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A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

A belated farewell towards my fellow Mobafireinists

Now, some of you might not know, me, or badly, possibly only as the ignorant imcible who writes his own opinion and cares very little about what others think.

Especially to the newer members who have only registered recently, greetings, this won't be of any of your interests, you can very well go on living your lives, you have my thanks.

Now to those of you who actually have been sticking around for a little longer and who have actually interacted with me, I'd like to say, I had a blast of a time, met magnificent chaps and had a plethora of good moments and laughs.

Looking back I can say I'm abashed and dazzled by the sheer amount of stupid rashfulness I beared towards my fellows, and I'd just like to apologize to everyone who I've bored, angered or otherwise nuanced negatively in my time, especially towards the beginning.

Doth, the reason I'm leaving this splendid place is the fact that I gain absolutely no enjoyment from playing League of Legends anymore. I'm truly sorry, but tha…

Ranked busted

Well, I have been told this several times here on Mobafire that I am bronze so do not listen to me. Thing is I am higher ranking and best out of my team. I had an old account (lost the login) back in season 2 so I made this one. I no longer play solo que ranked because of all the idiots. I am a top/mid lane having to play support because no one wants to play support. In draft pick, I am placed against Gold and Diamond players, friends with several of them now.

Yes, I play Coop Vs. AI games. You know why? I am training my friends who would not last in PvP. This is so they can enjoy the game and not Bronze V PvP. This is a courtesy I wish more people extended. Not every player is about PvP, Ranked, or competition.

Custom Games are when I train with my friends for laning. 1v1 or 2v2 to practice zoning and avoiding ganks. This is actually very useful.

League of Legends is a game. Please treat it this way anywhere including ranked. It is meant to be fun. However, when people who are not …

My League Matches and LCS Discussion 2

So I forgot to make a post yesterday. My bad xD I'm still getting used to this schedule thingy. Anyways, I'll just combine yesterda's post with today's post.

Last week, I played like 3 ranked matches and several ARAMs/Normals. The first ranked game I played as Mundo vs Renekton and I'd say I played fairly well with the exception of one mess-up. I beat him in cs and didn't die once in lane (and during the whole game). Was a pretty good game. Second one, I played as Leona and our team had Vayne, Top Lane Panth and Jungle Yi with teleport. Despite the really cheesy team we actually won. It was a 34 minute game and in total there were almost 80 kill. Not my kind of game but we still won so it's cool. Third game, I played with Top Lane Shyvana. I did semi-alright but we had a Nidalee who either afk-ed or dc-ed. We lost but I didn't lose any points because it was a Loss Prevented. In total I won 53 points. Ranked is looking good for now despite my louse placement matches. Hopefully back in …

Back to back wins in the Mobafire Community Cup

C4 eSports has taken the past two Mobafire Community Cups. We keep dominating these tournaments because I know some really good players. I wish I could take more credit for the victories. My biggest contributions to the wins are how I handle picks and bans. I research each tough matchup and I figure out the best way to 'win' each game. For example, in the most recent finals we vs'd a team that had several one trick ponies. I noticed that their jungler really only plays Elise and Vi as we were blue side we first picked Elise and banned Vi. Their mid isn't a Yasuo or Kassadin player so I left them up and took away his comfort pick which was Syndra. Their ADC had 150 Lucian games and next highest was 8 games on Cait or something, so we banned Lucian.

Rosters shift each month based on player availability. Last month our roster was:

Azingy - Jungle
Me - Top
Yahoodotcom - Mid
Lattman - ADC
Rockblood - Support

This month Azingy wanted to just solo que, Yahoo got invited to and int…

About my Light Novel 1

So this is just a small update (cause I don't have much to share at the moment). I've edited some stuff in Chapter 1. I think it's a little better now. All that's left is to look once more for any typos and fix them if there are any.

I've started working on Chapter 2 already. I feel like it's been pretty good so far. I'll definitely share it in a post when it's done. Hopefully I'll get some good feedback :P

Thanks for reading this short post! =D

Good tourney, but we need more practice

Lets face it, we got screwed over today.

Our first game had a bit of a slow start, but I started roaming and was able to add the team fight potential and turn it around.

Our second game was flat out **** luck, their team was only diamond, but our bot lane started feeding right away. I was still able to pick up a kill top but by the time I started roaming their Draven was a monster.

Oh well, we are going to work on cycling the jungle more on bot lane. We weren't even able to break out our surprise team comp.

If you missed out on the action you can still watch us stream ranked play tonight. Thanks for all the support, we really felt the love today.

And shout out to our sub, Venduria, for meshing so well even though he's not in the gojo (gaming dojo) hause.

Big Game day

Our Gojo has been doing warm-ups for the last 3.7 hours, we are rip roaring ready for this big comp.

We have been practicing some plays we saw team Canada do this morning, watch out for some moves. expect us to pull our goalie *wink wink*

also, to answer some of the questions from our fans who commented, we cannot mention the specifics of our sponsorship because we signed non-disclosure agreements.

If you have any other questions you can contact our team manager Andrew Laird at

LBDII top laner

Free Rotation Review - W5

Hello everybody!

Week 5 rotation was not very interesting to me at the first sight. Some of the champions I have already, the rest never caught my eye as something I would like to try. But I did it. Again it was a nice experience, I learned something new about the champion's abilities and found out few good champs. And I rediscovered Fidel!! :D


This champion is a real monster with very funny ultimate. He is a great tank and a living shield, especially if he gets 6 stacks in his R (that is when he grows enormously large). Shielding team mates in game, making them untargetable for oyur enemies is very fun (and annoying for enemies). Tried him on top (as I couldn't get mid). With his usual, tank build, I was very beefy, no problem tanking towers or burst damage. Then I tried full AP build (I heard about AP Cho'Gath mid in some podcast).

It was insane! With my full build, all my abilities dealt between 800-980 magic damage and my R dealt 1000 tru…

Training for MOBAFire Community Cup NA

You've probably heard of the Little Baby Ducks II, ya, we're a big deal. I know you are all dying to know where our name comes from, but you can wait for our AMA to find that out. In the meantime I want to wish all the other competitors good luck tomorrow and give a shout out to our sponsors: Elements **ultra thin rice papers**, Sonty, and Also thank my parents for supporting me until I got off the ground.

LBDII top lane,

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide