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The Fool's Adventures In Scrubdom

Creator: Foolamancer August 28, 2013 8:29am
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 11, 2013 8:06am | Report

Bans were Jinx, Amumu, Malphite, Blitzcrank, Thresh, and Kassadin.

Teleport/ Ignite Singed, starts with no ward. Feeds First Blood to Elise attempting a level-two tower dive. No surprises there. He fed the enemy top and jungle out of their minds. We lost both outer top turrets before twenty minutes.

Bot wasn't doing so hot either. Both Ezreal and Sona had really, really bad habits of not paying attention to wards and trying to go balls-deep on the enemy bot even though they knew Warwick was in the area. Ezreal died twice to Vayne; Sona, three times. Vayne was 5/0/0 at fifteen minutes.

Fortunately, Pantheon and Jarvan IV are manly enough to carry anything. Pantheon was kicking Fizz around in the midlane, though he didn't actually manage to kill him, and I was constantly counterganking Warwick to keep things from going completely out of control. I managed to get a couple kills for myself, Ezreal, and Pantheon that kept us in the game.

The enemy team got the first dragon, but we answered by taking the middle tower while Fizz was off roaming. He got pretty fed by murdering Singed and Sona repeatedly, but we were, again, able to turn things around with a five-man gank on bottom lane that got us two towers, three kills, and a dragon. Since I kept the dragon timer, we were able to get several more for free.

Because the enemy Elise, Vayne, and Fizz all had quite a few kills off of our feeding lanes, I had to make some initiations that I knew would end with me dying, but which were guaranteed to trade my life for at least two of theirs and to keep the rest of my team safe due to Cataclysm. So my death count is slightly higher this game than I'd like, but it paid off in the end. I got an initiation directly onto Vayne in the middle lane that ended with us trading my life for four of theirs, snatching the middle inhibitor, and taking yet another dragon.

Since we were then firmly in the lead, I made the call to rotate up to top and pressure that inhibitor. On the way, though, we were able to catch out Elise and Warwick in their red jungle, so we just killed them both, took a free Baron, and pushed for the win.


- I underestimated how much damage Elise could do during one point and died to her while trying to hold top.
- I didn't ward as much as I normally did this game, which actually led to me getting caught out in the jungle twice and dying.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 11, 2013 10:07am | Report


Bans were Thresh, Shen, Fizz, Blitzcrank, Kassadin, and Amumu.

Another game that was pretty much unwinnable from the start. This is getting sort of old. Elise was 0/6/0 by ten minutes, and surrendered First Blood to an Udyr gank after she had seen Udyr move into a lane bush and I had repeatedly pinged for her to back up. Vayne, who started the game with a declaration of "lol i'm going to **** on them" in /all, went 0/4/0 in the laning phase. Sona started wandering up to midlane after raging at Vayne in chat for a few minutes to support Orianna, which didn't help matters.

And that was pretty much it. I was 2/0/0 at the fifteen minute mark, but it didn't matter. Wukong and Corki were fed out of their minds, our team had no control over the map since every lane had lost its tower before ten minutes, and we lost every dragon because Vayne was too dead to help contest.

Vayne only ended the game positive when the enemy team overcommitted during one push onto our nexus turrets. Orianna and I took every single one of them low, Vayne respawned with Homeguards and just cleaned up. She didn't actually contribute anything to the game at any point; they were on the retreat then, and since Wukong still made it out alive and at pretty much full health there was nothing we could do even with the rest of his team dead.


- Only one of my deaths this game could have been avoided, and that was when I was warding the jungle. I got caught out by Wukong and 100-0'd in one combo.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 11, 2013 11:22am | Report

Bans were Singed, Nasus, Hecarim, Amumu, Zac, and Blitzcrank.

Easy enough game. Orianna never warded and kept trying to duel Kassadin, which allowed me to just E-Q over the wall and kill her. We did this about four times. Pantheon was basically never in lane and just kept running around the map doing random things. Bot was slightly shaky, but since top and mid were set, I could focus a lot of attention on them.


- I died far more than I should have. I just couldn't seem to remember what Flash was until I was already dead, but all my deaths were in teamfights, following an initiation that made them burn all of their ultimates to try and kill me, so it all worked out.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 11, 2013 12:43pm | Report



Bans were Blitzcrank, Shen, Amumu, Kassadin, Hecarim, and Fizz.

There really isn't much to say here. I was 5/0/4 at fifteen minutes. We were three towers up, seven kills in the lead, and had taken multiple dragons while the enemy team had none. I was facerolling the enemy team.

But we couldn't win. This Thresh. This Thresh, man, oh my god he was so bad. He never, ever grouped up with the team. We were 4v5ing for most of the game. No, scratch that: I was 1v5ing, under towers, and winning. I took two inhibitors on my own! But this Thresh never grouped up, Singed got monstrously tanky, and I don't even know what in the hell Ezreal was buildilng. Twisted Fate was rather bad as well - he died multiple times in lane and never got any kills that I didn't set up for him. Even with me being that ridiculously fed, I couldn't close out the game without at least some help from my team, and I never got any.

"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 11, 2013 1:27pm | Report


Bans were Malphite, Amumu, Shen, Kassadin, Jax, and Blitzcrank.

I handed Swain First Blood against Mordekaiser. I killed Singed immediately thereafter. I went back and killed Mordekaiser again. I went down to bottom lane and split two kills with Vayne. Warwick never ganked. I was facerolling the enemy team again.

But despite the three-kill advantage I handed Swain, he fed. Despite the early kill I handed to Vayne, she fed. Despite the early kill I gave to Teemo, he couldn't do anything against Singed. And Thresh joined in on the feeding frenzy just because he would feel lonely otherwise, I suppose.

Literally all but two of the kills our team got this game were because of me. But there was no way to save this game, either. None of my laners could handle themselves, at all.


- Only one of my deaths this game could really have been avoided; the rest were initiations made to defend the towers when the enemy team finally got around to group-pushing (it was 5v4 under our tower and my team was still helpless enough to lose). The one death I could have avoided was during a gank on Mordekaiser, where I, again, forgot Flash was a thing.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 11, 2013 2:39pm | Report

And again.

Bans were Hecarim, Renekton, Shen, Blitzcrank, Kassadin, and Nasus.

Zed fed. Ziggs fed. Bot lane was fine, but was pushed to the enemy tower all game so I couldn't do anything. And with the enemy top, mid, and jungle snowballing, particularly as Tryndamere took First Blood without any jungler intervention (before I even finished blue, in fact, so you know Zed was just abysmal) and we all know how bad a fed Tryndamere is.

We held out in the base for a long time, but Jinx was *****ing at me for not going in and just clearing the minion waves. She completely failed to understand the fact that there were no good engages to make. If I had gone in, it would have been just another death.

It was GG when they killed Jinx and just went to Baron. Nothing we could have done to stop it.


- Honestly, not much. I didn't gank much, but that was because I was always forced to sit in top or mid and hold that tower, while bot was handling itself. Mid and top just fed too hard for me to be able to try anything.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 12, 2013 3:14pm | Report

Bans were Blitzcrank, Thresh, Fizz, Amumu, Shen, and Kassadin.

Our first pick was AP Sion mid, which I was actually happy about, since absolutely nobody has any idea of how to deal with Sion at this level and his opponent was Veigar, who is always just food. Lo and behold, I gank for Sion, get him a kill, and midlane is buried to the point where Sion can just murder Veigar outright every time he walks into lane, then shove out the wave and roam to get even more kills.

That was basically this game. Aside from a couple early ganks that put me at a comfortable 1/0/5 at 15 minutes, I mainly just covered mid while Sion did my job for me and went to murder the other laners. We lost the first dragon of the game because Fiddlesticks' one actual successful gank of the game was on bot, but we got everything else and never lost even one tower.

Veigar went AFK in base at the twenty-minute mark. The game only dragged out as long as it did because Sion got waaaaay too cocky with his lead and kept trying to 1v3, which meant that we couldn't actually take objectives due to their combination of absurd damage from Vayne and stupid CC from Fiddlesticks. Eventually, though, Varus and I just got fed up and pushed to take all three inhibitors while Sion ran around being a massive distraction, then took Baron just to make sure there was no possibility of throwing and pushed for the win.


- I should have completed Warden's Mail earlier than I did. That resulted to me dying to Vayne in one teamfight.
- My other death was the result of me being stupid and trying to save Sion from yet another bad 1v3 engage on his part.

Honestly, I think the secret to carrying Silver is just to not feed. Unless the rest of your team is absolutely unsalvageable, so long as you just don't die, you should be able to come out on top eventually. If you're not playing on tilt, anyway; that was what was going on with me yesterday.

EDIT: Oh, yeah. Jax died more times than Sion because he made the same mistake I did and tried to save him from bad engages. The difference between us was that I figured out how stupid that was the first time, whereas he just threw himself into the crowd and took the beating on Sion's behalf over and over and over, then said things like "wow" and "no focus adc? wtf" in chat after.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 12, 2013 4:32pm | Report

Bans were Singed, Kassadin, Nasus, Malphite, Fizz, and Jinx. Yes, I was first pick. How did you guess?

Anyway. This was a blatant stomp. I got First Blood for Jax against Teemo simply by walking into lane and pressing W. Meanwhile, in bot, Ezreal and Blitzcrank tried to straight-up duel Thresh and Draven, which gave Draven a double kill and buried that lane (this was especially stupid since the Ezreal wasn't running any armor runes or masteries). I then went down to midlane and handed Diana a kill on Kha'Zix. All of this happened before Hecarim even showed his face.

We just continuously murdered everyone. Hecarim tried to save his bot lane by setting up a four-man dive with Kha'Zix, but I came in for the countergank and they just ended up giving a triple to Draven and another kill to me. It was game before ten minutes.


- During that countergank, I failed my Flash out and died. The damage was done and the game was officially over in our favor, but still, that death was stupid.
- I also overestimated my durability after taking an inhibitor. If I had Flashed out or even just E-Q'd away, I could have escaped from the chasing team, but I was in full no-*****-given mode and just let them kill me. Dumb.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 12, 2013 5:50pm | Report

Bans were Kassadin, Renekton, Fizz, Thresh, Jax, and Blitzcrank.

Another game that was over before ten minutes. Riven was completely kicking Olaf around in top, so I went mid and handed First Blood to Lux, then down bot to split two kills with Ashe, then back to mid to snag another kill for myself, and so on. I was 3/0/3 before ten minutes and every lane was snowballing out of control before Fiddlesticks ever left the jungle.

Here's hoping this series goes better than the last.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 12, 2013 6:54pm | Report

Bans were Amumu, Kassadin, Zed, Blitzcrank, Thresh, and Malphite.

This game started out like the previous two. I just roamed the map murdering the **** out of anyone who crossed my path, whether that was their midlane Vayne or anyone else. Mostly the Vayne, though, because Lux was getting severely bullied and I knew I could help her to get back into things since Vayne never warded.

I was 5/0/5 at twenty-five minutes. We had all their outer towers and everything in the midlane leading up to the inhibitor, and hadn't lost any towers. But then, just as I called for us to group and push to take it, I got BugSplatted.

That's the first time it's ever happened to me. I was knocked out of the game for more than five minutes. By the time I came back, we had lost every tower in the middle lane, the middle inhibitor, both top towers, and the outer bottom turret.

So all my deaths this game came from teamfights. If I hadn't been out of the game for as long as I was, the game would have ended a heck of a lot earlier and with no deaths on my part, but the global gold from taking so many towers had brought Vayne back into the game. Still, her focusing me was still more ideal than her focusing Jinx or Lux, so it all worked out in the end. They just couldn't close out the game, and due to my initiations and shot-calling, my team was constantly organized (though Jinx was a bit hard to wrangle into place) and constantly pressuring objectives.

We won after an extended teamfight that had me dying almost instantly, while the rest of the casualties waited almost twenty seconds to drop. Fortunately, because their entire team was focusing me, I was the only casualty for our team while they lost three members. I told my team to rush for Baron, which they took just as I respawned. Due to my earlier ward sweeping, the enemy team had no idea we were even taking it, and after that we strolled up to the top lane, caught out Vayne as she tried to clear super creeps, and pushed to win after that.


- My death count in this game was far too high. Granted, it was because Vayne got back into the game following my complete crushing of her early due to circumstances beyond anyone's control, but I could still have probably cut down on my deaths.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett

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