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My Nasus Build

Creator: jhoijhoi October 23, 2011 1:25am
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Max Carter
Max Carter's Forum Avatar
Feb 7th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 26, 2011 3:52pm | Report
I know warmog's is good, but I mean, why should you get it for nasus, he's already beefy and have his ultimate, getting warmog's + FON is awesome, but I think you should be more offensive... I would prefer sunfire over warmogs (if not getting atmas)

And about nasus being crushed, when I play i'm with horrible enemies, I almost never get crushed, always can farm well, HUGE survability with defensive runes + passive + philo stone... I always escape from ganks, wither literally shuts one enemy down, he'll be very slow... I think the hard time on top was against Vayne and Garen... but they pushed to my tower, so I was fine farming, and sometimes using my Q on them, they were more damaged than me, and suitable for ganks... and with Jax, his jump is very strong, but the "S-rank" thing on him is the dodge, couldn't fight him, he was constantly dodging my Q and auto attacks, and stunning me, so I just farm...

And for me Nasus is awesome, that ult is SOOOOOO ****ING GOOD, wither is so strong to **** off an enemy carrier and Q can get something between 50% and 30% of their life... They'll be scared and hell and run back, and the cool thing is: Q keeps getting stronger, with ultimate, with atma's and with farms...
Thx for Nyoike for this sig! Tanks FTW s2
DuffTime's Forum Avatar
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Oct 31st, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 26, 2011 4:03pm | Report
Because you have your Q which is dealing monster trick damage. Building humongous resistances and Warmogg's is just the best way to do it.

Sunfire gives like 450 HP. Warmogg's gives more than three times that much.
Max Carter
Max Carter's Forum Avatar
Feb 7th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 26, 2011 4:11pm | Report
Yeah, but I build warmogs on him... with atma's...

I'm saying about other tanky champs, I prefer getting a mix of health and defense first, and only later the warmogs
Thx for Nyoike for this sig! Tanks FTW s2
Nighthawk's Forum Avatar
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Dec 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 26, 2011 4:13pm | Report
DuffTime wrote:

I would say the opposite. I think Warmogg's is okay on Morde and not great on Vlad.

Yes Wayne, anything works on Nasus early. He's made of toilet paper until he's got items and Q stacks.

Nope. Not sure how much you play those champions, but Morde needs AP and resistances, not just pure hp. It's a little bit like talking about Cho'Gath, Shen or Singed. Maybe not Shen since RoA isn't good on him >.>

Rylai's + Lichbane + SV and some armor runes is all you need, after that getting a Zhonya's, Scepter or a GA.

Building him pure AP or pure tanky isn't as good as an idea as before.

And it's even worse on Vlad, just build AP bro.


<King of the Hill>
Khazem's Forum Avatar
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Jul 31st, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 26, 2011 4:14pm | Report
Never really liked Warmog's on Nasus, it just doesn't offer him anything but raw health.
You have your boots and a trinity, that leaves 4 slots for defensive items.
One of them will almost always be Force of Nature, for some armor you then grab either Randuin's Omen or Frozen Heart, get a Shurelya's Battlesong in there for more CDR and an awesome on-use and finish up with either an Atma's Impaler, Guardian Angel or the other one of Randuin's Omen and Frozen Heart you didn't get before.
I just don't see Warmog's replacing any of those items cause of all the utility these items offer besides raw health and with a build like that you're already over 3k health. Getting a warmog's at that point will push you over 4k which just begs for a bloodrazor.
DuffTime's Forum Avatar
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Oct 31st, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 26, 2011 10:26pm | Report
Funny how you said 3 champions I would build Warmogg's on Night.

Forcing your opponent to buy a bloodrazor is not a reason not to build Warmogg's. Razor costs 3800 gold.
Nighthawk's Forum Avatar
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Dec 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 27, 2011 5:41am | Report
DuffTime wrote:

Funny how you said 3 champions I would build Warmogg's on Night.

Forcing your opponent to buy a bloodrazor is not a reason not to build Warmogg's. Razor costs 3800 gold.

Cho shouldn't buy Warmogs unless it's either a) a lategame item for him or b) he's going Atmogs + Triforce (which I know is viable but I don't prefer it). I can definitely see it on Shen since he scales well with hp and resistances. Singed should practically never buy Warmogs.

RoA, Rylai's, hell even another RoA. But Warmogs should only be super lategame.

Jesus promised the end of all wicked people.
Odin promised the end of all ice giants.
I don't see many ice giants around.
DuffTime's Forum Avatar
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Oct 31st, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 27, 2011 9:12am | Report
You clearly don't understand why to buy Warmogg's at all.

I think what your problem is, is that you're thinking "Item by item" for each champion.

"Oh, this looks cool, I think this has good 'synergy' with this guy... Cool."

Instead of "Am I the full tank? Do I need to be a sturdier Offtank than I thought? Yes? Time to get my tank stats up. How can I do that? Warmogg's. Period."

HP is survivability. Resistances are a way to make your HP last longer. HP is the primary survivability stat. Increasing your HP pool has the same effect on all champions, you get a rise in survivability.

Singed's ultimate gives armor and resistances- Warmogg's provides BETTER survivability on Singed than it does on Shen. The ki strike synergizing with Warmogg's is not why you buy Warmogg's, it's a bonus effect to buying Warmogg's. In effect, Warmogg's is much BETTER on Singed than it is on Shen. In fact, it's Singed's best item, if Singed is the full tank (I believe he should be, that's what he's best at).

This is why I say you don't understand why you should be buying Warmogg's, and/or when. It's a survivability item. Survivability from Warmogg's is not limited to "X" champions because you can build Atma's and get damagez as well.

No, survivability is desirable on almost any/all melee champions, and as such, Warmogg's is a legitimate pick on almost any/all melee champion- whether or not you get Atma's, regardless of what the toolkit is, it's always going to be a strong item on a melee.

Nasus for example is a great example of when you can comfortably buy Warmogg's without having to buy Atma's. You can~ But I prefer the way JhoiJhoi has it laid out currently.

His kit is already complete without more damage, he already does his job. Instead it's superior to build as a tank. Since your Q has damage, CDR and potentially an item like Trinity Force is all you will need. So Warmogg's is a perfect fit on Nasus. Being alive longer = more damage, and since every team needs a tank, you can build him full tank, be your teams full tank, and deal decent damage while you're at it.

This leads to an aggressive comp, where even the tank hurts if he got farmed. Warmogg's is part of why you can be a legitimate full tank on Nasus, since he only has temporary hard survivability in his ult. His passive is sustain early game and only provides "survivability" deep end game when your damage starts to rise. So you'll need the deeper HP pool to be a legitimate tank if you want to get the items that Nasus uses best.
<Retired Admin>
Wayne3100's Forum Avatar
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 27, 2011 9:39am | Report
^ Warmog's Armor is great if you already have a good amount of armor and magic resist. If your resistances are not high Warmog's will still increase your survivability but it won't necessarily save you from being killed since you're not really reducing any of the damage you receive.
It's a lot of health, but it's just that. Health.
Many other items combine health with other useful stats, aura's, item actives etc.
Personally I would say combining some of those items is generally a better option than spending 3000 gold on health only.

I think it's a good item, but often not necessarily the best choice since it doesn't add anything else. I know that's exactly what you buy it for, but I prefer combining other items that give health but also something extra.

Won't comment on the viability of Warmog's on Shen or Singed since I don't own Shen and haven't played Singed yet.

Thanks to Hoppermh for the signature!
DuffTime's Forum Avatar
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Oct 31st, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 27, 2011 9:51am | Report
Okay but when you COMBINE chunky resistance items with Warmogg's, you're getting a FAR superior boost to your survivability (Which is what a tank really wants) than you can get with any other item combinations. 1370 HP is far and away the highest. Fully stacked Leviathan isn't even 900, it's less than that. Frozen mallet is HALF the HP bonus of Warmogg's. You gotta understand, this item is -far and away- the best survivability item.
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