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My Ideas for small buffs I think champs need.

Creator: throatslasher September 17, 2012 12:54pm
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May 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 19, 2012 8:19am | Report
Mikuroo wrote:

lol yaya if your in 800 Elo and can't get out , you belong in that Elo. It is ridiculously easily to climb at 800 and u shud not be losing games apart from once an a while.

and yes , throatslasher rages because of the really dumb ideas and opinions / contradictions that come up in mobafire. I agree is isn't nice , but he makes sense , and alot of the suggestions (actually basically all of them) that people used to counter throats suggestions I had to favepaln at.

esecially the one with lowering luxs CDs would make her an op support . that one made me cry tears of "wtf"

I stopped playing ranked ages 4 months ago, I honestly never tried climbing back because I got frustrated I dropped so low and sucked that hard even if I was just starting LoL, so I said to myself I'll train my best in normal to be ready for season 3. ANYWAY He talked about Lux mana reduction not CD. CD is fine, mana reduction isn't at all... especially in early levels..meh just my two cents. 0 elo or 3000 elo. My opinion needs to be heard. If my opinion is plain stupid you just explain quietly why and I'll understand. That's how people learn. "STFU DUMB IDIOT ******" type to arguing, I leave it for ragers who can't socialize corretly at all. I don't know how Throatslasher's friends deal with him, if every second they screw up he calls them idiots...that is If he has any, seeing the way he talks to random people...
Krisys's Forum Avatar
Jun 13th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 19, 2012 8:50am | Report
ITT: Person raging at a 17 year old, acts like a 17 year old
Lasty's Forum Avatar
Sep 19th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 19, 2012 8:59am | Report
I think your morde changes will make him too strong. Pick a couple and let it rock, but not all of those changes

I agree with most everything, especially lux. You guys are talking about lux support, and I used to play it almost exclusively, and let me be the 1st to say that it's nowhere near as good as dedicated supports like taric and janna. If you miss the snare even 1 time in a crucial moment, bend down and kiss your *** goodbye. Sure lux can shield more people, but it's arguably better to be able to give your adc a few hundred hp and a free bf sword worth of damage. I think lux is ten times better mid than as support, mostly because her mana costs and cooldowns are ridiculously long and her spells are impossible to cast on highly mobile smart adcs like vayne, ezreal, graves, and corki.
Pølsemanden's Forum Avatar
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Jan 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 19, 2012 11:26am | Report

It's not a stun, it's a snare. It hits and snares 2 targets not 3.

Stuns "incapacitate" players preventing them from taking ANY action unless they cleanse it or sit through the duration.

A SNARE however, prevents movement of a target for a duration it does not hinder skill usage UNLESS that skill deals with movement. Corki Valkyrie/Graves Quick Draw/Tristana Rocket Jump are 3 examples of MOVEMENT based spells that are hindered by Lux's snare.

To really explain why Lux support is suboptimal let me present my reasoning(s):

Lux is a utility mage with (what I consider amazing damage for the utility she provides). Her pitfalls as a support are primarily centered around her mana costs and the lack of CC which prevents trades. What I mean is, her snare doesn't stop enemies from using their abilities, her shield while useful is not ALWAYS going to land on your moving teammate as well as it's travel time to your target. Her shields absorption is infinitely more potent with AP, factor in that aside from a damage buffer it provides no additional utility to your team mate(s). Janna's shield is more useful (in the support role) because it provides a damage buffer and an AD boost, additionally her knock up interrupts casts, prevents an enemy from using abilities, and has a much longer range than Lux's snare or shield (possibly even her slow).

Lux has a much more secure role as an AP carry in the mid lane. Her range and utility work exceptionally well to keep her at "arms length" from her opponent while keeping her HP intact. She can win trades on her own and can utilize her abilities much more effectively in a 1v1 scenario where she has the AP to back up her skill set. That isn't to say Lux can't handle a 2v1 scenario or a team fight scenario (she does those things fine), it simply means her laning phase is strong and she has a skill set which is easier to use with "single target" scenarios.

In conclusion AP Lux is more effective at all stages of the game than support Lux.

Azubu Frost used support lux against in a tourney match and won the game, in fact the lux carried pretty hard - all of your arguments are now invalid.

Also support lux is supposed to be build ap - derp.
Philosopher stone -> Kage's lucky pick -> ( Mejai's Soulstealer) -> Rabadon's Deathcap -> Shurelya's Battlesong -> Deathfire Grasp
(only build if you actually know how to ****ing play lux lolz)
or something like it.

Edit: might as well tell you how to fully do it for thoose interested.
Mark: Magic pen
Seals: Avarice and Armor, i'm using a mix(5 armor, 4 avarice) 7 armor's gonna do a lot for your tankiness early.
Glyphs: Ap/lvl
Quints: Your choice - good mentions are: MS, Avarice, AP i'm using a mix(2 avarice, 1 ms) it gets us 3 gold/5 and some very nice MS(our only survivability throughout the game)

21/0/9 - pre-1300 elo
9/0/21 - post 1300 elo
Ty MM and Blood for the sigs :3 | Rammus is comming back - heard it here first!

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JEFFY40HANDS's Forum Avatar
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Aug 10th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 19, 2012 12:28pm | Report
One instance isn't enough of an argument to invalidate what I know to be true on multiple occasions; just saying. That's how it ACTUALLY works when you're trying to debase someone's argument you give multiple points of evidence so it can't be considered a result of chance. Sooo feel free to name off all the other times it worked effectively in a competitive level with near identical results against multiple different scenarios. Thank you come again.
Pølsemanden's Forum Avatar
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Jan 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 19, 2012 12:40pm | Report
So what you're saying is.
If something you call unviable was used by a top team, at a top tournament, against a top team and it worked out well that doesn't make your statement about it being unviable invalid?

So what you're saying is that azubu frost could've been better off with another support pick than lux in the situation and they didn't pick it?
I don't quite think you are capable of understanding the damage output of support lux in a lvl 6 and 11 teamfight. She fits perfectly for an early dragon pick and works great against all non-sustain supports.

TL;DR: if pros used it in a tourney final and you still think it's unviable you're either dumb or ignorant.
Ty MM and Blood for the sigs :3 | Rammus is comming back - heard it here first!

"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
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Aug 10th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 19, 2012 12:58pm | Report
I never said it wasn't viable. Said it was SUBOPTIMAL. Reading slowly and or comprehending the words I write MIGHT help you discover what I was really saying. Rather than finding snippets to try and invalidate my argument.

And just because someone is a pro doesn't make ANYTHING they do in a game "OK". The pick worked out, great, repeat it. Yes they are a pro, much better than me, doesn't mean that it wasn't luck.

I'm not saying pros don't have my respect, they do, but to just blindly let them lead the way WITH ONE INSTANCE that is the true meaning of dumb. So by all means play support Lux, that is up to you. I'd prefer to put her mid and send Leona bot.

If you blindly follow every pro in the game without questioning it, you're probably dumb or ignorant. (See I can do it too).

TL;DR: I'm right you're wrong, chew on it, twist it in your mind, come back when you have legitimate things to say without the need to try and insult me.

EDIT: For clarification the "TL;DR" bit was a joke.
Pølsemanden's Forum Avatar
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Jan 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 19, 2012 1:15pm | Report
lux support isn't suboptimal, she's a great support that utilisez poking, aoe damage and an aoe shield to outdo the traditional supports, her weakness is peeling and lanecontrol which is why she needs a relatively strong burst ad-carry which is also pretty safe to be useful. she also has to be against a no-sustain support.

The word you're looking for is niche, not suboptimal.

The reason that she's a strong support is that a lot of her damage comes from her passive rather than ap.

LvL 11 full burst comparison:
200 ap mid lux(maxing R>E>Q>W)
300+120+360+120+550+120=1570 damage before mr
41,83 ap support lux(maxing R>E>W>Q)
90+120+265+120+431+120=1146 damage before mr and with a stronger shield.
Ty MM and Blood for the sigs :3 | Rammus is comming back - heard it here first!

"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
Pheyniex's Forum Avatar
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Apr 5th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 19, 2012 1:34pm | Report
the small stint i had with support Lux i'd go Philosopher's Stone -> Ionian Boots of Lucidity -> Kage's Lucky Pick and/or Heart of Gold or Chalice of Harmony depending on outcome.

As requested to GMD himself.
<Altruistic Artist>
JEFFY40HANDS's Forum Avatar
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Aug 10th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 19, 2012 1:35pm | Report
No, suboptimal is the word I wanted to use. That's why I used it, if I wanted to use "niche" I would have.

Suboptimal means that there is a champion who accomplishes the same things Lux does, but does it better. Leona comes to mind, she trades poke for lane control (and a passive her teammate can set off). Factor in her additional durability over Lux and the fact that she works against a wide variety of bot lane comps (even them pesky sustain lanes) makes her the pick to take.

But if you want to take Lux bot, fine, go for it, I've explained my reasons why I won't, doesn't mean you have to listen to me.
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