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Ask a Diamond [PILOT]

Creator: Vynertje April 1, 2014 6:11am

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Oct 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 1, 2014 8:33pm | Report

2. Do champions such as Katarina succeed in diamond out of sheer uncontrollable snowball?

I don't know if this is an answer but I have a friend who mains Katarina and is in Diamond 1 (got there in S3 and plays her in S4 slightly less). Here is his LoL King. If you want I could ask him how it is. He did say that he got beat on by a lot of Syndras though.
I main...the entire top lane.
I miss: Tank Rengar top, AD Nidalee, Mash Keyboard Ryze...the OPs
<King of the Hill>
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Jul 31st, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 1, 2014 9:38pm | Report
utopus wrote:

This past week, i've jumped from gold 4 to gold 1 spamming morgana support, and using her snare as a way to siege turrets and take advantage of people's mistakes. Games when i've had significant map control have usually led to wins for me, and games where it's a constant battle to get vision of our own jungle usually lead to losses.

TL;DR how do you defend against turret sieges

Consider the following (quite common) circumstance:

Your team is slightly behind in gold, and a couple towers down, but you are not decisively behind. The other team is sieging one of your last inner towers, and you don't want to give up whatever is left of your vision control & safety. How do you successfully defend against this turret when:
1. Both teams are grouped around this turret
2. The aggressing team has a low map-mobility champion splitpushing top (no Teleport) that outduels any champion on your team
3. The aggressing team has a high map-mobility champion splitpushing top (with Teleport) that outduels any champion on your team
4. The aggressing team has a high map-mobility champion splitpushing top (with Teleport) that cannot outduel one of your bruisers

In these types of situations you just want to look to engage on the sieging team before the split pusher gets too far. While defending the turret, your team wants to look to land some kind of CC or poke ability that can initiate a succesful fight for you. If you're up against a teleport, it'll be a while before the split pusher is able to join the fight so you want to look to win the teamfight before the teleport happens.
If your team cannot win a teamfight when initiating as 5 v 4, then it is likely you've fallen too far behind or are being outscaled by the enemy teamcomp and you wouldn't be able to defend the siege anyway.
So basically, in all of the scenarios you mentioned, you want to look for a 5v4 engage before the enemy split pusher gets too far, because if he does you will have to respond by sending someone to defend or you'll lose precious objectives.

IPodPulse wrote:
What are some good "Carry your way out of bronze champions?". I've been climbing Bronze and plan to enter silver soon. Builds would be nice if possible

Assassins are generally the best at carrying lower tier games, mostly because people usually don't know the correct counterplay to them and once you get fed, often people on the enemy team will feel discouraged and start tilting.
I'm mostly thinking about champions like Zed, Akali, Kha'zix, Katarina, Pantheon... anything with good mobility and a whole lot of damage that can snowball like crazy.
Of course if you have a good comfort pick it's usually better to pick that as you'll probably do better on something you know you can play, rather than something you know can potentially be really strong.

As for builds, it's all pretty much the same I guess. For AD assassins you want to build items like hydra/black cleaver/last whisper (with Zed being a bit of an exception as he utilizes blade of the ruined king very well, though the rest of the build should still be the same) with flat AD or armor pen rune pages. on AP assassins you'll want items like DFG, zhonya's, deathcap and void staff. Both types using offensive masteries. (21/9/0)

1. I've been seeing Soraka mid and top quite frequently in my ranked games. Is this happening in Diamond as well? Is this a cheese strat? cause I heard it was.

As far as I know there was a reddit thread/AMA about a top lane soraka main making it to diamond 1 and this might've popularized it a little. I personally have not seen it very often but I know people do it and I know it can be really effective as a cheese strat.

2. Do champions such as Katarina succeed in diamond out of sheer uncontrollable snowball?

They can succeed at any Elo for this exact reason. Snowball champs, when they get fed early, don't necessarily win games because they're uncontrollable. They mostly win games because when people see a fed Katarina on the enemy team, they start raging and trying to blame eachother for feeding the Katarina.
The reality is, champions like that are never uncontrollable. There's always counterplay available, you just have to keep calm as a team and know that those champions can shut down if you play against them correctly.
Either way, none of this is exclusive to diamond or higher tier games.

Tips to deal with a hyper-aggressive support?

Think a Lulu that loves blind spots and keeps a constant trading position between you and minions when not under turret.

Also, relying on your support is not an option.

Well first off, if you can't rely on your support then there's not a whole lot you can do. Most of the lane control comes from the presence of your support and as an AD carry you don't have much of a say in the matter.
However, just do your best to poke that Lulu and punish her for being so far ahead of her AD carry. If the enemy AD carry moves up as well then get your support to assist you. Stay behind your minions so that when you are getting poked, they're at least either pushing the lane or getting hit by your minions.
If they're both standing in front of their creep wave zoning you then either your support is not having enough lane presence, or you're at a severe matchup disadvantage and you probably need some jungle assistance.
Though this all heavily depends on the lane matchup. It's a bit too general to answer properly.
<Guide Critic>
Vynertje's Forum Avatar
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Jan 10th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 1, 2014 11:26pm | Report
I'd like to add something to Utopus question:

1) If you're ahead, engage a fight, if you're behind, try to waveclear and poke when they're trying to siege and try to make picks when they step front to hit your turret

2) Engage 5v4 asap if he isn't already at your inner/inhibitor turret. You can't really do this (of course) when you're just about to lose two turrets (inner and inhibitor) and if you can't at least win the teamfight and take these turrets back yourself. So always be careful when its a zed or anything like him splitpushing.

3) Fight them if you can get a good engage off, if you're too far behind you're kinda ****ed and all you can do is try to make picks while they're rotating between lanes (requires ward control!) or try to desperately waveclear both lanes at the same time.

4) If you can safely wave clear with someone like Ziggs in 4v4 / 4v5, you can send your own top laner to that lane and outduel the enemy, and then the splitpush game on its head. If you can win 5v5's anway, just put all pressure on one lane and force him to stop splitpushing or to lose objectives.
Nera's Forum Avatar
Mar 22nd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 2, 2014 2:16am | Report
I very much like this idea!:D Thanks Vyn!:D


What would you say is Singed's current situation? Do you find he can still be a very strong pick even against the new meta of the tanks? Against what kind of matchups would he be a good pick against?

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Vynertje's Forum Avatar
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Jan 10th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 2, 2014 3:08am | Report
Nera wrote:

I very much like this idea!:D Thanks Vyn!:D


What would you say is Singed's current situation? Do you find he can still be a very strong pick even against the new meta of the tanks? Against what kind of matchups would he be a good pick against?


He gets bullied early by very common picks like Renekton and he doesn't really outscale other meta picks like Shyvana. He's overall still solid regardless but his early game just hurts him a bit. I'd say he's good if your team can hold off while you're splitpushing (have someone like Ziggs) and if you can pick him in a decent matchup (I'd not dare to blind pick him).
bitpik's Forum Avatar
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Apr 25th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 2, 2014 6:39am | Report
I think threads like this are far better than regular AMAs as those tend to not go on for too long and they always get far too personal creating a lot of useless information that newer players/members dont want. Dont like the idea of weekly threads. I think there should either be one massive thread with information or one thread for every patch. Perhaps it would be best if there was only one thread which had formatting in the top post linking to different patches in the thread history.
I was born nude but now i am dude
FantasySniper's Forum Avatar
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Dec 21st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 3, 2014 2:41pm | Report
Khazem wrote:
Well first off, if you can't rely on your support then there's not a whole lot you can do. Most of the lane control comes from the presence of your support and as an AD carry you don't have much of a say in the matter.
However, just do your best to poke that Lulu and punish her for being so far ahead of her AD carry. If the enemy AD carry moves up as well then get your support to assist you. Stay behind your minions so that when you are getting poked, they're at least either pushing the lane or getting hit by your minions.
If they're both standing in front of their creep wave zoning you then either your support is not having enough lane presence, or you're at a severe matchup disadvantage and you probably need some jungle assistance.
Though this all heavily depends on the lane matchup. It's a bit too general to answer properly.

Yeah, that's what I thought...
Vayne (Me) + Sona vs. Lulu (Gold 2, btw) + Jinx
Jungle and Sup weren't being too smart, either, and both were being all kinds of rude... so yea... I guess there was nothing I coulda done about it.
If you want to help me, teach me.
utopus's Forum Avatar
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 3, 2014 4:16pm | Report
bitpik wrote:

I think threads like this are far better than regular AMAs as those tend to not go on for too long and they always get far too personal creating a lot of useless information that newer players/members dont want. Dont like the idea of weekly threads. I think there should either be one massive thread with information or one thread for every patch. Perhaps it would be best if there was only one thread which had formatting in the top post linking to different patches in the thread history.

I think one thing that's very important is that this information stays organized. Nobody likes sifting through 21398749 pages of posts, looking for one question about objective rotation. Keeping it organized will make people really feel like their responses are being read and valued, and will help others form a better opinion on how to approach league
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
<Guide Critic>
Vynertje's Forum Avatar
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Jan 10th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 3, 2014 10:07pm | Report
utopus wrote:

I think one thing that's very important is that this information stays organized. Nobody likes sifting through 21398749 pages of posts, looking for one question about objective rotation. Keeping it organized will make people really feel like their responses are being read and valued, and will help others form a better opinion on how to approach league

That's why I'd prefer to make it a weekly post. It's easier to keep the list of answered questions up to date and there are generally less questions to get lost in.
Janitsu's Forum Avatar
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Jul 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 3, 2014 10:23pm | Report
what about collection post? Meaning that someone makes a collection post and posts the questions and answers there so people can easily find them?

I could volunteer if du tycker om min idé
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