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The Fool's Adventures In Scrubdom

Creator: Foolamancer August 28, 2013 8:29am
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 7, 2013 1:07pm | Report

Bans were Aatrox, Malphite, Vladimir, Thresh, Vayne, and Kassadin.

I scored First Blood against Jax up top, murdered him again shortly afterwards, then got one more kill for myself and one for Caitlyn in bot lane. I counterganked Volibear in mid and killed both him and Annie, so... yeah. Any game where I get enough of a lead to snatch an early Mobility Boots/ The Brutalizer combo is not one where the enemy team is going to have a good time.


- I only died during one teamfight. I realized afterward that Flash was not on cooldown, and I could have lived if I had realized that.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 7, 2013 5:11pm | Report

Bans were Thresh, Blitzcrank, Vayne, Hecarim, Amumu, and, sadly, Jarvan IV.

Not that it would have made much difference even if I had been playing Jarvan IV. Every lane fed, particularly mid and bot. As you can see, we had a Karma who was 0/6/0 by 15 minutes and a Viktor who did, somehow, even worse. Garen and Corki weren't doing as badly, but still died multiple times in lane without jungler intervention.

It was good for the enemy jungler that his lanes were doing so well without him, though, because he was utterly clueless. He tried to gank Garen at level one and Viktor at level two. He spent the entire game two levels down on me and never had so much as a single successful gank. He was utterly useless.

It just didn't matter. Until the last two minutes of the game, literally every kill our team had was because of me. Even with a team that's feeding horrifically, Sejuani still carries teamfights hard. The only reason the game lasted as long as it did was because I kept landing four-man Glacial Prisons that locked down all their team's carries. Locket of the Iron Solari kept everyone alive so much longer than they should have been. There were multiple teamfights that they lost because I kept Fizz and Caitlyn entirely out of things. We held them at our middle inhibitor turret for almost ten minutes.

But it wasn't enough. They just eventually got fed up and took Baron. We couldn't really contest because we had no vision of the area and Karma was off somewhere doing nothing in particular.


- Not much, honestly. Again, both my deaths this game were pretty much unavoidable. One was in a teamfight and the other was as we tried to hold the nexus towers against a Baroned-up team.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 8, 2013 6:12pm | Report

Bans were Kassadin, Shen, Blitzcrank, Amumu, Jax, and Hecarim.

Things started out a bit shaky for us; Leona made a bad engage and fed First Blood to Thresh. Fortunately, though, Vayne didn't pick up the kill, and I made it out alive. I got zoned for a while without Leona in the lane, so I spent most of the laning phase 20 creeps down, but my farm picked up later.

The lane turned around when Thresh made a bad engage, I Cleansed out of it, and we murdered both of their bot laners. I got two more kills during the laning phase when Jarvan IV and Vayne tower-dived me (thank goodness for Buster Shot). That gave me a solid lead over Vayne, but, because I'm a scrub, I almost threw it when I tried to all-in thinking that I had Bilgewater Cutlass instead of B. F. Sword and died to minions.

Anyway. That was my first death until the final two pushes, during both of which Talon assassinated me, but too late to actually keep me from taking his team low.


- That stupid engage without Bilgewater Cutlass. Holy **** that was dumb.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 9, 2013 12:35pm | Report

Dat feel when you win a 4v6

Bans were Kassadin, Thresh, Zed, Amumu, Blitzcrank, Vayne.

Nidalee, as you can probably guess, was trolling. She went up top against Malphite, and oh my god did she ever suck at it. It seemed, for the first ten minutes of the game, that whenever I glanced at the minimap she was in the enemy red jungle (we were blue team) and being chased. She gave up First Blood to the enemy Elise after leading the spider on a merry chase all the way down to midlane, then raged at Katarina in chat for not coming to help sooner, even though both she and I had turned up in time to kill both Elise and Orianna.

So I had a feeling that Nidalee was going to be a problem player. She kept making comments about how she was going to act "as if Kat isn't in this game", and was constantly dying to ganks. After yet another death on her part, I went up top to cover the lane, whereupon she began spamming back pings and ordering me to leave in chat. I ignored her, since the minions I was taking would be lost to the tower otherwise, at which point she said "fine I go jungle", and headed off to farm the camps.

Fortunately, by this point I had ganked mid and bot hard enough multiple times that we had a pretty much insurmountable lead. We had both the mid and bot towers within two minutes of her going into troll mode, plus another dragon, and we were about ten kills up (all of them a result of my ganks and counterganks).

And the rest of the team was intelligent enough to actually listen when I informed them that we had at least a 5k gold lead and could just win the game if we grouped up in mid with the players who weren't trolling. Nidalee continued to do her best to try and throw, constantly shouting about where all of us were in /all, feeding the enemy team, stealing kills from Corki, and so on, but it couldn't stop us. We just stomped the enemy team too hard, and it was due in large part to the fact that I completely crushed both mid and bot.


- At one point, I was splitpushing top lane as that was the only outer turret we hadn't taken. I was pretty low, but I was also pretty fed and knew that the only enemy who could possibly be in the area was Elise, and I thought I could escape from her. As it turns out, I was wrong, though just barely so; her last autoattack was just strong enough to kill me as I walked back into our base.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 9, 2013 2:15pm | Report

Bans were Amumu, Kassadin, Vayne, Blitzcrank, Fizz, and Hecarim.

Hoo boy, this was a rough one, and I can't take all the credit for winning (though I quite definitely was a large part of it). The enemy Udyr got an early double kill on our bot lane, then got on a killing spree before five minutes when he counterganked me in mid and killed both myself and Nidalee.

What saved us was that, while Udyr was a giant threat, he was the only threat their team had, because, while I had an early disadvantage due to that countergank, I was keeping all of his lanes from securing any kills, and still getting good ganks in on every one. I donated almost all the kills so that the laners could get back in the game, but I still ended up getting enough of them that I was still able to pick up The Brutalizer and Mobility Boots, so I could be a serious threat. Udyr also didn't press his advantage particularly hard; I get the feeling that he wasn't the most experienced jungler, because if I had a 3/0 lead over the enemy jungler as Udyr before five minutes, they would never touch another camp for the rest of the game. I never lost a single buff.

Fortunately, between my ganks and the fact that the enemy bot lane was a rather terrible duo, we were able to stay in the game. What turned the game around in our favor was a countergank I made on both Udyr and Brand, who had traveled down to bot to try and kill our Lucian. They got Fiddlesticks, but my countergank caught both Udyr and Brand under the tower, so that was a free double plus some shut down gold for our AD carry, followed by a free dragon and the bottom tower.

After that, it was still a bit rocky - I had to make a few engages where I knew I would die, but which would buy two or more kills with my death by locking people into Cataclysm - but the game was definitely ours. They never took any dragons, and my global presence kept them from taking towers, so eventually our gold lead just built up to the point where they couldn't hope to fight us and they surrendered.


- I could have predicted Udyr's initial countergank and prevented this entire thing from snowballing in his favor in the first place.
- I underestimated how much damage the enemy Brand could do during one gank, and just ended up dying before I could actually do anything.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett
<Retired Admin>
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 9, 2013 2:33pm | Report
Good luck in your series :)

Edit: also good job in doing so well in your jungle games, I personally kinda suck at the role :P

Thanks to Hoppermh for the signature!
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 10, 2013 6:17pm | Report

Bans were Thresh, Kassadin, Nocturne, Amumu, Vayne, and Jinx.

Riven had no Flash, no Ghost, not even a ward. She came to me with insults to my intelligence. SO I MADE HER LOVED ONES SUFFER.

She was dead three times within the first six minutes. I even got a murder-gank on Akali in between trips up top to ravage her. She ragequit after the third death, and that was GG.

Or it would have been, if my team hadn't been determined to throw. Things dragged out a hell of a lot longer than they should have, because Shen was very, very bad about timing his Stand United uses, which let Akali get pretty fed. Still, they couldn't actually turn it around.


- Should probably have just picked up an Oracle's Elixir and rendered Akali helpless. Hindsight is 20/20, I guess.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 10, 2013 7:53pm | Report

Bans were Master Yi, Amumu, Hecarim, Blitzcrank, Thresh, and Kassadin.

Our Jinx said, in pregame, "I go YOLO now" and locked in Jinx top. So. As you can see, it didn't really work out. Top lane got triaged after her third death without jungler intervention.

Bot lane was strictly "meh", trading kills all game. When I came in to gank for them the first time, Vayne went in on Tristana when she had less than one-third of her health, before Leona could land her stun. So Tristana got a free kill and a reset for Rocket Jump, rendering the gank pointless. She then proceeded to rage at me in chat.

Anyway. I counterganked Sejuani several times, getting kills each time. We took the bottom tower and the first two dragons, but it didn't matter. Jinx had fed Wukong too hard. We lost the top tower even before we got the bottom one, and Wukong just proceeded to wreck Vayne in every single teamfight. Fizz had a bad habit of going in far too deep and expending Playful/Trickster before Gragas had dropped Explosive Cask or Sejuani had used Glacial Prison, and Leona liked to tank full-health towers for no reason and die to Tristana. Despite my early 3/0/1 status, this game just couldn't be carried. Every lane died multiple times, while they had a super-fed Wukong and the teamfighting ability to take advantage of it.


- Vayne and I died after taking the second dragon because we had been standing on a ward, knew it, and didn't back off in time. Should've known better.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 10, 2013 8:32pm | Report

Welp. Shouldn't have duo'd.

Bans were Shen, Kassadin, Blitzcrank, Zed, Zac, and Ahri.

This is why I prefer not to play support, even though I'm pretty good at it. Even if I do well as support, I can't carry the game. At most, I can carry one lane.

And one lane wasn't the problem this game. It was one lane and the jungle, which I found frustrating because he had claimed to be unstoppable at it. He kept taking gank paths through spots that I had let him know in chat were warded, kept going into unwinnable fights, and kept feeding Viktor. Annie helped on that last bit, though.

So yeah. Viktor was legendary, Corki had a huge lead, and Tryndamere had taken First Blood against Renekton somehow, without jungler intervention. The team surrendered at twenty minutes.


- Walked into a Death Sentence, like a moron, and gave Corki a double kill. That was my only death prior to Viktor's roaming, however. He could just ult us while we stood under the tower and get a double with no other effort involved.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 10, 2013 9:06pm | Report

And another surrender at twenty. Hooray! Not my night, it seems.

Bans were Kassadin, Shen, Malphite, Thresh, Blitzcrank, and Amumu.

Our last pick Veigar started with a Sapphire Crystal. And no ward. And died twice to Sejuani ganks and four times just to Fizz without any help. And Jayce pushed to tower after I informed him that I wanted to gank top early.

Bot was fine, but Veigar just couldn't stop feeding Fizz. We stole a dragon and took mid when Fizz was off roaming, but it didn't matter. Fizz and Sejuani were too fed, while bot and top were strictly even. I got two solid ganks in on bot, but that was all I could do with Jayce pushing and me constantly having to cover mid.


- Pretty sure I'm playing on tilt right now. Should have just gone to bed.

EDIT: Oh yeah. And it turns out Fizz was using support runes and masteries. And Veigar still lost that hard.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett

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