their opposites.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 12, 2019 8:57am | Report
Went 6-2 W-L as ADC. Ended up in Silver 3.

83% winrate on Lucian
Lost the game I played as Ezreal
Won the game i played as Jinx (they hovered Lucian and I didn't realize they didn't pick him until I already had my runes switched to Jinx)

Currently sitting at 1-4 W-L as jungle.

And 0-1 W-L as Top.

Average skill level was Bronze 1-2 with the highest average skill level being Silver 4.

Lucian + Lux
Xerath + Ezreal

Xerath was a pain in the *** to play against. I never got on the same page as my Lux. She died a lot and in her view it was because I wasn't being aggressive enough. I'm not enough of an ADC expert as this point to know the truth. I know I spent a lot of timed dodging **** which kept my dash on cool down which meant it was not available for being aggressive.

Lucian + Sona
Vayne + Thresh

I found it hard to poke with Thresh nosing around for hooks, especially once he got Mobility Boots. Would rather have had Caitlyn for the matchup to punish Vayne and trap the bushes to dissuade Thresh from getting frisky.

Lucian + Leona
Kai'Sa + Brand

Probably my favorite lane. We straight mauled them.

Irelia - this champion is still ridiculous to deal with even at only two items.
Talon - I do not like playing games vs this champion if his opposite number on my team doesn't have a clear counterpick. But I can't say I see him enough to ban him. Well played they are seriously good at snowballing the entire map.

I seem to be buying a decent amount of control wards.

I know I'm not looking at the mini-map enough.

I am using tab to judge relative strength of items in lane, but I'm not doing it later in the game.

Still need to nail down Lucian's combinations such as actually make a choice as to whether to short or long dash depending on what I want to do. Also need to not dash into the middle of bruiser and tank scrums when I can stay on the outside and continue dealing damage from range.

Also need to get better at poking with Q.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 13, 2019 9:20pm | Report
Lucian + Sejuani
Kai'Sa + Neeko

The two times I've played vs a Neeko support including this one I have not liked it.

She can get a double stun via Tangle-Barbs and Blooming Burst does a ridiculous amount of damage. There is supposed to be a delay on the extra damage, but it doesn't seem like it is much of delay to me. You need to move out of it fast.

Then of course there is her ability to copy other champions which can cause a moment of confusion. Like why is Kha'Zix down there soaking up lane XP when it really isn't a situation that they need to push in on?
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 14, 2019 8:48am | Report
And dodged a game. Had two people on my team showing as out of position, one person on a loss streak, and another with an abysmal win rate on their champion, so I played on my alt account.

Not really sure what the the point is where you should just play regardless? Like if there is a potential to get demoted if you dodge should you go ahead and take the game even if it doesn't look good?

I played my promos without looking at my teams other than to note how many champion mastery points they had on the champion they were using. (note, not mastery level, I mean the total # of mastery points).

So far it has been a decent indicator at least anecdotally. The Talon with a very high mastery point total dumpstered my team. The Thresh in the game below also played well minus a few odd decisions (one of which got me killed when I was dumb and followed up on his engage).

I really don't get all the elements of the Jax vs. Udyr match-up. One momemnt I'll straight up murder the champion and the next he will kill me even if I'm fed. Or he'll just run away.

Bot lane pretty much had their way with their lane opponents.

Udyr ended up camping Top lane. Draven cashed in on his stacks early vs. the Jayce but the Jayce was able to occassionally snipe him out, so basically back and forth. The Draven didn't appear know how to ward. I got us a couple of drakes since our Bot side was strong and spent some time trying to make sure the Ekko didn't snowball too hard after a relatively early kill on our LeBlanc.

Leblanc managed to turn her fortunes around by picking up a double kill on a roam to Bot lane. And from then on she did a pretty good job of blowing up their squishies and being a menace in a side lane.

Felt pretty squishy in the later stages of the game with that build. I had to be sure to pop my ult before going in on anything. I think I still personally like Enchantment: Cinderhulk better for the extra bulk. I didn't really notice much effect from the Spear of Shojin.

I do sometimes still forget to pop my ult before getting into a fight. That is one thing I should definitely be more cognizant about.

The Brand seemed to be doing an outsized amount of damage given his item build path. He completed Zhonya's Hourglass first and Frozen Heart as a second item. His strategy was to dump all his abilities into us and then go untargetable when we focused him. It certainly created some awkward moments as we had to wait a bit before killing him.

Hmmm, wondering if Brand only showing Frostfang is an op gg bug. Because that surely should have transformed into Eye of Frost at that point in the game. And I just learned that this is a thing. I thought you had to complete the support items to get the wards. Did not realize that the 2nd tier item gives you wards after you complete the quest and I play support from time to time.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 16, 2019 2:24pm | Report

I ended up with several kills in lane. However, I neglected to calculate how much CC Morgana and Ashe bring to the table even if they are behind item wise, so I gave up at least two unnecessary deaths.

I am wondering if I should have switched lanes even though we did not have our tower down?

Regardless this was going to be a hard one with our Zoe getting focused by Sejuani and Diana. And my support being 0-9. He definitely got me some kills, but it meant our opposites were on more even footing than they would have been otherwise.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 16, 2019 8:47pm | Report

Ryze actually new which direction to point his character so despite Pantheon getting a huge lead, being able to lock him down and kill him helped out a lot. Dr. Mundo stuck with it and we killed Zyra several times. Took Baron and got a bunch of towers and gold with it and then reset and repeated to end the game.

I meant to get Ninja Tabi for this one and forgot.

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