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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

Champion Look 1

Hello people! It's Saturday so it's time for me to take a look at a Champion. Today, I've chosen Shyvana. She's actually been my new main for the past few months since Singed is rather weak in the current meta compared to other Top Laners like Renekton and Mundo. Let's get to it!

Why do you play Shyvana?:

Because she's fun, she has a cool design, her skins are great (even tho I don't own any of them), she's not hard to play and she's very strong. You could play her as a Jungler as well so that's always good.

What makes her strong/weak in your opinion?:

The fact that she deals so much raw damage without building any damage items. It's why she's so strong in the current meta. Have you seen a full tank Shyvana? She's almost impossible to kill and she still deals a ton of damage.

What do you think makes Shyvana fun to play?:

The ability to do what you want. You have a movement speed steroid, your raw stats make you super tanky and strong and you have a huge leap with your Ultimate. Y…

Don't honor your friends

Hello everyone!

We all know reporting system, plenty of people wrote about it already (myself included), so for today, let's have a change and look into the whole Honoring System. Just in case, before I jump to the main topic, quick recap for starters:

Helpful - you give this to your team mate, who helps you in game by giving you advice (what to build, what is important, why you should do "this" instead of "that"...)

Friendly - another honor for your friendly team mate. It is a player you enjoy playing with, because he/she is not toxic, is nice, cheers you up after your failure, keeps the team spirit alive, and the morale high (or at least tries). Or someone who settle down a rising conflict between team mates.

Teamwork - I call it Teemowork, and you should give this to your team mate, who cooperates. Even if you lose, if someone was evidently doing their best, followed the lead and tried everything in their capabilities to help. Sometimes, if a player is bad, it is hard to see if …

Speculation on a Zilean Rework

Hey guys, haven't really been interacting much on MOBAFire recently, just skimming the surface for any interesting stuff. Anyways, wanted to bring up an interesting thing about the following video of Vel'Koz' special taunt for different champions/map;


Revolution vs Resistance

So I was thinking... you know how theres the Revolution (battlecast) fighting the Resistance (full metal) skin lines.

Well, creator Viktor, the leader of the revolution always takes void creatures. E.g Mecha Kha'Zix, Battlecast Prime

I've Done It!

Well, as someone who's spent a large percentile of her life living as a Silver, I am proud to announce that I'm Gold and ready to become one of the more well known tittles in builds! I hope you all like what I put out!

I mainly used Jinx and Karma, and will be working on a Jinx build whenever I get time. So, look out world, here I come!

Anime Series Review 1

Time for an anime series review. Today, I picked Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica. I'll split the review into several sections. Let's get to it!

Story - Unlike other Magical Girl animes Madoka has a different story. It's slightly darker and as you keep on watching it gets darker and more interesting at the same time. I personally like the story mainly because it's unique for the Magical Girl genre.

Characters - I liked most of the characters. The main character Kaname Madoka is a kind and caring girl and you have to admire her desire to protect others. Sayaka Miki, Madoka's best friend is the only character I didn't really like. She did a good thing for Kyousuke (the boy she liked) but the way she treated Madoka after learning that their friend Hitomi is going to confess to Kyousuke..that ruined her in my opinion. I can understand her pain and her despair but that was no reason to treat a dear friend like that. Mami Tomoe wasn't explored too well because of what happens to her in episode 3…

My immigration story

Even now, it’s difficult for me to talk about her life before she came to America, 24 years ago. Growing up in poverty in Colombia with little food and an abusive mother made life hard enough. But I also suffered from a congenital heart defect that went untreated for years. By 1985, at age 11, she was so ill and malnourished that she looked more like a 6-year-old. my odds of survival were slim at best.

Then fate intervened. A nonprofit called Heart To Heart, a global humanitarian group that provides medical help to people in third-world or disaster-stricken countries, flew Taury to a New York hospital for lifesaving surgery. “Once I was there, I knew I didn’t want to go back to my childhood in Colombia,” she says. “I would rather have died on the operating table than go back.”

The night before her surgery, the anesthesiologist, Peter Walker, MD, sat at Taury’s bedside to explain the procedure. As he spoke in broken Spanish, Taury interrupted. “Doctor, I’m pretty sur…

ADC Tier List

I was bored so I spent five minutes making this, sue me.

I'm taking into account both solo queue and competitive play as well as how risky/situational a pick is. In other words some of the tier 2 picks are situationally stronger than tier 1s and so on.

Tier 1 (Great): Sivir, Caitlyn,

Manga Chapters 1

It's Wednesday. That means it's a day for manga! Chapters 665 of Naruto, 569 of Bleach and 738 of One Piece. I don't read the One Piece manga since I haven't even caught up to the anime. That means I won't talk about the One Piece chapter but if any of you do read the manga you could tell me if the chapter was good or bad or decent in the comments.

Naruto 665 - This week's chapter was decent. Nothing major really happened. One thing I really liked was the fact that Obito was useful for once. He actually did something other than talk about Rin all day. I'm pretty sure everyone who reads the manga was getting tired of hearing "Rin...RIN!!!!" every chapter. I have mixed feelings about Obito being a good guy now. On one hand, it's the right thing to do and I like that he's not being a total *******. On the other hand, it ruined him even more as a villain. At this point I'm not sure what to think of him. Is he supposed to be a tragic hero? Is he just a villain who changed his way of think…

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide