Ahri - The Nine Tailed Fox

Playing Ahri for a few games, she is indeed a very powerful laner. Once she gets blue buff her poke and harass becomes insane. For me I don't think she's OP. Her AP ratios aren't as high as I'd thought they would be that she could burst a champion down in one rotation.

Although, she doesn't burst she is still pretty strong - provided you are able to land your skill shots. I guess that's what Riot meant by high risk/high reward. Her damage output greatly decreases if you miss one of your skill shots.


9x Greater Mark of Magic Penetration
9x Greater Seal of Replenishment
9x Greater Glyph of Scaling Ability Power
3x Greater Quintessence of Ability Power


Standard for an AP Caster

Summoner Spells


Skill Sequence


So far Doran's Ring stacking is an amazing plus for her. I usually grab 2~3 of these early game. It really helps with the constant harass - minion clear.

Then, I grab either Sorcerer's Shoes or Mercury's Treads depending on the team.

The first main core item you should definitely get is Rylai's Crystal Scepter. Comboing this item with blue buff and her Fox-Fire/ Orb of Deception you can really control the enemy really well. I highly advise getting this item.

Next, would be Rabadon's Deathcap. Why? She's an AP Caster what AP caster doesn't get this item?

Void Staff, the extra magic penetration just allows your to harass even better - this item can be interchangeable.

Lich Bane, This item goes pretty well with Ahri and the passive is actually pretty good. I might actually consider getting an early Sheen to test it's potential.

Banshee's Veil/ Quicksilver Sash/etc - This item depends on the team but Banshee's Veil helps a ton. :o

Items Considered

Will of the Ancients - Hextech Revolver does not work as well on Ahri despite her passive. I feel like this didn't do enough to be bought into an Will of the Ancients.

Rod of Ages - You could get this but Rylai's Crystal Scepter is better in my opinion.

Mejai's Soulstealer - Get it if you're really good at her already.

Yup - That's it so far. If you want a cheat sheet I made a test build for experimental purposes. :)

Ahri: Nine Tails of Destrustion (TEST BUILD)