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ADC Tier List

I was bored so I spent five minutes making this, sue me.

I'm taking into account both solo queue and competitive play as well as how risky/situational a pick is. In other words some of the tier 2 picks are situationally stronger than tier 1s and so on.

Tier 1 (Great): Sivir, Caitlyn,

Manga Chapters 1

It's Wednesday. That means it's a day for manga! Chapters 665 of Naruto, 569 of Bleach and 738 of One Piece. I don't read the One Piece manga since I haven't even caught up to the anime. That means I won't talk about the One Piece chapter but if any of you do read the manga you could tell me if the chapter was good or bad or decent in the comments.

Naruto 665 - This week's chapter was decent. Nothing major really happened. One thing I really liked was the fact that Obito was useful for once. He actually did something other than talk about Rin all day. I'm pretty sure everyone who reads the manga was getting tired of hearing "Rin...RIN!!!!" every chapter. I have mixed feelings about Obito being a good guy now. On one hand, it's the right thing to do and I like that he's not being a total *******. On the other hand, it ruined him even more as a villain. At this point I'm not sure what to think of him. Is he supposed to be a tragic hero? Is he just a villain who changed his way of think…

Gold Season 4 upvote party!

Hooray managed to get back into Gold after being placed in Silver 1!

Man, maybe I just suck at Mid now, but I think jungling makes winning so much easier. 10 out of my last 15 games were jungling and 3 were Morgana support (easy to play and effective in any comp) and I've pretty much won all of them. It's basically queue up, pick Vi if she's open, pick Jarvan if she's not, pick Morg support if I can't jungle, then win game. I'm getting scores in ranked that I haven't gotten in a long, long time (5 KDA on Vi, 4 on J4). Hopefully this crazy win streak will continue to roll until I get Plat! The dream... First things first though, time to at least get the rank I was last season (Gold 2).

And yeah, I rarely play Mid anymore in ranked. I have slowly come to the realization that Mid in general/Ahri is hard to play efficiently and against skilled opponents, reaaallly hard to play. It's a lot of pressure and I really can't trust myself anymore in Mid. I wonder how I should break that news to…

LCS Discussion 1

So it's Tuesday. That means it's LCS Discussion day. Let's start off with the EU LCS:

EU LCS - So, I don't watch it as much as the NA LCS but I do watch it whenever I can and I have to say Roccat are very impressive. I don't think I've seen them lose decisively to anyone. They've either won decisively or lost a close game. Gambit and Fnatic have been a little disappointing. Gambit's bot lane is sorta underwhelming atm. They've given quite a lot of First Bloods in most of Gambit's games. Fnatic started out great tho but this losing streak they're on is not like them. The other teams haven't really impressed me that much. Millenium are kinda weak but I'm a fan of them now because Creaton's individual play is impressive and Aranea is a cool and fun dude.

NA LCS - I've actually watched every NA LCS game so far. I'm so happy TSM is the #1 team once more. I didn't really like Bjergsen when he first came in and I kinda disliked Turtle as well when he came but both of them have been very im…

Just Some Bored Research

So I was talking in Kesharq's ranked journey thread when a point came up about Tier Distribution and how there were more Silvers than Bronzes with the removal of clamping. This was news to me, so I took the liberty to look into this.

In the past, the majority of players were easily Bronze players (roughly 45% Bronze, 41% Silver, 10% Gold, 3% Platinum, <1% Diamond, <1% Challenger on NA servers).

Looking into more recent charts:


Percentage of Bronze Players: 36.17205%
Percentage of Silver Players: 39.87386%
Percentage of Gold Players: 15.81819%
Percentage of Platinum Players:6.52046%
Percentage of Diamond Players: 1.59663%
Percentage of Challenger Players: 0.01881%


Percentage of Bronze Players: 40.46994%
Percentage of Silver Players: 37.41485%
Percentage of Gold Players: 14.45129%
Percentage of Platinum Players: 6.14737%
Percentage of Diamond Players: 1.4908%
Percentage of Challenger Players: 0.02574%


The distribution has changed noticeably, at least on the EUW and…

Top Lane Skillz

Hey everybody,
Yesterday I played Yorick top lane. Nothing to fancy just a little PvP to calm the nerves and guess what? They had a duo top, Jax and Vladimir. Irony is they still had a jungler. Despite the added person top, I managed to not only keep my lane but bully their entire top lane down. by end game i was fighting off the entire team with Yorick's sustain.

Peace Everybody

How to fix Kassadin

Hello everyone!

While listening to some podcast, guys talked a bit about picks and bans and said, that Kassadin is either banned, or picked and usually team that has him, wins the game. Very true, unless they go like Kassa I faced recently, who got 4x Rabaddon, RoA and basic boots).

So, perpetual question - why Riot doesn't do anything about him, and how to fix him?

To be honest, Kassadin is a victim of his own OPness. He is the ultimate, current meta champ - got silence, gap closer/maker, massive burst dmg, mobility. He kills before you can do squatt as 1v1, the same goes for team fights. Since lvl 6 till the end of the game he is a constant threat and even pros can't deal with him, so he is permabanned.

Sure, he costs only 3150 IP, but why should you buy a champ, that you can play only in custom games and troll picks? (sry, I meant blind picks). One thing is clear - he needs to be fixed, but for now on it seems like Riot pretends Kassa has no problems, or that it is not importa…

Why Riot, Why? Episode 1

Good Evening.

This is going to be my introduction and first entry to a series dedicated to the things that Riot does wrong. Of course, these are all just personal opinions and don't necessarily reflect the views or beliefs of MOBAfail (which is pretty much everything I say). Today, I'd like to talk about a subject that we're ALL pretty much involved with;

Episode 1: All Talk

So we've finally entered the 2014th year of Man Kind after the birth of our dear Lord and all we've got to show for it are things like the tribunal being put into play. Yes, the Tribunal, a systems dedicated to cleaning out the filth that is the Riot community. It's sort of a backwards system, if I say so myself, given that 70% of the people who are voting on these cases are troublemakers themselves according to LoL's statistics and data released last year (don't quote me on that, it just sounds flashy and professional).

Upon reviewing a lot of these cases, I noticed that there was a really stupid trend…

My League Matches 1

Well, here we go! We're gonna start off the week and the new schedule with my league matches of the previous week.

In terms of Ranked, I played 5 of my placement matches over the weekend. I'm really late with ranked this season because me and my partner wanted to wait a little bit and then the whole thing with my Hard Drive happened. Anyways, we have 3 wins and 2 losses so far.

In Game 1, I played Top Lane Mundo and played against a Trundle. We were even in CS during laning phase but he did get 1 assist when my jungler decided to gank and got counter-ganked by their Pantheon. Our AP and AD Carrier got caught a lot and it was just one of those games where you can't win. The lesson of the game? Junglers, please STAHP ganking a farm fest lane if your Top Laner is a tank that can't carry.

Game 2, I was Jungle Shyvana since my duo partner wanted Top. I pretty much carried that game. Our support dc-ed for the first 10 minutes and our Caitlyn did an amazing job farming all alone and keepin…

Ranked Diary #2

Cursed weekend.

The last one was really good, this one really sucked. I guess I'm staying in Bronze till I figure out how to win these games. :/

SUNDAY 9.2.2014

We nearly lost because team could not group. No matter how much I pinged and asked in chat to do it. Then someone started to ping baron like every 10 seconds, until 2 other guys joined. So I went there to help and protect, since I knew enemy was coming (they all lived). Luckily Ahri went afk, we got baron in time and were left with enough health to kill 3 enemy players and finish the game.

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide