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IPodPulse wrote:
Hey what do you think of my Udyr jungle build. Anything you would change?
The link contains everything from build, masteries, runes, etc
The build is good however I'd personally replace one offensive item for a defensive one, probably Randuin's Omen. This build is really low on HP for a tanky champion. Flash is worth considering as well.
Xaioli wrote:
Yeah I almost encourage 5% CDR in Offense and 5% in CDR blues to everyone. However if you saw his build, every rune was budget cost for IP. That 10% would fill the missing gap and hit CDR cap with the rest of his build. Along with that, armor seals can be replaced for health or health/level. But the fact that he listed cheap runes simply means that he couldn't afford these stronger alternatives which are a bit pricier. I think what I came up with was decent for what he has now with room for improvement with larger pools of expendable IP.
Oh no, I have lots of runes, i'm actually saving up some more money because I was planning the buy health seals all at once. If you have any other kinds of runes you would recommend just ask. I spend lots of IP on runes so I probably have most of the runes you are asking for.
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Signature Shop!|Tryndamere Guide|Rengar Guide
Let the hunt begin! And by hunt I mean signature finding, so why don't you check out Ubnoxius's signature shop for some signatures?
Let the hunt begin! And by hunt I mean signature finding, so why don't you check out Ubnoxius's signature shop for some signatures?
I have another question;
Why isn't Aatrox played very much anymore? Jungle or otherwise.
And he's one of my favorite top laners, yet he's generally considered lower tier 2 or worse for the role. I've never really got a straight answer on this other than "He's not very useful without his passive." Which is a problem for Aatrox in general, and not his laning.
What about his laning actually holds him back?
Why isn't Aatrox played very much anymore? Jungle or otherwise.
And he's one of my favorite top laners, yet he's generally considered lower tier 2 or worse for the role. I've never really got a straight answer on this other than "He's not very useful without his passive." Which is a problem for Aatrox in general, and not his laning.
What about his laning actually holds him back?
Is spellthief's edge the best support item right now?
I run it on almost every ranged support right now because I just get so much more gold than other support items. I'm usually at +500 in 10 min and usually finish around 1k-2k gold from that item. It provides you with better harass than the other support items because of the extra dmg (which is fairly significant at level 1) and still has a decent active late game if somewhat overshadowed by your other abilities (most supports have some sort of AoE cc already).
Also, how good is Janna right now compared to other supports? She feels very strong right now, at least to me.
edit: 1 more thing - at what time during lanephase should you roam outside of your lane, if at all? I feel like I need to leave my adc alone to ward drag, or should roam mid since my adc is so far ahead, but at the same time i'm scared my adc will get raped in the *** if i leave them alone 1v2 for 30 seconds...
I run it on almost every ranged support right now because I just get so much more gold than other support items. I'm usually at +500 in 10 min and usually finish around 1k-2k gold from that item. It provides you with better harass than the other support items because of the extra dmg (which is fairly significant at level 1) and still has a decent active late game if somewhat overshadowed by your other abilities (most supports have some sort of AoE cc already).
Also, how good is Janna right now compared to other supports? She feels very strong right now, at least to me.
edit: 1 more thing - at what time during lanephase should you roam outside of your lane, if at all? I feel like I need to leave my adc alone to ward drag, or should roam mid since my adc is so far ahead, but at the same time i'm scared my adc will get raped in the *** if i leave them alone 1v2 for 30 seconds...
@OTG: Aatrox has issues with his gapclosing and sticking. He only has one short gapcloser that can be cancelled easily by any ccs, and can't stick onto anyone well.
he's a more damage oriented bruiser. he isn't as fitting in the current tank meta. he's still okay, but definitely not comparable to the top tier top laners.
@Eo: Spellthief is extremely powerful on ranged mage supports.
Janna is relatively weaker because she's more focused on disrupting and extended chases, with less to give in teamfights and skirmishes, which is what the meta is about. Supports want cc and damage, which she doesn't have enugh of (Q isn't consistent)
At bot lane just rotate mid with your laner when your enemy laner's tower is down and it's pushing to their side or when you see the enemy bot lane roaming mid.
he's a more damage oriented bruiser. he isn't as fitting in the current tank meta. he's still okay, but definitely not comparable to the top tier top laners.
@Eo: Spellthief is extremely powerful on ranged mage supports.
Janna is relatively weaker because she's more focused on disrupting and extended chases, with less to give in teamfights and skirmishes, which is what the meta is about. Supports want cc and damage, which she doesn't have enugh of (Q isn't consistent)
At bot lane just rotate mid with your laner when your enemy laner's tower is down and it's pushing to their side or when you see the enemy bot lane roaming mid.
@ Janitsu: Not sure, from what I've seen I don't think so because the heal gets applied before the healing reduction debuff removal. It will certainly be a very common pick for more defensive supports tho cause heal+barrier is OP on hypercarries.
Vynertje wrote:
@ Janitsu: Not sure, from what I've seen I don't think so because the heal gets applied before the healing reduction debuff removal. It will certainly be a very common pick for more defensive supports tho cause heal+barrier is OP on hypercarries.
Running Exhaust on ADCs again (like back in Season 1) seems to make a whole lot of sense again. It peels, helps you win duels, and lowers burst damage. Supports can then choose to run Heal for defensive lanes and late-game or Ignite for laning power and kill potential.
AD Page (Top):
AD marks
Armor seals
MR glyphs
5/hp quints
AD marks
5xArmor seals
4xHealth seals
MR glyphs
1 AD quint
2 Lifesteal quints
Magic pen marks (Another page with almost the same runes but with hybrid penetration)
Health seals
MR glyphs
AP quints
Hybrid pen marks
Health seals
MR glyphs
Armor Quints
AD marks
Armor seals
Mr/lvl glyphs
Atk spd quints
AD quints
whaddaya thing about these things prahs