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My Nasus Build

Creator: jhoijhoi October 23, 2011 1:25am
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<MOBAFire Mother>
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 23, 2011 1:25am | Report
Hi all, I recently uploaded a Nasus guide and there has been a lot of conversation and criticism about my build.

So I've decided to come here and see what everyone else thinks an ideal Nasus build would be and why. This will help me get an idea of where everyone's thought processes lie, and it'd be a great source of information to draw upon.

Summary / tl;dr of my guide:

My build:
- Ninja Tabi + Trinity Force + Frozen Heart + Force of Nature + Atma's Impaler + Warmog's Armor
Why: Other items don't seem to utilise Nasus' full potential. He is possibly one of the only tanks that can build completely tanky and still do a huge amount of damage. Taking advantage of this is what leads to a successful game.

- Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed + greater mark of desolation + Greater Seal of Evasion + Greater Glyph of Cooldown Reduction
Why: Swiftness is to allow Nasus to farm his Siphoning Strike and get back out of harms way quickly (which is also due to Quickness ). Desolation is the armour penetration. Evasion is due to the predominantly AD meta game (1 tanky dps top, 1 AP mid, 1 tanky dps jungler, 1 AD, 1 AP support). Focus so Nasus can get more early game SS before grabbing an early game Glacial Shroud.

- 0/16/14
(spec'ing for Dodge Chance + Movement with Dodge, Veteran Scars, Quickness and Meditation)
Why: I don't feel the full 0/21/9 is necessary, and as I'm buying Ninja Tabi and have spec'd Dodge Seals, the Dodge in the defense tree is very helpful.

- Teleport + Flash/ Exhaust
- Nasus will go solo top, so Teleport takes advantage of the early game philosopher's stone strategy.

Ability Sequence:
- Fury of the Sands > Siphoning Strike > Wither > Spirit Fire
- Nasus is all about siphoing strike farm, and a lower cooldown on this ability will make sure he gets more creep kills stacked on it, furthering its damage. Wither is extremely important against solo top (especially when you are ganked), and should be maxed second. Spirit Fire is maxed last due to the fact that its cost is increased, its cooldown is not decreased (always 12 without CDR) and using it all the time will push your minions. This will leave you over-extended and out of mana, making you susceptible to a gank.

So, if you guys could fill out this form, or just write a quick response, that would be great :)

Ability Sequence:

If I have the time, I'll upload all form completed responses here, so if anyone is interested in the community responses, they'll be able to find it easily here.

Thanks in advance, guys :D

PsiGuard wrote:

Ninja Tabi+ Trinity Force+ Randuin's Omen+ Force of Nature+ Atma's Impaler+ Warmog's Armor
I like the concept of a dodge-focused Nasus. Merc treads are obviously an option, but dodge is a great counter to the current AD-heavy meta. I prefer RO to FH because of the health and passive/active. The rest of it is the same as yours pretty much.

Greater Mark of Desolation+ Greater Seal of Evasion+ Greater Glyph of Cooldown Reduction+ Greater Quintessence of Desolation
I explained dodge earlier. CDR glyphs are necessary since I don't take Frozen Heart. Armor pen is great since Nasus is AD-focused, but doesn't really have room to build any arPen at all AND doesn't use the offensive tree (in my or your builds). Compliments Spirit Fire a bit.

0/16/14 or 0/9/21
Nimbleness is the important thing. The first setup is if your against a tough solo top, the second gives more utility for lategame if you're against an easier opponent.

Teleport+ Flash/ Ghost/ Exhaust
Teleport for solo topping and backdoor awesomeness. Flash if you need an escape. Ghost if you want more offensive capability AND an escape. Exhaust if you want a very strong offense.

Ability Sequence:
R>Q>W>E or R>E>Q>W depending on your lane opponent. The second sequence is more for a 1v2 lane or if you're against an aggressive/non-AD opponent.
R is obvious. Q is great for farming and general DPS. W is good if you can make use of it. E is a waste of mana unless you focus on it, which is a situational choice imo.
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Oct 31st, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 23, 2011 2:06am | Report
You might consider checking the recent tournament matches.

I think the guy's name was Sypher or Sipher.

He played straight CDR tank Nasus, and built no damage. Worked really well.

If you're gonna hybrid your masteries, I suggest 0/14/16 instead, because MS and more flashes are just too good.

SoS is strong, otherwise you might consider a 0/9/21.
<MOBAFire Mother>
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 23, 2011 2:09am | Report
^I assume he grabbed Frozen Heart then? I can see Ionian Boots of Lucidity working, as many grab them on champions like Renekton. I end with something like 25-30% CDR with my build/runes anyway ^^
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Jun 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 23, 2011 2:21am | Report
Ninja Tabi+ Trinity Force+ Randuin's Omen+ Force of Nature+ Atma's Impaler+ Warmog's Armor

I like the concept of a dodge-focused Nasus. Merc treads are obviously an option, but dodge is a great counter to the current AD-heavy meta. I prefer RO to FH because of the health and passive/active. The rest of it is the same as yours pretty much.


Greater Mark of Desolation+ Greater Seal of Evasion+ Greater Glyph of Cooldown Reduction+ Greater Quintessence of Desolation

I explained dodge earlier. CDR glyphs are necessary since I don't take Frozen Heart. Armor pen is great since Nasus is AD-focused, but doesn't really have room to build any arPen at all AND doesn't use the offensive tree (in my or your builds). Compliments Spirit Fire a bit.

0/16/14 or 0/9/21


Nimbleness is the important thing. The first setup is if your against a tough solo top, the second gives more utility for lategame if you're against an easier opponent.

Teleport+ Flash/ Ghost/ Exhaust

Teleport for solo topping and backdoor awesomeness. Flash if you need an escape. Ghost if you want more offensive capability AND an escape. Exhaust if you want a very strong offense.

Ability Sequence:
R>Q>W>E or R>E>Q>W depending on your lane opponent. The second sequence is more for a 1v2 lane or if you're against an aggressive/non-AD opponent.

R is obvious. Q is great for farming and general DPS. W is good if you can make use of it. E is a waste of mana unless you focus on it, which is a situational choice imo.
Thanks to The_Nameless_Bard for the sig!
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 23, 2011 3:09am | Report
jhoijhoi wrote:

My build:
- Ninja Tabi + Trinity Force + Frozen Heart + Force of Nature + Atma's Impaler + Warmog's Armor
Why: Other items don't seem to utilise Nasus' full potential. He is possibly one of the only tanks that can build completely tanky and still do a huge amount of damage. Taking advantage of this is what leads to a successful game.

You've got the right idea down, but your item order and boot choice is a little off. Merc is the better choice in most cases. Even with dodge runes. Tabi should only be bought in those rare cases where you actually need dodge more than CC reduction (Nasus is real weak against kiting).
You should probably be building Warmog before other major items if you're going to be building Atmog.
I'd prolly do something like this:

Item Sequence

Health Potion 50
Nomad's Medallion 850
Boots 300
Sheen 700
Mercury's Treads 1100
Warmog's Armor 3100
Atma's Impaler 2300
Force of Nature 2800
Trinity Force 3333
Frozen Heart 2500
Item order depends a lot on what you need after your philo, boots and sheen.
If not building Warmog I'd build Shurelya's Battlesong and Sunfire or maybe Randuin.

All fine except for the CDR glyphs. MR glyphs are just overall more helpful in most cases since there are a lot of top laners that have magic damage.
Other good options in quints are HP and HP5.
Like I say below dodge isn't a necessity. (more on that below)

- 0/16/14
(spec'ing for Dodge Chance + Movement with Dodge, Veteran Scars, Quickness and Meditation)

Bad idea. I see very little benefit in taking mixed masteries instead of 21 in either tree.
Either 0/21/9 or 0/9/21. Dodge runes with 21 defense and I (personally) would probably use armor seals and grab Strength of Spirit over Nimbleness . While good, dodge really isn't THAT good that you'd wanna sacrifice other good bonuses for it.

Keep in mind that the CDR in utility is stronger than the CDR in glyphs, so that is a better choice if you really want CDR.

- Teleport + Flash/ Exhaust
- Nasus will go solo top, so Teleport takes advantage of the early game philosopher's stone strategy.

All good. Those 3 along with Ghost are prolly the only viable spells.

Can't see a problem here.
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 23, 2011 3:11am | Report
There is no heavy AD meta. Where are you guys getting this from?..
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<MOBAFire Mother>
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 23, 2011 3:32am | Report
Item order isn't like that, just wrote down the final items lol :P

0/21/9 - don't think it's necessary. I'm a fan of getting the best possible out of the mastery tree.

Gimme the team comp of your last 10 games and tell me if there were more AD or more AP ^^
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 23, 2011 4:37am | Report
More AD obviously, because more junglers are tanky AD. But other than the fact that junglers are mostly AD it's pretty balanced in magical/physical damage. There are also a ton of physical abilities that can't be dodged.
It does not warrant using dodge.
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<MOBAFire Mother>
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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 23, 2011 4:49am | Report
When you consider the team composition is basically AD, the armour components of the guide make sense. In terms of Dodge, you're the tank, mitigating auto-attack damage is a necessity, and Nimbleness is very sweet. With regards to physical abilities... what do you mean? Like Nasus' Siphoning Strike, which can be dodged?

Also, spells shouldn't come into the equation when discussing dodge, as of course dodge doesn't dodge spells... :P
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 23, 2011 5:26am | Report
Most "on hit" abilities can't be dodged. Poppy's Q, TF's pick a card, Wukong's Q, Garen's Q all can't be dodged.
I don't know if Siphoning Strike can be dodged because it's one of those rare abilities that can crit, but then again; GP's Q can't be dodged (if I remember correctly).

mitigating auto-attack damage is a necessity

No **** sherlock >.>
Armor helps with that too. The reason I don't consider dodge runes+mastery that important is because armor+SoS makes your earlygame a LOT better, while dodge barely helps with that at all.
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