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As soon as you hit lvl 6 and start ganking other lanes, the enemy top laners going to do the same thing. And if he doesnt do it the first time you gank a lane, he will the 2nd.
Before level 6, the fact that you have literally no armor items means youre going to get destroyed in lane. No Glacial shroud?
Ninja Tabi> CDR boots. Especially because you dont need the early CDR, because you cant spam tremors and leave lane to gank unless the enemy top is comeptely stupid.
Also I dont know a lot about items on Rammus but I dont think anyone has ever run SV->RoA\
->Thornmail in the history of the game.
If you think that I don't know how to play a Flash- Teleport- Sunfire Aegis- Rammus you are wrong. I think Ghost- Homeguard- Thornmail is twice as good and I dare you to face me in the top lane if you disagree.
You say that as if 1v1 means a ******* thing in League.
Jank everything, Jank runes, jank items, no sunfire cape, -1
What's with the cdr spam
OH my god, I haven't heard the word "Jank" in the longest time. please take my reps
What's with the cdr spam
Also, rammus wants flash. Rammus top is best with Flash + Teleport. Flash+taunt is one of the strongest moves in the game, and so is the teleport+homeguards on rammus. The 40% CDR isn't really necessary as well.
Finally, Ninja Tabi is godlike on rammus, get it.
(I have a lot of experience on rammus and I have played him top in the past)
Let me get this straight. A Rammus without Thornmail is useless late game.
He doesn't need Thornmail for his taunt to lock down a carry long enough for them to get killed, or to do the same to whoever is diving your own carry.