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FalseoGod's journey to Narnian Elo

Creator: FalseoGod December 6, 2012 7:02pm
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 10, 2014 9:12am | Report

time passes but you remain ****

And gay. Might be related doe.

Thanks Hogo!
Thank you Byron for 2014's loudest laugh up till today
FalseoGod's Forum Avatar
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 14, 2014 7:00pm | Report

Well that's my first ranked in like a month, just saying goodbye and preparing mentally for the upcoming season...but not much since enemy Gragas suxxed reels hard (1/29 masteries lulz) was unnable to dodge my Qs and died at like level 4 to a Q+W+Ignite.

At around level 6 I kicked him out of lane again, then I get double ganked by Shyvana and Thresh, Thresh flash+Q (I didn't level E accidently due to derpyness so I coulda failed) but we're at my tower so I ult, flash, bind Shyvana get a kill on her and leave with ~80 HP. Then I killed gregson again and finally lost count on dead people.

Shyvana eventually started dc'ing and Greg started raging about her, nvm his performance.

Note I itemized kinda randomly, my **** was getting way too big to care once I realized Shyv left and gragas had no AP.
Thank you Byron for 2014's loudest laugh up till today
FalseoGod's Forum Avatar
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 19, 2014 7:49pm | Report

Biscuit lady done it again.

Lane started off fairly even, we stole blue coz Nidalee checked that no one was guarding it, then I went mid against Lux (she was plat previous season) who was fairly annoying although none of us really did anything to the other. I checked that she was good at dodging Q in lane so I didn't bother. We had same CS although I had to recall early due to a gank from Udyr, but after getting to lane I hit Lux with my bind under tower and the dumb biatch auto'd me (there were minions around, she was just dumb), so she had to recall.

When she returned I all-inned because she had ulted before going to base, made her blow both summoner's (****ing W saved her from the last Ignite tick) and then when she returned lee ganked and scored me a kill.

Toplane Nidalee was wrecking, midlane I started wrecking first with Lee Sin helping and then on my own (roaming, getting lux out of position, etc). Botlane, enemy Tristana was doing really good although to be fair our Corki was fairly mediocre ( Valkyrie into Leona and Tristana late game just because he had Nid beside him, some dumb plays).

Game lasted waaaaaaaaaaaay too long because their Tristana had impecable positioning and managed to fend off most of our attempts to score major objectives (plus she usually had another teamate assisting). I stayed legendary for ages and kept binding Lux and Jax, easily handling us the fights. Eventually we managed to ignore Tristana and score everything up to the nexus.
Thank you Tsuki for the sig!

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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 20, 2014 6:29am | Report

Yay! I'm now an Ezreal Sheriff! :D

Also, only dropped 1 division so it was actually pretty good.

Both last games were duoq with LastPlagas. First one I went mid Morgana versus Orianna but it didn't go well due to two major things: 1) Our Varus was a major moron and he ragequit at level 8; 2) Wukong ganked mid and facechecked into a fed Kha'Zix jungle, commiting to going vs him and ori with me in the back, which went bad and deprived me of all blue buffs whereas Ori just went on spam sprees, gradually gaining advantage. Sux.

Game 2 I went Lulu support. The game was pretty much won because their Nasus went afk, Vayne picked into Jinx which IMO was already a dumb-ish decision, and a gank from Vi where she got snared decided her death and first blood for Jinx. She got caught by chompers waaaaay too often and I had to stay in the backline with her 24/7 to atenuate the amount of faildom. Also our dragon meant a quadra kill for Jinx so there was that. Also Zed had ping issues.

We would've been wrecked if Nasus wasn't afk tho.

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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 20, 2014 4:49pm | Report

**** yeah ad lulu :>

Well, to be fair we were all furious at our Lee Sin who decided after 3 role calls that he can't bot and locks Lee after we get Zhao. I'm 1v2 to a Caitlyn/Taric lane and thinking "**** it imma ad". They went full douchebag mode (caitlyn specially) getting first blood on me, and the our Lee ganked and gave caity red buff.

Luckily, our Gragas mid was getting fed really fast (he had been diamond season 3) so when we started to gather everyone went for him, giving me space to start grinding kills and finally collecting gold (next to 0 cs all game long). Enemy Warwick and Zed were ******ed as **** and we got some pretty tight plays with graga's Zhonya, my ult, Botrk and red buff, kiting the **** out of them and getting the teamfight.

Gee ****ing gee.

Bioalchemist's Forum Avatar
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Feb 5th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 20, 2014 4:54pm | Report
goodness. keep it up man. well done.

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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 20, 2014 5:16pm | Report
Thanks Chemist! I'm getting good amounts of LP so I assume my MMR is still pretty damn nice ^^
Thank you Tsuki for the sig!

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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 21, 2014 8:02pm | Report

Qualified for series. Picked Morgana (second pick), since she's always my "safe mid" pick, they picked LeBlanc afterwards. I assumed Amumu would camp, and he did try but he was more of a nuisance than decisive, gave her one kill the entire lane phase.

First time around lb tried to be a ***** at level 1 with Q so I just auto'ed and won our trades since my AA did the same as her Q. From then on I mostly kept distance.

LeBlanc bought Crystalline Flask on first recall when she realized I wasn't an idiot and she just farmed with skills to keep up. She got a bit fed midgame (figures) and I got slightly boned due to the all AoE thing and Jinx, Vladimir and LeBlanc being fed, but we turned things around after catching people unnawares and starting some amazing teamfights. Also their Blitzcrank was 100% ******ed.

Hopefully I'll clear these series ez pz.
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 21, 2014 11:23pm | Report
Lost series, 0-2. Jungled Shyvana and Sejuani. Shyvana game I couldn't pressure as much as I wanted due to all lanes being pretty shifty (ori mid who ket a good distance early, teemo top vs wu who died at level 1 and blitz/ez bot. I tried to get people out of place but didn't go well. Our Ziggs never moved from mid so bot got permaganked 4v2 or 4v3, which made it really hard on them. Wu was like 1/5 out of lanephase, and although he did good engages enemy team's ultrafed Vi + Orianna combo just wrecked us.

Game two I gave first blood to Renekton top but somehow he managed to die thrice to AP Nidalee. Rest of the game was going pretty ok even tho our botlane was slightly behind because Soraka and Vayne (game one wukong, who flamed everyone everygame and is now on queue with me AGAIN) didn't get along well in terms of how to play it. Game was turned when Soraka tried to ward tribush after bot lost first tower, baiting me, vayne herself and leblanc to death and a free dragon. From then on it was pretty hard. Was my only death (ended 0/1/11).

What I learned? Muting is good.

-- edit --

Won the game 11/1/16, wu got fed and ganked every lane. He played well, despite smiting all blues I got close to and being an overall ******* to the team, but muting him immediately as the game started was the way to go! ^_^

(Also *******s everywhere, enemy Nidalee also played nid previous game, kept trying to be an *** even tho he ended 5/10+, and somehow deliriously thought he "one shotted" me the game before. The one I died once. To Akali.)

New lesson: Repeated players can exhibit a higher chance of having their head stuck way up their ***.
Thank you Tsuki for the sig!

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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 22, 2014 11:57am | Report

Back to where I ended last season. Series result was 2-1, both victories Elise games (carried both pretty hard with sick early game ganks; why do bad junglers always rush damage item when behind anyway? Dumbass Vi), defeat was a Swain game (6-6 something) where I trashed enemy Wukong (4-1 lanephase versus 0-3) but unfortunately botlane fed like madlife (7-0 lanephase caitlyn, 3-1 Morgana support, killed her and died to 4 man gank) and despite me and Nasus trashing our lanes, Morgana Caitlyn and fed Elise carried them through lanephase and helped Wu and Riven return during teamfights.

Not to mention people did that ****ty thing where they are sucking and come to my lane and suck all CS away, meaning I never even got to Zhonya's Hourglass.

As for ganking botlane, morgana rushed talisman and just popped it whenever she saw me. Wu pushes pretty fast with Tiamat and they'd wait me out so I was hard-pressed to return midlane.
Thank you Byron for 2014's loudest laugh up till today

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