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Viola's Ranked Journey

Creator: Viola Orpheus January 3, 2013 12:41am
Viola Orpheus
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Jun 1st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 8, 2013 11:19pm | Report
tehAsian wrote:

As Riven vs Vladimir, you should be super aggressive.

Every time he goes in to last hit a minion or harass you, Valor up and Q AA Q AA Q AA him.

Honestly, Lux shouldn't have been a problem for you that game, because as Riven all you really have to do is abuse your mobility and dodge her skillshots, then 1 combo her.

Also, what elo is that? What's up with jungle TF and all the weird builds? o.o

I see. I remember being aggressive, but maybe not enough like you mentioned. And that was my intention ( The Valor - > Broken Wings AA Combo), but there were quite a number of minions everytime I did it so I also took more damage than I should have, and I was also trying to balance out going for last hits and harassing him which I did poorly.

Lux was already suuuuper ahead though by the time I could leave my lane without leaving it open to Vladimir pushing up and destroying the tower. Any hit of hers by this point dropped most of us, so I couldn't exactly do what I wanted. And Draven was also quite a pain, so I couldn't tell if I should have focused him down or Lux.

I honestly don't even know myself. Probably 1100-ish ELO. And I'm pretty sure that jungle TF only came because him and his teammates didn't want to jungle. But they were forced into choosing one of them to do it since our team had a jungler.
Many thanks to Xiao, jhoijhoi, TinyStar, Tsuki, and WOMBO for the sigs!
Viola Orpheus
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Jun 1st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 29, 2013 10:52am | Report
Took a bit of a break from Ranked, at least until I got my computer fixed. And it's OK now, and ran into OTG when I popped online. Played one Normal match for a warmup, and despite that going disastrous, we kept a positive attitude and went Ranked. Annnndddd this happened...

Orianna; 4/3/3

I was doing fine against Master Yi, but bot lane hardly had any wards at all and Diana was a derp. A disastrous fight early near our blue kinda sealed the deal. One mistake and AP Yi just steamrolled right after. Managed to kinda redeem myself by grabbing a double kill at top when Nocturne and Renekton got greedy against Cho'Gath, and saving Diana with epic ball movement not too long after when we took the tower down and Noc got back. But it's AP Yi. He just doesn't give a damn. Oh, and Caitlyn was AFK for the first 15-20 minutes.

I won't deny, I made some mistakes, but Tristana and Diana were just flat-out bad. Tris always kept separating herself to grab jungle camps when we were getting pushed, and Diana has Will of the Ancients. I couldn't even call either one out, since there was little to no downtime. And that downtime was used by them to badmouth everyone else. Tris calling me and Cho out for feeding Yi, when we both had only died once each to him and she had died at least three times already beforehand. While Diana was calling everyone out for being bad.

Well, here's to hoping that this trend of getting derpy teammates end soon.
Many thanks to Xiao, jhoijhoi, TinyStar, Tsuki, and WOMBO for the sigs!
Pheyniex's Forum Avatar
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Apr 5th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 29, 2013 5:28pm | Report
those lame cho playrs....

now seriously, Diana jungle works well, still?

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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 29, 2013 5:35pm | Report
Pheyniex wrote:

now seriously, Diana jungle works well, still?

Not hard to pull off, like before. Her jungle clear is pretty much the same, her pre-6 ganks only work vs overextenders or overcommitters who don't know you're coming, post-6 can be good. Of course you need to decide on item path fast, squishy or utility. I usually go for early "utility" (HP Blessing, then Abyssal, unless ultrafedmode: on), her bases are good and you're bringing CC and a skillshot-enabler to the lane

- edit -

Jesus ****ing Christ on a stick son, that Diana's build. People and their addiction to spellvamp.

- edit 2.0 -

Viola, if you are good, soloq is all about grinding. I'm serious. I've had terrible losing streaks due to all kinds of **** (some even my own fault), but I just hung in there and claimed my goals. Be patient.
Thank you Byron for 2014's loudest laugh up till today
Viola Orpheus
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Jun 1st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 31, 2013 12:51am | Report
Pheyniex wrote:

those lame cho playrs....

I don't exactly remember why OTG went AD bruiser Cho. But I think it was somewhere around the lines of keeping up with Renekton's damage.

FalseoGod wrote:

Viola, if you are good, soloq is all about grinding. I'm serious. I've had terrible losing streaks due to all kinds of **** (some even my own fault), but I just hung in there and claimed my goals. Be patient.

I don't know if I can call myself "good", since I don't wanna look arrogant and I tend to make mistakes a lot as well. But I think I can hold my own fine. Probably better than the average player though.
Many thanks to Xiao, jhoijhoi, TinyStar, Tsuki, and WOMBO for the sigs!
Viola Orpheus
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Jun 1st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 13, 2013 7:03am | Report
Welp, time to get this back up and running. Hopefully it won't die out so soon like last time.


Simply put, this was a stomp. I honestly don't know what else to say. Took like 2 of Caitlyn's kills, but thankfully she wasn't the raging kind. lol.

What could I have done better? Avoid KSing so much as the support, lol.


Yeah, I screwed up big time here. I tried to wait for Jarvan IV at red, but I completely forgot that jungle spawn timers were changed, and so I made a mistake and gave up first blood. I'll shoulder the blame on this, because I completely screwed up here. My bad decision makings and wonky mechanics screwed over my team.

What could I have done better? Think. And lose the overconfidence that I can carry as Riven from the jungle. I third picked Riven with the mindset that their second pick Zac was the jungler. But they obviously got me as they last picked Jarvan IV, and so I paid the price. Not much else I can say, but I should really think this through more.

GAME #10

I somehow wound up as the ADC, and I decided to pick Caitlyn as they had a Lulu and a Twitch. Karma didn't really do much, but the star of this game was Tryndamere. All hail Tryndamere.

What could I have done better? Have more experience against Twitch. He caught me off-guard a few times when he would randomly pop up out of the brush or in front of me and chunk off a good portion of my health. Thankfully Soraka was kind enough to grab a Vision Ward here and there, so we were able to thwart his ambushes next time.

GAME #11

Is it just me, or is Tristana FOTM or something? Did I miss an event where she became popular again? That, and when did Bronze ELO ranked matches become farm fests? On a different note, this actually was pretty one-sided. Despite the even kill scores, we had about 6 of their turrets down, and although they got most of the dragons, our team was also very well farmed. At least, I think for our current ELO. And through that, we were able to snowball really hard. And this was obvious as they were really scared during the several Mexican Stand-offs. They couldn't touch me, and I was able to deal so much damage when I finally joined the team fights and they just dropped.

What else could I have done better? Don't get overconfident and don't try to solo that inhibitor turret. If I didn't die there, I would have had at least 375 farm :<
Many thanks to Xiao, jhoijhoi, TinyStar, Tsuki, and WOMBO for the sigs!
Ahruu's Forum Avatar
May 8th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 13, 2013 11:29am | Report

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blala lots of text

That annie build gives me herpes'

And no flash on Ashe? wat is dis
Don't +rep me im a bad person
Viola Orpheus
Viola Orpheus's Forum Avatar
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Jun 1st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 13, 2013 5:23pm | Report
Ahruu wrote:

That annie build gives me herpes'

And no flash on Ashe? wat is dis

As I mentioned in the original post, that Annie was pretty much a troll pick when his Darius got banned. He clearly didn't know how to play her, or even how to play mid.

Bronze ELO pretty much.
Many thanks to Xiao, jhoijhoi, TinyStar, Tsuki, and WOMBO for the sigs!
Viola Orpheus
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Jun 1st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 13, 2013 8:19pm | Report
GAME #12

Bans: Amumu, Shen, Malphite, Shaco, Karthus, Hecarim

We were doing really well early on. Well, at least me and Draven. I was 2/1/6, and he was 7/2/1. Bot lane got destroyed, but the game had other plans for us. Well, seeing as we only had one tank while they had three, and Pantheon jungle scales horribly, we couldn't really do much. We couldn't really try to end it early because only bottom lane was winning.

What could I have done better? I'll be honest, me and Draven were doing fine. Maybe a little better ward coverage that could have prevented an ace for them because of the fog of war.

GAME #13

Bans: Amumu, Evelynn, Malphite, Kha'Zix, Karthus, Shaco(?)

Looks like I've really lost my touch with jungling. Things were even for a good bit, but Hecarim caught me off guard while recalling and that pretty much snowballed out of control. But then again, Miss Fortune didn't know what she was doing, and neither did Sona. Ziggs was doing alright top, and Ryze was back and forth with Ahri. We were able to slightly come back later on when they got overconfident as hell and tried to fight without Hecarim and we got several towers because of it. But it's a fed as hell Hecarim, and a pretty fed Caitlyn. So yeah.

What could have I done better? Relearn the jungle. Relearn how to gank, when to gank, when to get buffs, when to invade, when to join fights, when to counter gank, and so on.
Many thanks to Xiao, jhoijhoi, TinyStar, Tsuki, and WOMBO for the sigs!
Zelrack's Forum Avatar
Oct 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 14, 2013 6:09am | Report
To be honest, Shen isn't the best jungler right now. If you lost your touch with jungling as you're saying, you're probably better off with someone like Hecarim, Nautilus, J4 or even Volibear. They are strong pick, and it's much harder to mess up with them.

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